
reborn as suguru geto (jujutsu kaisen)

god:"So an average teenager by the hands of truck Kun dies you know the Drill being an omnipotent being such as my your's truly RoB or what ever those peoples call beings like me in those fanfiction I'm also interested in creating one of those fanfiction into reality and I just find the perfect vic- ahemm candidate for my entertai- I mean experiment

Zneo_12345 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

jujutsu high part 2

(A/N: So I have actually read all of the comments and it looks like majority was in favor of the fem gojo route instead of the harem )

As Geto and Yaga walked towards Jujutsu High, the weight of their mission hung in the air like a shroud of uncertainty. Geto, feigning ignorance, decided to delve deeper into the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers.

"So, what do you actually do as a Jujutsu Sorcerer?" Geto inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Yaga, ever the patient mentor, began to explain, "Well, as you've seen, we're sent on missions to hunt down cursed spirits and receive appropriate payment depending on the grade of the cursed spirit."

"Grades?" Geto questioned, his interest growing. "What are these grades you're talking about?"

Yaga elaborated, "There are five grades in total. The weakest are the 4th grade cursed spirits, ones you can handle with a wooden bat."

Geto raised an eyebrow. "A wooden bat can take down a cursed spirit? That's impossible."

Yaga chuckled, clarifying, "No, that wasn't meant literally. It just means you have the capacity to attack and defend in the same way as a person with a wooden bat. Not everyone can even see cursed spirits."

As they approached a long flight of stairs surrounded by large Torii gates, Yaga continued his explanation, "Next is the 3rd grade. Those in this tier are quite more powerful than the previous ones. You'd take them down with a regular pistol and good aim."

Geto absorbed the information, contemplating the hierarchy of cursed spirits. "And then?"

"Then there's the 2nd grade," Yaga answered, "where you might need a large amount of artillery to take them down, but they still don't compare to the first grade and above. These are far more powerful, typically with a cursed technique."

Geto's curiosity grew as he probed further, "Cursed technique?"

Yaga nodded. "Yes, certain events can lead to lower grades developing a cursed technique. But even tanks can't handle the first grade and above. They're on a whole different level."

As they walked, the discussion turned to the very place they were headed, Jujutsu High. Geto couldn't help but express his amazement. "This place is quite noticeable. You just casually have a massive castle."

Yaga grinned, revealing a secret, "Worry not. This school is surrounded by barriers made by Tengen herself, which prevents normal people from seeing it. These barriers also protect against intruders."

As they entered the school grounds, Yaga gestured for Geto to follow. "Come, I'll introduce you to my students."

Geto couldn't resist asking, "You're a teacher, and yet you're still hunting cursed spirits. Shouldn't you be teaching?"

Yaga sighed, a hint of weariness in his voice. "The school has been short-staffed in the past few years due to the rapid growth in the number of cursed spirits running around lately."

As they approached the classroom, Geto's curiosity got the better of him. "So, who are these students of yours?"

Yaga smiled, revealing his pride. "Their names are Shoko Eiri and Satomi Gojo."

Geto's eyes widened, and he couldn't hide his shock. "Are your students both female?"

Yaga seemed unfazed, asking, "Is there a problem with that?"

Geto quickly backtracked, "No, there's nothing wrong!" He was taken aback but didn't want to reveal too much.

Yaga chuckled, "Don't worry about it. Those girls are good people, even though they cause a lot of problems."

"You sounded to be very proud of them" Geto jokes "of course why wouldn't I be they're my students after all but don't tell satomi cause she wouldn't let me live it down"Yaga then imagine a white haired girl with beautiful blue eyes grins maliciously

The conversation flowed smoothly until Geto decided to dig deeper into his past knowledge. "By the way, do you know someone by the name of Satoru Gojo?"

Yaga furrowed his brows in thought. "No, I don't remember anyone having that name. Why do you ask?"

Geto hesitated, masking his true feelings. "The name sounded familiar, so I thought I'd ask."

Little did Yaga know, Geto was panicking inside, unable to reconcile the image of Satoru Gojo as a girl in this timeline. His mind wandered to her beautiful blue eyes, causing him to blush slightly.

Yaga sensed something amiss and gave a word of caution, "If I were you, I wouldn't bother with her. She was the princess of the Gojo clan, and let me tell you, they're ruthless. They only think about what benefits them."

He continued to educate Geto on the power structure of the Jujutsu world. "The Jujutsu society is mostly run by Jujutsu families that have existed for a long time. The most prominent of these families are the Big Three: the Gojo clan, the Zenin clan, and the Kamo clan."

Geto, his emotions hidden beneath a veneer of coldness, responded, "Hmm, and did you even think that I would court her? I don't even know her."

Yaga's words of caution persisted, "Oh, you wouldn't be saying that if you had actually met her. Many have fallen for her, and all of them were rejected. So, I'm advising you that if you don't want to get hurt, you should not even think of dating her."

With these words hanging in the air, Geto contemplated the mysterious world of Jujutsu Sorcery and what it means for the world that the enigmatic Satoru Gojo or rather satomi gojo being Female, whose existence in this timeline seemed to defy everything he knew. The adventure had only just begun, and the mysteries of this world were far from being unraveled.