
Reborn as shin's twin brother: Kenja No Mago

A renowned martial artist who reached the pinnacle of strength in his world only wanted nothing but death later found himself in a world full of magic and absolutely nothing on martial art Will he carry on his lagecy as a martial art and eventually also reach the peak of this world? Or will he learn the magic way which never suits him and his ideals? …………………………………………………………………………………… Please this is actually my first novel so don't be too harsh with the reviews and make comments on any thing you find insulting or unreasonable or uninteresting Please do enjoy

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Forming A Coalition And the Future Plans

"So you hate me because I'm weak and you can't allow a weakling to rule you, I'm I right?"

Rei looks at the gigantic figure before him in disdain

Crack... Crack...

The big guy cracks his knuckles ready to pound Rei

"And I'm going to show Strom sama how weak and pathetic you are"

The big guy lifts his hand ready to land a blow on Rei's handsome face but was stop by Rei's tiny tiny hands

"He caught his hand"

The murmur of the people behind started to grow again in disbelief at what they just witnessed

"I would have let you go, but I'm not the merciful type, so begone"

Rei uses the wind around him as a blade to slice him to mince meat nothing looked as if it was a human being turned puddle of flesh and blood, the crowd grew quiet

"If you still want to try and take me down the offer is still open"

Rei said in a very scary tune putting an immeasurable amount of fear inside them

"That's what I thought, so from now on you work under Strom who works under me, that means I can give you orders directly or through Strom, but I need loyal subordinates, so I will put up another offer if you don't want to work for me, you can leave"

Rei says

But Strom tries to make Rei reconsider

"Rei sama these people aren't ordinary they are given a high amount of strength through demonification we can't just allow them to roam free"

Strom pleaded with Rei but his pleas only fell on deaf ears as Rei just ignored him and started at the demons who were going through a dilemma

Not long after some few demons began to leave the hall

"But just so you know do not lay your hands on the Earshide kingdom or the people related or close to me"

Rei's voice resounded throughout the hall

"Rei sama are sure about this"

Strom asks him for the last time

"what I just did to this unfortunate fellow over here was just a warning"

He points to the puddle of flesh and blood on the ground

"But if anyone still wants to go against my orders they are free to do so, ill just hunt them down"

Rei left the hall through a backstage door


"I just hope nothing bad happens"

Strom sighs

In a small meeting room

Just immediately after addressing the huge crowd of Demonoids

There sat four figures, they were Rei, Strom, Zest, and a new arrival Miria

Miria is a demonized woman with exceptional beauty and elegant curves and huge breasts unlike most of the Demonoid Miria was very strong, she had brute strength and was very skilled in hand-to-hand combat

Miria looks at Shin in disdain and whispers to Zest who sat beside her

"Are you sure we can trust this human"

"If Strom sama can trust him then we too can"

Zest replied leaning on his seat to relax

"So my purpose of firing this coalition, just like I told you, Strom, I don't plan on staying in one town forever, so I'm looking for a side base, a place I can come and relax, that is my cut of the coalition, so what do you want from me"

He asked Strom who was sitting opposite him on a very large table

Storm hesitates before he could muster up all the courage to speak up

"I need you to eradicate the nobles of the blusphere empire, that is our purpose, we the demons want to eradicate those fat pigs from this world. They have caused us so much pain and suffering, they took everything from us our property including our family members just because we are commoners"

Memories of his wife flushed into his head

"That is all we ask from you Rei sama"

Rei looks at Strom as though he is looking at his past self

"Strom should I tell you why I hate weakness"

Rei removes a small dagger which he always keeps under his cloth

"Weakness or being weak is like a double edge knife. There are two types of weak people in society, the weak that are being oppressed by the weak and the weak that are being oppressed by the strong, and you guys fall under the category of the weak being oppressed by the weak and it's because you were weak that you were oppressed by the noble men who were also weak"

Rei coldly stated

Miria jumps in fury

"Are you trying to insult us!!"

"MIRiA!!! Calm down, will you"

Zest who noticed that their master had frozen up due to Rei's words stop Miria in her tracks

Rei then continues

"About the coalition, it has already been formed, but I'm afraid the attack on the empire has to wait for some weeks"

"What do you mean by that Rei sama"

Zest asks in curiosity

"After taking over the empire what do you guys have in mind after that"

Rei looks at Zest but Zest just quietly sat there not knowing what to

"We haven't put much thought into that yet"

Zest stammers

"Just as I thought or we're you guys planning to take over the four kingdoms, you know I won't allow you to do that with or without the alliance,

So this is where my plan falls under, after taking over the empire we start a new country, a country where Demonoid and humans can live happily without fear of the other race. That is my plan"

Rei stated his plan to everyone present but the ones actually present were Miria and Zest, Strom was still in a trans

"So who is going to be in charge of the kingdom reconstruction"

Zest asks Rei placing his hands under his jaw

Rei sips his whine beside him to cool his thirst and continues

"That you can leave under my care and also the attack should be left under my care too, your only work is to keep your army in check and control their thirst for blood, I would have reversed the detoxification but that takes a huge toll on my body, and again do not allow your demon army to lay a finger on the Earshide kingdom or to make matters worst my queen, I'm I understood"

Rei's voice echoed around the room

"Yes Rei sama, what about the demons who left our army"

"Well, I don't have any issue with them but if they are just so unfortunate to lay a hand on my queen or the kingdom, then I guess it was fate for them to die by my hands"

Rei said and sips from his wine

"I have my own question to ask"

Miria stands up

"And what is that"

"If you claim that you're strong as everyone says you are, then why don't you show me what you are capable of"


Rei gives out a huge sigh

"This again, ok I will show you what I can do"

He stands up from his seat

"Ok, look at me, make sure you don't take your eyes off me"


Pat... Pat...

