
reborn as suguru geto (jujutsu kaisen)

god:"So an average teenager by the hands of truck Kun dies you know the Drill being an omnipotent being such as my your's truly RoB or what ever those peoples call beings like me in those fanfiction I'm also interested in creating one of those fanfiction into reality and I just find the perfect vic- ahemm candidate for my entertai- I mean experiment

Zneo_12345 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

mission part 5

As the swirling fumes cleared, revealing the relentless cursed spirit, Geto took a moment to assess the situation. Satomi, still recovering, watched with concern from a safe distance, while Shoko prepared herself for the impending battle.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that," Geto muttered, a determined glint in his eyes. He signaled to Achilles, "be ready. We need to coordinate our attacks and find a weakness."

The cursed spirit, undeterred by the previous assaults, lunged forward once more. This time, Geto unleashed a new cursed spirit—a serpent with scales that shimmered in various hues. It coiled around him protectively, ready to strike. "Kaijo!"

A massive amount of cursed energy appears around geto a tower of energy covers him shoko's eyes widened "thi- this amount of cursed energy how is one man can have this much" shoko was frightened by geto, the tower energy then suddenly vanish and was compress around geto's fist

"You wanna get nuts!, let's get nuts" geto grins maniacally

Geto out sped the cursed spirit as he appears in front of the cursed spirit as he upper cuts the cursed spirit launching it in the air

Geto engaged the cursed spirit in a fierce aerial dance, dodging its attacks with agility. Achilles, his spider cursed spirit, moved in sync with him, attempting to restrain the monstrous entity. Yet, the cursed spirit's resilience proved challenging it keeps regenerating every wouds it takes

Uuugggh! Shoko suddenly turns and seeing the infected citizens walkings towards them uuugggh- aaaaarrrhh the infected launches themselves towards shoko and satomi "shit" shoko runs away from the infected. Geto hearing the commotion in the ground turns around

"Shoko!" Geto calls out. While geto's attention is focused on the commotion the cursed spirit puches geto sending him tumbling in the ground and crashing in one of the houses "I don't have time to deal with you" geto jumps out the house undamaged and angry "DIE!!" geto sends out blast of cursed energy towards the cursed leaving only a small chunk of it "Aaaaarrrhh," the cursed spirit roars along side the infected and satomi as it rapidly regenates

'It's using them as batteries' shoko realized "GETO!!! Stop!, it using the infected to heal itself" Geto's eyes widened

As the cursed spirit regrouped, it unleashed a barrage of fumes, creating another smokescreen. This time, however, Shoko was prepared. She conjured a protective barrier, shielding herself and Satomi from the toxic clouds.

Geto, now surrounded by the smog, relied on his instincts. Suddenly, he felt a sinister presence behind him. Reacting swiftly, he twisted around, narrowly avoiding a surprise attack from the cursed spirit. It seemed to be adapting, learning from each encounter.

Satomi, still recovering, murmured weakly, "There's something different about this one. Its consciousness is evolving."

Another Realization struck Geto. "It's learning from my moves and adapting. I can't afford to underestimate it."

As the cursed spirit continued its relentless assault, the trio faced a formidable challenge. The battle had escalated, and the true nature of the cursed spirit remained shrouded in mystery. The infected now trying to kill them and satomi was still hurt and weakened