
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Twelve Years Later!

An: ("Massive time skip cause I'm lazy") 

(3rd Person Pov) 

Within the confines of an alternative space laid a young boy with Crimson red hair who looks no older than five years of age with tear marks that were beginning to fade away. This was Sirzechs Gremory, the last heir to the Gremory family. After several more minute's did he finally wake up.

Sirzechs: "*Ughh*Where am I?"

His question was answered by a mechanical sounding voice that appeared right behind him. 

???: "You are currently in an alternative space made solely for your training and survival."

Sirzechs: "!"

The young red haired boy jumped back and got into a basic Muay Thai stance as he glanced confused at what he was witnessing. What stood infront of him was a robot that looked like it came straight out of a sci-fi movie.

(it's basically Ultron from the movies.)

After calming himself down, Sirzechs questioned. 

Sirzechs: "Who are you?"

???: "You may call me Alexa. This space was gifted to you by Anos Voldigoad to help you grow stronger before your let out again."

Sirzechs deadpanned before closing his eye's and sighing tiredly as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Is this Anos Voldigoad the person who knocked me out?"

Alexa: "Indeed. You lost control of your power, and ended up erasing the entirety of Europe. So, Anos created this space for you to train and master your prowess, as well as improving your strength and combat abilities."

Sirzechs: "What does this Anos want with me? Surely there wouldn't be any reason for him to save me?"

Alexa: "He did it because he wants to find entertainment." 

Sirzechs: "Is that so? Then how long am I expected to remain here and train?"

Alexa: "Until we deem you strong enough." 

Sirzechs frowned as he spoke

Sirzechs: "We?"

Suddenly before his eye's, a seemingly endless number of the exact same robot's as Alexa appeared. 

Alexa: "There is several hundred thousand of us. All will teach you something different. Be it combat, controlling your power of destruction, forging or miscellaneous things like cooking and cleaning will all be taught to you."

Sirzechs: "I understand. But before we begin, may I ask what happened to my parents?" 

Alexa: "Their dead." 

Sirzechs: "So even in my new life, I still lose my family." 

Tears began falling down his face as Alexa spoke. 

Alexa: "Do you wish to begin your training?" 

The young Sirzechs wiped his eye's as he nodded his head and spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Yes. Let's begin our training so I may control my power's."

And as Sirzechs began his training, the world outside the space he was in was currently facing the biggest economic shock that affected every Asian countries across the world.

It became a period of economic depression that became evident after a major fall in stock prices in the United States thanks to the loss of the entire European Continent.

People mourned the deaths of their friends families that were lost to the cataclysmic event. And the moment the news stations from various Asian countries shared the video showing the one who destroyed all of Europe, people on the Internet did what they were the best at.

Pointing finger's, and villafying the young heir to the Gremory household. They called him a criminal, mass murderer, some even saying that they were glad he got to see his parent's raped and killed. But just as there was many who villafied the young boy, there were several who stood on the boys side. They argued that it wasn't the boys fault his quirk went berserk, and that he shouldn't be blamed for something he had no control over. And so the debate of rather Sirzechs Gremory was good or evil became a hot topic of discussion.

However, even with the loss of the entirety of Europe, due to America having once gone through the great depression, they managed to stabilise the economy in just three years with alot of help from many different quirk users. And though many people suffered for those three years without proper jobs, they pulled through and celebrated in joy when the economy finally stabilised itself.

And when the economy finally stabilised, the topic of Sirzechs Gremory became very popular as everyone across Asia and America wondered what happened to the young boy with conspiracy theorist believing that he's made a deal with the devil, and will soon return to destroy the rest of the world.

The topic of discussion on Sirzechs Gremory eventually lost its popularity after 6 years with no sign of him. Due to not knowing rather the boy was still alive or not, the world officially declared him dead after seven years with not a single sign of him ever being spotted.

Though there were some people who used the power of quirks, or editing to pretend to be Sirzechs, but they were all swiftly imprisoned and videos were deleted as the government's of the remaining countries banned anyone from dressing up as or even making video's about spotting the red haired boy. But that didn't stop some teachers from using what happened to the young boy to either teach empathy to their students, or make them hate the boy.

