
Reborn as the Beast King

After being born into a new world filled with death and war, Ares must use the new powers at his disposal to not only survive, but perhaps change the world itself. Will he and his new companions be up to the task? Or are they doomed to fail trying to build a Empire for all? --------------- Release Schedule 1-3 Chapters a day. Cant Wait till Tommorow? Check Out patreon.com/user?u=5025741 Thanks for Checking out my Novel! Dont forget to add to your Library and send some power stones if you are enjoying the novel so far! Id greatly appreciate it! Thank You! :)

DetectiveJones · Fantasy
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247 Chs

I guess I could just… relax.

Ares awoke with Ozar laying on his stomach. He reached down and then rubbed the boy's head, feeling the thin strands that formed the boy's hair and then rubbed around the little one's horns to wake them up.

"Oi, you little brat, get off." Ares chuckled as he then picked the squirming boy up, who had awoken finally. He coughed, cried, and then cooed within the next few seconds as Ares carried him out.

The sun had began to crest over to embrace the capital in it's warmth. Ares looked around to see the soldiers already moving about and training, having started to practise with their weapons in formation. Ares had given them a few verbal tips and the various Captains had taken it in stride.

Ares walked over to Rori, who had been waiting for the King. "How's Nora?" Ares asked. The girl had apparently healed from her slight fever well enough.

Rori nodded. "She is well. Did you sleep well?" He asked as Ares handed over Ozar.