
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Meeting A Bunch Of Girl's!

(3rd Person Pov) 

It's been a week since Katsuki Bakugo's, and Izuku Midoriya's mother's were informed of Katsuki Bakugo's terrible past. After the parent teacher meeting, the two boy's haven't interacted with each other any longer confusing the class especially since both Katsuki and Izuku were constantly forced to stay back after classes by their homeroom teacher Aizawa.

Once more the final schoolbell rang and Midoriya and Bakugo left the classroom causing the students to discuss what may be happening. The first one to bring up the topic of discussion was an energetic pink skinned girl Mina Ashido.

Mina: "Hey guys what do you think happened between Midori, and Boom boom boy?"

Another one of the girls Ochako Uraraka looked on in bafflement as she heard the nicknames given. 

Ochako: "Midori and Boom boom boy?"

Mina: "Yeah! I mean have you noticed how much more docile Bakugo's become? If not for the fact that he still acts that way when we tease him, I'd have assumed he was replaced by someone."

Then another student Toru Hagakure who was just a set of floating clothes due to her quirk refracting all light around her making her invisible spoke up. 

Toru: "I know right! It's like something big happened that caused his old personality to just dissappear. Maybe it has something to do with his family since he did look pretty beaten up back on Monday."

Ochako: "I guess that's the most logical conclusion we can make. We can't exactly just waltz up to the two of them and ask if the reason their like this is due to something happening with their family. It's just wrong."

Another one of the female students of class 1-A decided to speak up. She had long green hair, and a frog like appearance. It was Tsuyu Asui. 

Asui: "Um guys. *Ribbit* Sorry for interrupting, but everyone's already headed home for the day.*Ribbit*"

Mina, Ochako, and Toru froze at the frog girl's words as they looked around the now empty classroom and rushed to head home for the day after thanking Asui. She sighed exasperatedly and also left the classroom. 

-(Scene Break)-

Within All Might's office stood Sirzechs Gremory who dropped a bomb upon him. 

Sirzechs: "I never knew your quirk could be passed down. Nor of your weakened self."

All Might: "?!" 

He was so shocked he puked blood and reverted back to his Toshinori form. 

Toshinori: "How did you know that?!" 

Sirzechs: "I listened in on the conversation that was going on with those two boys mother's and principal Nezu and Eraserhead."

Toshinori: *Sigh* Don't you know its rude to eavesdrop on another person's conversation?"

Sirzechs: "It doesn't matter. So, tell me a little more about your quirk One For All."

Toshinori: "Forgive me young man, but that is something I can't share with you."

Sirzechs: "You've lost most of your stomach haven't you?" 

Toshinori's eyes widened once more especially when Sirzechs pointed the place where the wound was. 

Sirzechs: "The fact that your still alive with such a wound is increadibly impressive. Not to mention how your fighting crime everyday with what's essentially a hole in your stomach."

Toshinori sighed regretfully as he spoke. 

Toshinori: "This wound was the price I paid for my ignorance. If I was a little more aware, I wouldn't have gotten such a wound."

Sirzechs: "The villain that caused that wound is still alive aren't they?" 

Sirzechs words made Toshinori flinch as he tried brushing it under the rug miserably. 

Toshinori: "I have no idea what your talking about. I killed him after he destroyed my stomach."

Sirzechs shook his head disappointedly as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "I've seen children who are better at lying than you are All Might."

Sirzechs words pierced Toshinori's heart with the words (terrible liar) written on the nonexistent arrow.

Sirzechs: "Moving on then. I'm bored, so why don't you ask me some questions that I'll try and answer."

Toshinori blinked his eyes in surprise before pondering for a bit and asking his question. 

Toshinori: "Just how much stronger have you grown over these past twelve years?" 

Sirzechs: "Hrrm. I'm strong enough that I could heal your wound."

Toshinori looked confused as he questioned. 

Toshinori: "What do you mean by that? Isn't your quirk the power of destruction?" 