When the eighth year passed of the "Dissapearance" of Sirzechs Gremory, America's number one hero, and strongest female in the world Star's And Stripes publicly announced her retirement. Her declaration sent massive waves across the world especially because of what she said when questioned on why she was retiring so early.

(3rd Person Pov) 

Cathleen Bate. Otherwise known as Stars And Stripes stood before a large number of reporters with camera lights flashing all around her as she spoke.

S&S: "Good Day my fellow citizens of America, and to everyone else watching across the world. I Star's And Stripes am officially retiring as America's number one hero."

Her words sent the people into a frenzy as a reporter questioned her early retirement. The reporter in question looked like some kind of a very tall human albatross hybrid with small eyes and a large beak. His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms.

He wears a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it, a light blue button-down shirt with a yellow bow on the top, red and white checkered pants, a dark cape, and shoes that fit his bird-like feet. This was Morgans.

Morgans: "Excuse me miss Star's And Stripes, may I ask why are you retiring so early?"

S&S: "It is because I am unfit to bear the title of a Hero. Eight years ago I failed to save a young boy no older than five years old who had just witnessed his own mother be soiled and defiled by villainous scum before his eye's, and his father crippled. He lost control over his quirk and ended up destroying every country that existed upon the European soil. And instead of saving him as I promised I would, I ended up leaving him to be killed by the military. I am undeserving of my title of a hero."

Cathleen clenched her fists as she remembered the moment the Aura around the young boy dissappeard by an unknown individual whom she can't seem to remember. The boy's face has tears streaming down it and she immediately felt awful. She promised her comrades in arms that she'll save the boy, only to end up giving way for the military to take action.

People around the world had various kinds of reactions to Cathleen's words. Some sympathised with her, some pitied her while others mocked her, and some simply didn't care. But the newsrepoters were all extremely excited as they wrote various headlines for the next days paper's. And thus on that day, the strongest American Hero retired.

(3rd Person Pov) 

It has now officially been four years since the retirement of the strongest American hero Star's And Stripes, and a total of twelve years since the disappearance of Sirzechs Gremory.

Because of how long it's been, everyone has already forgotten his existence living their lives peacefully as the now cooled European continent is being studied by scientist all across the Asian and American countries in the hopes of understanding just how the young boy Sirzechs Gremory was able to destroy an entire continent.

They knew it as his Quirks doing, but they had hoped there'd be traces of whatever energy it was that destroyed all of Europe. But soon, the world would erupt into a frenzy as the boy who has been missing for twelve years officially. makes his return.

-(Scene Break!)-

Sirzechs flew high into the air and rained down a seemingly endless number of destructive orbs upon the endless numbers of Alexa clones destroying them before he bent his body backwards and striked with a backflip kick knocking another clone straight into the ground. 


Sirzechs raised his hand and condensed his Power Of Destruction to take the shape of a spear as he grasped the weapon made, and clashed against the multiple Alexa's dissecting them and destroying them as well. When one of the Alexa's clones shot a supermassive black hole towards his direction, he rolled his eyes and activated his his power of destruction. His Black and Red power of destruction completely erased the supermassive black hole. And when another one of Alexa's clones began using high level reality warping, Sirzechs entered his True Form's first stage. 

He converted himself into the Power of Destruction that destroys everything by his will. The releasing of his True forms first stage was powerful enough to cause an earthquake felt in the entire Realm that he was training in. The True might of this form is unique as Sirzechs compresses the Power of Destruction into a human shape that releases Destructive Power that are ten times more powerful and potent than his normal powers of destruction, with more room for growth.

In this form, he didn't hesitate to completely erase all the clones of Alexa as he exhaled slowly upon witnessing not a single one of the clones remained. That was until he turned his head an clicked his tounge witnessing the original Alexa standing completely still and is unharmed as it spoke.

Alexa: "You've already grown strong enough to completely destroy an entire universe just through the normal use of your power of destruction. I'd estimate as of right now, if you truly go all out, you'd be at the very least at the very peak of universal level in terms of overall abilities."

Sirzechs: "Yet even so I'm unable to completely destroy you."

Alexa: "That is simply because I am made of the most powerful metal in existence. Metal X or tenth metal. You are powerful there's no doubt about that, but you aren't at the level where you can destroy the tenth metal."

Sirzechs: "That's alright, I still have a long future ahead of me anyways. I will eventually grow strong enough to destroy even this tenth metal that you are made from."

