
Reborn as shin's twin brother: Kenja No Mago

A renowned martial artist who reached the pinnacle of strength in his world only wanted nothing but death later found himself in a world full of magic and absolutely nothing on martial art Will he carry on his lagecy as a martial art and eventually also reach the peak of this world? Or will he learn the magic way which never suits him and his ideals? …………………………………………………………………………………… Please this is actually my first novel so don't be too harsh with the reviews and make comments on any thing you find insulting or unreasonable or uninteresting Please do enjoy

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 15: The Being Behind the cloak

"So who are you"

Rei said drawing closer to the cloaked figure

"How did you dispel it"

The cloaked figure asked

"Oi, Oi, I'm the one doing the asking, or else you wanna die"

A seat appears in front of the cloaked figure and Rei seats on it

"So who are you?"

Rei removes the hood and behold a man with white hair, dark skin, and a blindfold covering his eye

"I'm Strom"

Strom lowers his head in submission

"Strom, Strom, I'm sure I've heard that name somewhere "

Rei said trying to recall where he heard that name from

"So, Strom why and how did you demonize him, mind you, you should start talking if you love your body in one piece"

Rei warns him.

Strom struggles for some time before he started

"Kurt is an experiment to my research, as for how I did it?... I just triggered his deep negative emotions that's all" Strom said facing down

Rei moves closer to Strom


Rei shouts in surprise

"I remember now Oliviera"

Rei said snapping his finger

"You taught Maria and Kurt, so why do this to your student," Rei said

"I have my own personal reasons," Strom said still bending his head

"But you are from the empire so why don't you go back, but you know I can't just let you leave like that" Rei said showing off his evil grin at him


"So why do you want from me"

"I need you to tell me everything you know about the empire," Rei said

"I guess you don't seem to know who I am"

Strom said lifting his head gradually

"Oh? You want a deal"

"How about we fight, if I win you let me go and you will work under me as a personal guard but if you win, I'll tell you everything you need to know about the empire" Strom says looking into Rei's eyes for the first time since he came

"Ok, I accept, it's not like I'll lose"

Rei says flickering his hand and immediately the space changes its form it now looked wider than before, Kurt was pushed far away to avoid getting injured from their clash, and Rei released Strom from his shackles

"Ok so can we begin"

Strom kicks the ground and flew up into the air

"Before you start throwing some spells, let me give you a handicap, you will use all sorts of spells, but I won't use any, I will only fight with my bare fist"

Rei says kissing his two fist

"I don't care"

Strom says throwing a barrage of fireballs at Rei

Rei just stood there like a log and accepted everything

The smoke began to clear and it was Rei's figure that was visible he just stood there unhurt

"How can that be" Strom began to panic

"I should really commend you, not everyone is capable of making my cloth burn, that is truly praiseworthy"

Rei pats the part of his cloth that was charred due to the fire

"So, can I begin"

Rei maintains his battle stance and begins to inhale a massive amount of air making his natural breath to flow around his body and strengthen every single ounce of muscles in his body


Rei kicks the ground and appeared in front of Strom, he lands a punch on Strom but luckily for Strom he was able to bring his hand to block it, although he blocked it his hand still suffered a lot

His bones were crushed

Strom casts a healing spell on his hand healing his bones before colliding with the ground


He vomited a mouth full of blood

"Truly you exceeded my expectations"

Rei kicks the air again and landed on Strom's guts crushing some ribs

And again Strom vomited a huge amount of blood

"Are you ready to give up" Rei squatted looking at the miserable Strom

"Huff huff I... will win"

Strom forced out these futile words

"Awnn, such bravery, I'd like to see you try"

Rei grabs his and heals him with his breath

"But that won't be today"

Two chairs appear and Rei places Strom on one and sits on one

"So can you begin"

Rei gestures towards Strom

Strom raises his head and started

"I'm creating a demon army to take down the empire, and I used Kurt as the experiment to achieve that, apart from Kurt there are others to I've demonized"

Rei nods in satisfaction

"You are quite the demon, but how I'm I sure you are not lying to me"

Rei said looking at Strom in the eye

"I can take you there myself"

Strom says

"Well that will be tomorrow, for now I have to sleep"

Rei said standing up from his chair

Fwossh a portal opens and Rei walks inside it

Chip... Chip...

Walking outside the portal the sound of birds and a bright morning light welcomed him


"Don't tell me... it's morning already!!"

Rei shouts at the top of his voice

knock... knock...

"Rei sama your breakfast is ready"

The maid-servant assigned to Rei Vivian came to wake him up

"Vivian San I'll be down in a minute"

Rei immediately responded to make her know he was awake

'Crap so this means the time has no effect on my dimension'

Rei rushed into his bathroom for a quick bath and came out for breakfast

On the table, the entire family was present and all the maid servants of the house gathered around for any service needed in any way

The family started to munch their meal until Melin brings up a topic

"Rei how is your new occupation going"

"It going well and I got my hands full at the moment with other personal stuff so I'm kind of stressed out"

Rei replied making the bag under his eyes visible to them

"That my grandson, always hardworking"

Merlin chuckles

"That reminds me, Grandma some of my students want to meet you, they are huge fans of yours, some I'm sure they will be happy to see you"

"Eh? why are all these kingdom kids so annoying"

Melinda sighs

"It's your fault for being popular"

Shin said

"But I never chose to be popular"

After the chitchat, the group was done with their meal and decided to go out to their various destination

Rei went to his class, Shin went to school, and Merlin Melinda went to the king's palace.

