
Reborn As The Administrator In My Fantasy World

Her name was Aileen Woods. She used to be a bright child, but she was not fortunate enough to have a normal life. Ill and bedridden, she slowly lost affect and cut herself off from outer reality, as her only joy was to construct a complex fantasy world. Eventually, she met her demise. Nevertheless, her story did not end there. Who is to say that death is our last path? For her, it was just the beginning. She had been given a second chance now as Lynett Maedis Whiteheart. Reborn as a goddess in the very world she created, it was now up to her to write her own story. "This time, let's try to live normally."

Ozen_Ice · Fantasy
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115 Chs

It Starts With Childish Pranks

[Harri's POV]

Streams of sunlight filtered through a thin layer of clouds as the daylight washed the gray sky into pastel colors. Birds were singing melodious chorus so as to awake their surroundings, the twilight slowly melting away.

It was a beautiful and calm morning of summer.

"It can't believe it! I won't tolerate this any longer!"

"Please calm down, My Lady!"

Just kidding. It's been a long time that we have had a quiet day here. I got used to it. Whether it's early in the morning or late in the evening, these constant shouting became common. No one is truly paying attention to it anymore –except for the maids, as they don't have the choice.

Currently, I'm in the courtyard, sitting at small table as I silently take a sip of my tea. It's a habit I've had for as long as I can remember. Relaxing in the morning around a cup of tea, as you feel the rising sun's rays gently kissing your skin. There is no better feeling than this. Unfortunately, ever since I settled here, my morning routine has been interrupted and I have to cope with this never-ending commotion every day.

I am not alone, though. Azariah, the female elf who gave birth to the Creator, is keeping me company. It seems that she also appreciates drinking tea, and since it was only the courtyard, it wasn't so difficult to make her join me. Except for this, she never truly left her room. She doesn't seem to have any hobbies either. A shame, really. At such a young age, she should take time for herself. She might be an elf, a mortal's life span is too short not to enjoy the small pleasure of life.

"Why are they still here?! Kick them out already!" A female voice ordered.

Without even bothering to take a look, I could already tell who this voice belonged to: Lady Nora from the Whiteheart household. Well, she might be called Lady Nora, but she is nothing like a lady. Always shouting, complaining and throwing tantrums. In a way, she kind of reminds me of Yoko. Speaking of which, Yoko became much calmer nowadays. Usually, when she finds a new toy to play with, she stops bothering me –not that I'm complaining, I'm not really tempted by the idea of dealing with two wild women at once. So it's regrettable for this "Lady Nora", but Yoko has set her eyes on her.

"We can't, My Lady!" A maid tried to reason with her as her voice betrayed her anxiety. "They're the young mistress' guests!"

"Do you think I care about such a futile detail? I'm ordering you to throw them out! Now!"

"But the Lord…! He perfectly stated that we were to do everything to make them feel home until the young mistress returns!"

The spoiled little lady clicked her tongue in annoyance. She was about to add something, but the words never came out as her attention shifted on the manor's entrance, where a tall figure just appeared: Yoko. Feigning ignorance, Yoko approached with a broad smile on her face. I can tell she's provoking her.

"Hey bestie~!" She exclaimed.

As she heard her, the Whiteheart lady twitched her eyelids. Obviously, that didn't bother Yoko –quite the opposite, I'm pretty sure she's enjoying it- as she continued.

"What's wrong? Still angry? Come on! I told you I'm sorry, I really didn't do it on purpose! It was just an unfortunate accident!"

The little lady's anger did not subside. On the contrary, her body kept trembling in frustration and she wouldn't stop clenching her teeth. Noticing the blood rushing to her mistress' head, the maid grabbed her arm, immediately turning her attention back to her.

"My Lady…" She didn't say any further, her eyes were speaking for her; she was begging her not to do anything reckless.

Nora gave her a threatening glare, but although her hands were shaking, the maid did not loosen her grip. Eventually, the little Lady clicked her tongue and with a swift movement of the arm, she forced the maid to let her go, throwing her on the ground at the same time.

"Damn it, Jack…!" She growled to herself as she walked away, ignoring the servant.

She crossed the courtyard, passing by the table where I was relaxing with the Creator's mother. Usually, she would mutter one or two disparaging remarks. But this time, she simply ignored us. As she left the residence, I noticed the carefree Yoko approaching.

"So, what did you do this time?" I asked with a faint sneer on my face.

"Not much really," she shrugged, as she let herself fall onto one of the chair. "She is surprisingly more patient than I thought. I was so sure she'd snap this time."

"Oh? Is she a tough one to deal with?"

An evil grin slowly stretched onto her face.

"Of course not," Yoko replied. "I know her kind very well. There is no easier target than people like her. It might take a little longer than I expected, but she will break."

I could tell that she was enjoying the situation. As a Kitsune, one of her favorite things to do, if not her favorite, was to break people. More precisely, it was to destroy their pride.

As time passed, mortals emancipated themselves. Their faith and beliefs decreased drastically, and incidentally, their self-esteem skyrocketed. Deities never meddled in mortals' affairs. Civil wars, politic wars, even the so called Holy wars, supposedly in Our names… We never got involved in any of them, it was against the Rules –besides, even if it wasn't for the Rules, I doubt a lot of us care enough to intervene. So in a way, the mortals' emancipation was a good thing. The problem was this haughtiness of theirs, which they developed over time. Personally, I find it cute. But for some of the others like Yoko, it's unacceptable. So she particularly enjoys putting them back in their places. The more arrogant the person is the better.

It starts with childish pranks. Harmless, they weren't meant as an attack to their life, but rather as an attack to their pride. It was her way to tell them that they weren't worth to be taken seriously. But then, it usually escalated quickly. Once she lost all interest in playing with her targets' emotions, she completely crushed their soul.

As someone who's been tormented quite a lot by Yoko, I can't help but feel a little sorry for the little lady. But, well… We had an agreement. She is all hers, so I can only hope for her that this little game will end before Yoko grows bored of it.


Note From Ozen_Ice: Now that I have posted 10 chapters I will now proceed to go back into hibernation, thank you<( ̄︶ ̄)↗< p>

10/10 am out …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

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