
Servant in 5 years

"You mean that blue serpentine monster with twelve legs?" Slifer asked astonished.

A Behir was not a lesser or even a true dragon. In his heritage, he finds more information about it.


Race: Behir

Type: Monster

Language(s): Common, Draconic

Average lifespan: 50 - 60 years

Abilities: Bite, Swallow, and Lightning Breath

Threat: Juvenile Dragons should avoid this creature


A Behir was often mistaken for a wingless blue dragon. It had a long, snake-like body and could slither on the ground like a snake, but it also had six pairs of legs upon which it could walk or climb if it chose to do so. Each of a behir's twelve feet contained three clawed toes. They began life with six or eight legs and grew additional legs as they aged. They grew about 8 feet (2.4 meters) per year.

Behirs had thick, armored scales, much like a dragon. Their scales were colored in variations of dark blue, being lighter on their undersides

(Its not a system panel but rather how he perceives the information from the inheritance and it is an easier way to summarize the Data to you guys)


The term "dragon" encompasses a number of different creatures. Most think of the great flying creatures with a breath attack. In doing so they are talking most of the part about the ten most known types of true dragons. The five chromatic dragons (black, blue, green, red, and white) and the five metallic dragons (brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver).

True dragons are creatures that become more powerful as they grow older. They are at the apex of the pyramid.

True Dragons are more powerful in several aspects.

It's because they have an important organ near their heart. It is the center of elemental activity inside the true dragon's body. Because of its great importance, it is also called draconis fundamentum.

All blood flowing from the heart passes through this organ before going to the body. The draconis fundamentum charges the lungs with power for a dragon's breath weapon and also plays a major role in the dragon's highly efficient metabolism, which converts the vast majority of whatever the creature consumes into usable energy.

That is why dragons without the draconis fundamentum are called lesser dragons.

However, a Behir is not a dragon, nor is it a lesser dragon.

Behirs have a bad relationship with dragons. They hate dragons and would refuse to share any territory with them.

He can guess why the kobolds serve a Behir. Many confuse the Behir with a wingless blue dragon because it too has blue, thickly armored scales and the ability to spit a magical burst of electricity from their mouths, much like a blue dragon. But this Blitzbold clearly knew that the being they served is a Behir and thus not a dragon.

"You know that he isn't a dragon, on the contrary, he is the enemy of the dragons!" Slifer imposingly reminded.

"My lord, I am aware. The problem lies elsewhere. Some of our people started to resent the dragon. They believe to have been abandoned. So when the Behir appeared and then offered us servitude, some did pledge their loyalty. But most of us still have hope and refused. About 30 People have lost their faith. I beg you, please help them and bring them on the right path again. I am sure that if you show yourself, they are coming back." the Blitzbold implores.

It shouldn't be hard to convince the other Blitzbolds to follow me. The problem is that Behir. According to the heritage, a full-grown Behir is a mortal threat to a Wyrmling. I only have a chance when I become a young adult Dragon. But that will take at least 50 years.

Slifer was in a dilemma. He needs more information first. Whether the Behir is already fully grown or not, where he lives, what his everyday life looks like, and most importantly more about himself.

In his inheritance, he finds no dragon similar to him, neither by size nor look. Most are about the chromatic and metallic Dragons.

Perhaps he can draw conclusions from the age and size of the other dragons to better assess his situation.

A normal Gold dragon Wyrmling has an overall length of 1,6 Meters. Measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.

He is 5 meters long. The gold dragon reaches that length only at age 16. When he is in his third growth phase.

Does that mean he's three times as strong? Or do size and strength have nothing to do with each other? It is unlikely.

Especially when it comes to dragons. They usually overcome enemies with their physical advantages and rarely rely on magic and deception.

If we assume that I am currently as strong as a young dragon and that only a young adult dragon can defeat the behir, I must wait for my next growth stage. When I am in my very young dragon phase, I should grow twice as big.

In the beginning, they increase especially in size. They double their size after the first growth phase.

This phenomenon is not unique to dragons. Many other beings show a great change in physiology at the beginning. Especially in size and weight.

It is not wise to attack an enemy now without information, especially when I am just 4 days old. I am a dragon, I should use my advantages and wait it out. After 5 years I should plan my attack.

I have my lair and there is enough food at the moment. On the Island, there are other beings besides the Behir with whom I can not yet take on. I should limit my activities to the area around the mountain. That is where it is most secure.

When the time comes, I will claim the island for myself.

Slifer can hardly wait. But he should be patient.

But back to the Blitzbold, he thoughs.

"No, I am not showing myself to a group of betraying and hopeless Kobolds. If they want my forgiveness, they must climb the mountain to my lair and bring me a sacrifice worthy of me. "

He stands upright again with wings spread out.

"After 5 years I will leave the mountain and give you the chance to become my subjects. Until then only the Kobolds should know of my existence." Slifer proclaims as he flapped his wings and soars to the sky.

The Blitzbolt was stunned and quickly pulled himself together again.

"I must tell the Chief about this. We can finally serve a true dragon."

He runs excitedly back to the tribe.

This is exactly how he imagined a dragon. Majestic, powerful, dominating, and noble.

He was only sad that they could only become his subjects after 5 years.

Sorry for the long wait, but I had problems with some decisions. Like the size of the individual phases and the power levels. I tried to stick to the Draconomicon, the book of dragons.

Zaccel96creators' thoughts