
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Ryu Senju

(A/N : From this chapter onwards, the MC is going to show his OP powers and don't complain because I've already said in the description of the novel that this is an OP MC Novel. Enjoy Reading and Please post some Reviews and star ratings. Thanks)


In the Sand camp, the 4th Kazekage and Chiyo were discussing the plans for tomorrow. While there were the Aburame and the Hyuga clans on Konoha's side investigating, the sand naturally had their own means of obtaining information. As soon as me, Jiraya & team reached the camp, the 4th Kazekage received the news. He speculated that the medical team is going to follow Jiraya who arrived earlier, on the same route that he took.

Originally, the 4th wanted to use the absence of a medical team to find a way to attack those in the camp and dispose of them by the way of poison, either himself or by the hands of Chiyo, but the Byukugan and the Aburame's insects were enough to prevent any sudden attacks. He wanted to avoid a battle in Konoha. He knew that with no terrain advantage, the Sand village doesn't stand a chance. There was nothing else for him to do but to harass Konoha's camp while sending a strong team to ambush the medical squad in order to kills as many as possible of its members.

Seeing that the whole medical team didn't carry any victims, he realized that the team he sent has failed. "Rasa, it seems like your plan has failed!" Said Chiyo when learning about the Intel. "Yes. I don't know maybe Jiraya took out our ninjas". All of a sudden, A shinobi came and knelt down in front of the Kazekage and said "The team we sent to ambush the medical team didn't encounter anyone. It's like they teleported themselves inside the camp". Rasa started rubbing his temples. Chito said "Ok you key leave. Rasa let's get the jinchuriki out. There's no other way". Rasa nodded with a gloomy face.

"It can only bethis uprising new disciple of Jiraya named Minato Namikaze." Said Rasa. "Minato Namikaze? It that the brat who learned the 2nd Hokage's Flying thunder god?" Chiyo wasn't as impressed with Minato, but she knew that he learned such a great technique. In the early days of the 3rd world war, Minato was not as famous. But when they knew that he had improved the 2nd's Flying Thunder God, they knew that he was already on the level of a Kage. "That proves it. He must have teleported the medical team using that jutsu" said Rasa. "This kid aside, Sakumo Hatake will be mine tomorrow. You deal with Jiraya." Said Chiyo.

Chiyo was looking for revenge for her son and her daughter in law. She's been dreaming about this day for years. "Well, tomorrow the big battle will take place in the desert. I'll be able to use my Gold Dust technique, and I'm getting better with it. I will not lose!". Said Rasa. Chiyo nodded and left the 4th's tent.

The next day, Konoha's camp got busy in the morning, and the atmosphere was really tense. Ninja's quickly gathered and the medical team was on standby. "Getting off!" With Sakumo's order, most of Konoha's Ninjas set foot on the battlefield. The yellow desert's sand was in the way blocking their vision. Around Konoha's army, the Aburame's insects were hovering, and the Hyuga's were watching their surroundings with their Byakugans.

"Sakumo Sama, Jiraya Sama! Not too far from us there are many Sand Ninjas!" The Aburame clan members received the warning from their insects and immediately reported it to their leaders.

"Stop! Hyuga Shinobis, look around and see if there is an ambush waiting for us!" After investigating, the Hyuga members of the squad found no trace of an ambush. Sakumo gave the order to advance until the two forces met in the desert. "Are you the 4th Kazekage?" When the two sides met each-other, Jiraya asked the red headed Ninja in the lead. ''Cut the crap! Sakumo Hatake, DIE!" the 4th Kazekage had no chance to answer, as Chiyo jumped on Sakumo. But he wasn't going to be explaining anything either, he also directly attacked Jiraya. When the commanders started fighting, their troops followed, colliding as well. The 1st battle of the 3rd world war has begun!

Suddenly a whole lot of sand rises up and a huge arm made of sand appeared and a tail and a raccoon with different markings on its body appeared and started running towards the shinobi. Jiraya said It's your cue Ryu and threw a special Kunai with markings towards the Raccoon. Sensing the kunai thrown, I understood the situation and used Flying Raijin lvl 1 and appeared at the place the kunai landed. Both chiyo and Rasa anticipating the arrival of Minato were gobsmacked by seeing a kid arrive using the flying thunder god. Rasa then yelled at Jiraya "Who's that kid? How many people have perfected that cursed jutsu in your village?"

Jiraya smiled and said "Just two people Kazekage. Both Kage level ninja One is my student Minato Namikaze and the other one who helped Minato perfect it as you can see Ryu Senju The Senju Prince great grandson of Hashirama Senju". Rasa frowned hearing Jiraya and asked "What Senju...." He couldn't finish his sentence before he heard "Wood release : Deep Forest Emergence". And suddenly he saw the land crack near the jinchuriki and roots pop out from the crack and form a forest around the Raccoon. Seeing this both Rasa and chiyo knew they f***ed up big time.

I nodded in satisfaction seeing the trees grow and did some more set of hand signs and said "Wood Release : Deep forest bind". Suddenly the growing trees started changing shape and started to bind the Raccoon piercing it's body and chaining it. The Konoha ninja seeing the tailed beast captured in minutes started cheering "Ryu Senju Ryu Senju!!!!!". And the morale of the ninjas went to an all time high. I just stood at the edge of the forest and the trees started absorbing the chakra of Shukaku to revert it back into the jinchuriki." Then I looked back to watch the fight between Jiraya the Kazekage and Sakumo and Chiyo. I used the sharingan to see clearly from far away.