Rei pats her shoulder from her back

"I told you not to take your eyes off me"

A cold chill ran through her spin as if she was facing a life-and-death situation

Her instinct kicked in rapidly telling her she should dodge

But the problem is to dodge what exactly

She leaps back to dodge Rei's pat only to see him sitting on his seat

"How did he move so fast"

Cold sweat begins to run down her chin

"So I'll be taking my leave now"

Rei stands up and walks toward the window

"One last thing"

Rei turns toward Strom

"Storm you need to move forward, I don't know what you lost along the way or what the nobles took from you, but you need to move forward the only thing you can do right now is live in the present and hope for the best, you can't bring anybody back and you can never justify your weakness, so I'm giving you this advice based on experience, I have once seen a man who lost everything yet the only thing that made him keep on moving was his conviction, so Strom find your conviction"

Rei takes off in the air and begins to journey back to the kingdom

Sob... Sob...

Tears begin to roll down from Strom's eyes

As he sobs in grieve and anguish

Zest and Miria leaves the meeting room to allow him to have his privacy

"Do you think Rei sama will be ok"

Miria said squeezing her two tightly to her chest

"I just pray so, honestly I don't know who that boy was but if he can break down Strom sama like this, then he was once in his shoes"

Zest says walking away and going to his private office being accompanied by Lawrence

After walking for a few minutes he appears in front of a door which was the door to his office


"Yes Zest sama"

"How many demonoids are under our flag right now"

He asks Lawrence while opening his door and listening to everything he has to say

"We were previously 55 but after Rei speech 35 left and we a down to 20"

Sigh ....

He rest on his office seat to release a huge sigh of relief before he continues his questions

"So what about the whereabouts of the others"

"According to the information I got from Abel they are headed for the Earshide kingdom"

Lawrence says examining the reports Abel sent to him

Zestjumpss out of his seat

"Wait a minute the kingdom of Earshide, isn't that where Rei talked about not to lay a finger on"

"Apparently it is"

"Send word to Able, that he should leave that group at once"

"Understood Zest sama"

Lawrence quickly dashes off from the room

"I just pray Able leaves that place before he gets there"

Meanwhile at Earshide kingdom

Ding.... Ding....

The sound of the huge town bell could be heard

The entire townspeople were running up and down in fear and panic

The mage and the knights tried to maintain order in the town but nothing was happening the citizens were all freaked out

At the king's palace

Disuiem was walking up and down the meeting hall as he waited for the military generals to give a report in details

Only Merlin and Melinda we're in the room but more relaxed that their king

"Your Majesty"

Another Soldier came in to give battle status

"The demons are coming from both the south gate and the North gate and the status in the north gate isn't all that good"

He gives his report with a terrified tone

"Where is the military chief"

"That we don't know"

"What is the status of the North gate"

Melinda asks

"Half of the soldiers there have been wiped out, right now, it's the S class student in both the knight and the magic academy that are handling them"

"What are the names of the magic student handling the gates"

Melinda asks almost wanting to barge inside the battle herself

"At the south gate; Shin sama, Julius, Tony, and Yuri, while at the North gate August sama, Thor, Rin, Maria, and according to the report I just received they've been exhausted. Cecily isn't present at the battle because she is attending to the wounded"

"Are there any batch of soldiers available for reinforcements"

Disiuem asks hoping to hear yes. Right now the safety of his son and the protection of the kingdom was the only thing that rang in his head

Meanwhile at the North gate

Half of the army was wiped out, and of the ones alive few of them were missing one of their body parts, the only emotions coming to mind were despair and fear,

The students were already at their limits and very exhausted, their saving grace was the suit Shin made for them, this was their face battle and also the first time seeing blood at this amount

The student was struggling to hold and retain their consciousness, the smell of blood was too much for them to handle, it was a miracle that they can still keep up at this rate.

Although the demons had split up they were still too strong for them to handle

Maria just knelt on the ground over tired and wanted to pass out due to exhaustion

"Hahaha, little miss it seems like you can't keep up with our battle, if you can accept my offer I can make Strom turn you into a demon then I'll take good care of you, how do you see my offer?"

One of the demons who was having a fierce combat battle with Maria started to tease her with a lustful tone

Pant... Pant...

Miria struggles for air

"Go... fu.. ck.. yourself"

At that point, she was about to pass out, and the only thing that came to her mind was Rei

She master all her final strength and shouted

"Rei we need you!!!"

The entire North gate fell into a deep silence


All the demons started laughing uncontrollably

"I don't think he is going to hear you from the empire little miss"

Not long after shouting Rei's name her ring showned with great light

Then a sound could be heard throughout the battlefield as though a huge cannon was passing through the wind

"He is here August says falling flat on the floor"


A huge boom was heard throughout the battlefield

A huge amount of dust rouse up

After some seconds the dust clears and reveals a huge debris and Rei standing on top of the demon who was engaging in a battle with Maria

"Fate is truly not merciful with you unlucky fellows"

A/N: Please I need your stones and reviews please. (✪ω✪)