Alexa completely ignored his words as it spoke. 

Alexa: "Now that you have reached an acceptable level of power, you are now officially allowed to leave the space."

Sirzechs: "Will I be able to return here whenever I wish to train?" 

Alexa nodded it's head and replied. 

Alexa: "You are indeed allowed to go in and out of this space. That was what Anos Voldigoad originally intended in the first place."

Sirzechs: "Do you know if I'll ever be able to meet this Anos Voldigoad?"

Alexa shook it's head and answered. 

Alexa: "I am unsure myself. Anos Voldigoad is currently travelling from one world to the next in order to satiate his boredom. Rather you end up lucky enough to meet him is all up to you."

Sirzechs: "Is that so? Then for now, I will take my leave. Thank you for your training and guidance over the last twelve years Alexa."

Alexa: "It was what I was made for Sirzechs Gremory. No need to thank me."

Sirzechs didn't say anything as he donned his armour, and left the space as he reappeared in the sky where he once was twelve years ago when he lost control of his Power's. His bat like wings appeared on his back keeping him afloat as Sirzechs took a deep breath and slowly exhaled as he looked onto the ground of stone where a bunch of people seemed to be panicking and pointing at him.

He chose to ignore them for now as he pondered. 

Sirzechs: 'Where should I go now? The entirety of Europe has been destroyed already. Hrrm, I guess I'll head over to Japan. My parent's were once sponsors for UA Highschool, so that would be the best place to go for now. Now then, how should I deal with those annoying insects on the way?'

Sirzechs blue eye's gazed upon the fleet of military jets, and chopper's approaching him as they immediately shot dozens if missiles towards him. Sirzechs sighed, and with a flap of his wings, all the missiles were destroyed.

(Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!)

Sirzechs didn't seem to care that he was suddenly surrounded by dozens of chopper's and fighter jets as he heard the commander speak.

Commander: "Sirzechs Gremory... How are you alive?"

Sirzechs snorted in amusement as he spoke in fluent English. 

Sirzechs: "Bold of you to assume that just because I've been missing for twelve years, means that I'm dead."

Commander: "Then it's a damn shame you decided to show yourself, we'll help you join your family and everyone else you killed in the afterlife. Tell that whore of a mother of yours it's a real shame I didn't get to fuck her. Kill him."

Some of the soldier's laughed at the commanders words, and some just looked dissaspointed with their commander as immeadiately, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition rained down upon Sirzechs who simply stood still and allowed the bullets to strike him as they did absolutely no damage. Even when the missiles hit him, he didn't move. The fact that he did nothing to dodge their attacks actually scared them. Especially when they heard his voice.

Sirzechs: "You know, I always knew you Americans were arrogant. But to think you'd be so arrogant as to think something as pathetic as bullets and missiles could harm me."

The smoke cloud from the explosions of the missiles dissappeard revealing a completely unharmed Sirzechs. His skin was still flawless, and not a single bullet wound on him. He even dusted off his armour before his gaze landed on the commander who shuddered in fear as Sirzechs spoke.

Sirzechs: "Originally, I was going to let you all live, but now that you attacked me first. So, I'll count your deaths as self defence."

In an instant, Sirzechs vanished shocking the soldiers as the sound of glass shattering and a terrified scream was heard as Sirzechs held their commander by his leg upside down. 

Sirzechs: "Tell me commander, ever wondered what it'd be like to be sliced by helicopter blades?"

Sirzechs words made the man's blood freeze as he begged. 

Commander: "Wait pleas-" 

His words were silenced as Sirzechs brought the commander to the still spinning helicopter blade, and threw him right into it as he got sliced into chunks, his final screams was heard by everyone causing them to shudder as Sirzechs was dyed Crimson in the commanders blood and organ chunks causing some of the soldiers to throw up as they all began trying to escape.

Sirzechs: "Don't worry too much, your deaths won't be as messy as your commander's." 

With a wave of his hand, the helicopters and fighter jets began disintegrating into nothingness alongside their passenger's as those working on the massive chunk of stone that was once molten lava that had cooled down, trembled at the screams of the soldier's. Sirzechs ignored them, and with a flap of his wings dissappeard. His destination Japan's number one hero academy, UA highschool.