
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Sakumo Hatake

Another six months passed by and the fated day came when Sakumo Hatake failed a mission to protect his comrades. As same in the canon, Danzo started to spread the rumour and his teammates also blamed him. The whole village started blaming him soon. At home, after having breakfast, I looked at my mother being angry and asked her "What's bothering you mother? Can you tell me?" She looked at me and smiled then spoke "That Sakumo is in trouble. I don't know how this happened." Hearing her I said "I've collected some information on the incident and realised that it's a plot by a man called Danzo Shimura".

Tsunade was shocked to hear this and asked "How do you know? Don't tell me....." I interrupted her "I captured a suspicious ninja spreading information about Sakumo's failure and he had a lot of seals placed on him. After removing the seals and using the sharingan, I extracted information from him and learnt that a person called Danzo ordered him to spread that Sakumo betrayed the village. I also learnt that the teammates that worked on the mission with Sakumo was working for Danzo as well". Tsunade got angry and smacked on the table and the table broke into pieces. Then she looked at me angrily and said "How did you capture that ninja? How are you able to remove seals placed on a person? Who thought you how to do all this? I remember I told you not to do anything dangerous".

I shook my head and spoke "Calm down Mom. I've been training with Minato, Kakashi, Gai and his father Dai. Kakashi is my best friend and I didn't want to see his father slandered and so I did some snooping and found out all this info. About seals, Sister Kushina is an Uzumaki and she has books on seals that she gave to Minato to learn. I also borrowed it from her and learnt. I have already read all the books in the library and also all your medical books. Also all the books in the Senju clan library as well. If you want to confirm the info, I have the captured ninja in a cave behind the Hokage faces on the mountain". Hearing me, Tsunade nodded and said "You are too smart for your own good. I didn't want you to become a ninja to keep you safe, but you don't listen".

I said while smiling "Mom, don't worry. I learnt how to fight and also medical ninjutsus to protect you and me. If I'm not strong enough, then how can I protect those that are close to me?". Tsunade closed her eyes in thought and said "Fine. I can't stop you if it's your destiny. After this, you can join the academy. Now take me to that ninja". I nodded and we both went to the cave making sure nobody followed us. I then removed the seales placed and we entered the cave. Tsunade was amazed by seeing the complex seals and my proficiency in using Fuinjutsu. We both then approached the captured ninja from Root and I removed the stasis seal waking him up.

After the Root Ninja woke up, Tsunade started questioning him, but to no avail. I said "Mom, Danzo has used some cruel methods to kill al their emotions and making them tools. So you can't extract information by torture". Hearing me, she frowned and asked "Then how are we supposed to extract any info?" I pointed to my eyes which had Mangekyou Sharingan active. Seeing my evolved sharingan, Tsunade was shocked once again and asked "How? That's the..." I interrupted her and spoke "It's the Mangekyou Sharingan. The second form of the sharingan evolution. I activated it 6months back and I can control him and extract information easily using this". Tsunade surprised at my talent spoke "You are too talented. I thought that you only had a gift for medical ninjutsu as you were my son, but who would have thought.... never mind. Do your thing".

I nodded and placed the Root ninja in a genjutsu mind control and he blurted out various information about Danzo. Tsunade was getting angrier by the minute hearing him and said "Wait here. I'll go get Hiruzen, Jiraya and Sakumo. They need to hear this as well, but your eyes". I nodded and said "Don't worry mom. I have a type of lens to cover my eyes so they can't find out." Hearing this, Tsunade went out. After 30 minutes, she came back with the three of them. She then said "Sensei, Jiraya and Sakumo. This is Danzo's ninja captured and all the seals are removed from him. Now listen to what he has to say".

She looked at me and I nodded and turned to face him and activated Mangekyou Sharingan under the lens which had a seal in them so that the three of them won't find out and the Root ninja started saying everything again. After he finished speaking, Sakumo clenched his fists and his eyes were bloodshot. He then unsheathed his sword and walked away. Hiruzen was about to stop him, but Tsunade held Hiruzen back saying "Sensei, he needs to do this. Now take this ninja and clear the misunderstanding. Jiraya, Go with Sakumo and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid". Jiraya nodded and left after Sakumo.

Hiruzen closed his eyes started thinking 'Why Danzo? Why are you doing this?' Tsunade shook her head seeing him and said "Sensei, this is treason. Danzo is going overboard. I hope you will punish him accordingly". Hiruzen contemplated for some time and said "I will get justice for Sakumo and also punish Danzo. Rest assured". Then he looked at me and asked "Ryu, how are you doing? What are your plans for the future?" I smiled at him and said "Uncle Hiruzen, mom gave me permission to join the academy and brought me here for experience". Hiruzen looked at Tsunade and looked back at me and nodded. He then said "You will become a splendid ninja Ryu and will protect the village". I also smiled and said "I'll do my best".