Sirzechs: "That indeed it is. But just because my power is destruction, doesn't mean I cant use it to heal others."

Sirzechs words just caused even more confusion. How does one heal another with the power to destroy things?

Sirzechs: "Nice confused expression. It really suits you. But I'm no longer bored, and will make my way back to the dorms. You have a good day now All Might."

As Sirzechs left the office, Toshinori's expression remained confused as he muttered to himself. 

Toshinori: "*mutters*What the hell just happened?"

Sirzechs chuckled amusingly as he took a corner before someone bumped into him. He was well aware of the group of girls approaching his direction, but he was so bored he decided to let it happen to try and get a little bit of entertainment. 

???: "Oof. Sorry! Didn't see you the-" 

Sirzechs watched amused as a bunch of floating clothes bumped into him. Using his power of destruction on hius eyes, he got to take a look at the girls true appearance. She had long, messy, wavy chartreuse hair, with pink specks, bushy eyelashes, and big round eyes, with the pupils that are teal on the outside and yellow on the Inside. Sirzechs was left amused as the girl froze with a blush on her face as she stuttered.

Toru: "A-A-Ah? Ni-Nice to meet you!"

Sirzechs placed his hand on his chest and bowed slightly before replying. 

Sirzechs: "It's a pleasure to meet you as well young lady."

The young Toru's face flushed brighter as her friends caught up to her. 

Ochako: "Hey Toru! You shouldn't be running in the hal-"

Ochako, Mina, and Asui froze for completely different reasons. Whilst Toru, Ochako, and Mina froze because of his looks, Asui froze because her instincts screamed at her warning that the man that stood infront of them was dangerous.

Sirzechs: "Hrrm? Your entire body reflects light thus rendering you completely invisible? Quite unlucky, yet at the same time your quite lucky. Now then, if you'll all excuse me, I must take my leave."

As Sirzechs began walking away, Toru snapped out of her daze and remembered what he had just said earlier. She hastily called out to Sirzechs.

Toru: "Wait! You managed to look past my invisibility?"

Sirzechs never stopped walking as he spoke loudly. 

Sirzechs: "long, messy, and wavy chartreuse hair, with pink specks. Does that answer your question?"

Toru gasped in surprise but when she blinked, he was gone.

Toru: "He really could see me!"

Right after Sirzechs dissappeard, Toru was suddenly hounded by her friends. 

Mina: "Toru! Who the heck was that handsome devil?!"

Toru: "I-I don't know!"

Mina: "He was so handsome! And the armour he wore just suited him so well!"

Ochako: "Maybe he's a new hero looking for a position as a teacher at UA? Afterall I've never seen him before."

Mina: "If he is, I hope he gets the job. Could you imagine being taught by such a handsome teacher? What about you Tsu?"

Tsuyu Asui answered the question asked by Mina. 

Asui: "I'll be honest, I don't feel comfortable around him."

Asui's words surprised the three girls as they looked at curiously wondering why she doesn't seem to like the handsome red head. Asui took notice of her friends curious expression, as she sighed and answered.

Asui: "You should know my quirk gives me all the abilities of a frog right? This means I even have their senses of danger. And the moment I saw him... It felt like I was gazing at a monster."

Ochako: "Maybe the reason for that might be because of his quirk? Afterall, there's no way UA would let anyone roam these halls so freely if they were a villain."

Asui: "I guess... Let's just head home already."

As the girls began walking, they realised that Toru wasn't following them. They turned around to see the invisible girl just standing still. Mina called out to the girl.

Mina: "Hello? Earth to Toru Hagakure. You still with us?"

Toru jumped slightly when Mina touched her shoulder as she finally spoke.

Toru: "Huh? Oh! Sorry, did you say something?"

Mina grinned teasingly as she spoke. 

Mina: "Oh my~ Did our lovely Hagakure-chan fall in love at first sight? I don't blame you though, he looks strong, handsome, and wealthy."

Though the girls couldn't tell, Toru was blushing as she replied. 