In Rei's class

Rei entered the class and saw everyone playing a game with magic

He walks laser to them to take a clearer view of what they are doing

"Hey what are you guys doing"

"We call this magic ball game"

Mike answered him

"I used earth magic to create the field, while the fighters use their magic to create their players and play, the aim is to score the highest goal more than your opponent"


Ana grunts as vain pops out from her head

"Williams I can't accept that, this is basically cheating"

Ana cursed

Williams just lazily stared at her

"I'm not the one that told you to learn only one magical element"

"That enough to get to your sit"

Rei interrupts their argument

The student rushed to their sits, then Rei continues

"So I'll be out for today"

"Yes" Ana murmurs

"But while I'm out I'll give you a test"

"No" She murmurs again

Rei opens his storage dimension and a katana came out of it

Rei stabs it into the ground

"Whoever brings it out from the ground will be rewarded..."

"Tck" Ana clicks her tongue

"And will get to meet the magi and the guru"

"You mean it?"

Ana jumps out from her seat with stars in her eyes

"So I get to see the guru"

Yumi whispers to herself

"That is if you guys can pull it out though"

Rei chuckles

"Just watch and see sensei"

Ana walks towards the katana and tries to pull it out but instead, it was she that pull down by the katana


The entire class gasped

"Even the female gorilla was pulled down"

Williams said looking at the red Ana on the floor who was so embarrassed by her failure

"I guess it's my turn"

Mike class his hand with earth and was ready to punch

Bamm... Bamm...

Mike lands a series of punches on the katana

Crack... Crack...

Mike earth's fist started to wither away


Rei bursts into laughter

"Don't worry guys I'll be taking my leave now, see you later"

Rei flickers away

"Just so you wait sensei I'll make you pay for embarrassing me"

Ana causes

Far away from the school on top of a five storey building

Rei stood there looking into the vast area of nothing but huge trees and bushes

A portal open beside him the Strom came out of it

Rei turns toward him

"Are you ready?"

Rei asked to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything

Strom took off into the air and as he was about to go he remembered a serious issue

"I hope you know that you can't fly right? and the only way to get to the empire today is through flight, and the only thing you are capable of doing is to jump, or do you intend to jump until we reach the empire?"

Strom says in curiosity

"About that ~zero gravity~"

Rei started to levitate in the air gradually until he reaches the same height as Strom

"Cool right?"

"What sort of monster are you"

"That's rude, how can you call someone a monster, all I did was reduce the gravity around me, therefore making me float"

The both of them began their journey

For an hour and two, both of them journeyed had the vast lands now finally arrived at it

The empire was just like the kingdom filled with tall luxurious buildings for the reach but one thing that differentiates the kingdom from the empire was that at the empire the commoners were treated like dogs for the rich

But the kingdom does not allow one to use his status as they please. This was a huge difference that affected their government in both areas

Arriving at the empire Strom leads Rei to an abandoned castle

Upon entering the castle

Zest, a man dressed in a butler cloth came to welcome Strom from his journey to the Earlshide kingdom

"We noticed your magic signatures and came to welcome you from your journey"

Zest bows slightly before he continues

"But if I may ask how is this you brought together with you"

"Oh, him?"

Storm gestures at Rei to introduce himself

"I'm Rei or you can call me Rei warlford"

Rei said his name to the hearing of everyone at the castle door

"Warlford? I know I've heard that name somewhere"

Zest tries to remember where he heard the name warlford from

"Zest prepare a room for our visitor to stay and great for now"

Storm orders

"I'll be back Rei sama there are some things news to take care of"

Strom bows slightly before leaving and that leaves everyone in shock as seeing their leader the Almighty storm now before a mere human and a weak one at that

Before strom left he whispered something into Zest's ears that made him tremble in fear

After coming back from the shock Zest orders some men to take Rei to a room where he can stay and wait for Strom to come back

After some hours Strom came back with Zest and Lawrence one of Zest's elite squad members

In a huge meeting hall, there were three seats meant for Rei, one for Strom, and the order for the master tactician Zest

Rei was already sitting as Zest went ahead to take his position

After they had finished settling down Strom stood up to address the entire demon army present

"Good day my brothers and sisters, today I have returned on a great purpose, a purpose that will benefit the whole demons and that is to an alliance with this man present here who I have acknowledged as my master"

He points at Rei

Immediately the entire hall busts into laughter

"You gotta be kidding Strom sama, I bet this is one of those of your serious jokes right"

One of the demons at the front row said while laughing

"And besides look at how weak he is"

Another said while laughing

"Rei sama can you give me permission to kill these two"

Strom angrily said clenching his fist tight

"Nah, just let it slide, and besides I actually enjoy being in the company of fools who don't know their place,"

"If you say so, then I'll continue"

He turns and continues to address the public

"The alliance has already been formed, I'm just here to do you guys a favor of letting you know who you are serving"

And again the noise continues but this time, not laughter but angry murmurs

"I can understand why you guys don't want to work with me, after all, I'm only a human with a small amount of magic power that is why you people couldn't sense me coming,"

Rei stands up to address the audience more professionally

"I didn't want to result to this but you guys leave me no choice if anyone of you wants me gone by all means why don't you come here right now and beat the crap out of me"

The whole place went so quiet that his voice echoed

"I will challenge you"

A muscular demon comes out to challenge Rei his muscles could be seen even through his cloth

"Before we commence what is your reason for fighting me"

Rei looks straight at his eyes

"I can't let a weakling rule me, to make matters worst a human"

"Is that so, then come at me with everything you've got"

A/N: The reason they call Rei a weakling is that demons are used to sensing magical powers and Rei on the other hand has little amount of it so they don't know he is a breath user, which is why they classify him as weak. Don't forget to give me your reviews on how the book is going so far and most especially, your stones. And get ready for the next chapter.

I need your stones and reviews please!!!!!!!