Toru: "No! It's not like that! I was just surprised that he could actually see me. Since I awakened my quirk, no ones really been able to see me you know? A-And even though he's really handsome, and can actually see me, I barely even know him!" 

Mina: "So your saying that you wouldn't mind dating him if you got to know him?" 

Toru: "Mina!" 

The girl flailed her invisible arms in embarrassment causing the rest of her friends to chuckle as Mina apologised. 

Mina: "Ah sorry, sorry. Its such a shame we can't see Hagakure's face you know? Maybe if we encounter him again well ask him for a description of her face."

And so the group of girls all went back home together continuously discussing about the mysterious man they met in the hallway. 

-(Scene Break)-

Nejire Hado is considered one of the top three most powerful student in the entirety of UA Highschool. She had just finished her hero work for the day with Ryukyu the dragon hero. And came to UA high to deliver a letter to the principal of UA that was requested of her by her mentor Ryukyu. 

Nejire: "Let's see now where was the principals office agai- hrrm?" 

Nejire paused her footsteps as she caught a glimpse of someone wearing some sort of Armour with long flowing scarlet hair. With her curiosity piqued, she chased after the Scarlet haired individual. However, when she turned the corner where she saw the strange red head had turned earlier, she was surprised to see no one there. 

Nejire: "Did I imagine that?" 

Suddenly, a voice appeared behind her. It's tone was deep indicating the individual was a male, and whoever it was, he was curious. 

Sirzechs: "I can assure you that you weren't imagining it."

Nejire: "Kyaaah!" 

Nejire jumped forward, did a front flip before getting into a fighting stance facing the red head who crossed his arms amused, and curious. 

Sirzechs: "Well? Are you going to tell me who you are and what you are doing in UA?" 

Nejire: "I'm Nejire Hado. A third year student of UA High. Who are you?" 

Sirzechs: "First name Mario, last name Mario. Mario Mario. Nice to meet you miss Hado."

Nejire tilted her head confused as she questioned. 

Nejire: "Mario Mario? Is that really your name?" 

Sirzechs: "No. Its a name I made up on the spot not to give out my real name." 

Nejire pouted at the Scarlet man's word's as she questioned. 

Nejire: "The what's your real name?" 

Sirzechs: "My real name? It's actually Satan. The actually is very important to my name."

Nejire pouted further. And as she was about to speak, Sirzechs cut her off. My name isn't of any importance right now. May I ask what you are doing at UA so late? By now all the students should've returned home already." 

Nejire: "I'm here to deliver a letter to the principal."

Sirzechs: "Ah? Your looking for that rodent hybrid? He's not at his office right now, you can find him at All Mights office."

Nejire: "Really? But where is his office?" 

Sirzechs: "Yes. And his office is just a few meters ahead of the normal teachers office. It's sign board litteraly says All Might. Make sure you give the door a knock and wait for All Might to let you in. 

Nejire bowed thankfully, and before she left she questioned. 

Nejire: "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?" 

Sirzechs: "To the dormitory."

Nejire blinked in surprise as she questioned. 

Nejire: "Your living at UA'S dormitories? I thought it wasn't completed?" 

Sirzechs: "Not all the buildings are done being made. I'm just living at one of the already completed building's."

Nejire: "Oh! I get it now!" 

Sirzechs: "Congratulations on getting it. If you have nothing else, I'll take my leave now." 

Nejire: "Wait! Can't you please tell me your name?" 

Sirzechs waved his hand dismissively and began dissappearing as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Just call me Mario Mario. If the Principal decides to tell you my name then you'll know it." 

After finishing his sentence, Sirzechs vanished leaving an extremely curious Nejire wondering who that strange person was, and what kind of quirk they possessed? 

Nejire: "Yosh! I know I'll be able to meet him again sometime later on, so for now I'll go deliver this letter to the principal."

Sirzechs: "She's a good girl. A little airheaded, but still kind and strong. Nejire Hado huh? I'll keep the name in mind I guess."

And so Sirzechs returned to the Dorms before going into his alternate space to once more continue his training.