
Reborn as shin's twin brother: Kenja No Mago

A renowned martial artist who reached the pinnacle of strength in his world only wanted nothing but death later found himself in a world full of magic and absolutely nothing on martial art Will he carry on his lagecy as a martial art and eventually also reach the peak of this world? Or will he learn the magic way which never suits him and his ideals? …………………………………………………………………………………… Please this is actually my first novel so don't be too harsh with the reviews and make comments on any thing you find insulting or unreasonable or uninteresting Please do enjoy

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: Teacher X Student

Later that day it was evening, Rei and his student had finished their training and went home although not all the students as for Ana she slept all through the day.

It was evening, the sun was already halfway gone, and the atmosphere along the street was a very romantic one, the lights coming out from the nearby shops made the view even more pleasant in the eyes of the couples along the road

Rei and his student were going to the nearest restaurant because he had failed to win a bet between them and his now paying the ultimate price for his carelessness.

"You guys are little demons"

Rei caused

"Its not our fault you failed to little kids like us"

Ana teases him

"But Rei sensei you should be at least happy that you get to take us out"

Mike tries to comfort him

"How should I be happy about that"

Rei stares at Mike with a deadpanned face

"But seriously though, I can't believe you all are orphans"

Rei changes the topic

"We all came to the orphanage at the same age, we just lived there as one family"

Mike voiced his part of the story

"But thanks to Rei Sensei this is the first time we are going out to eat"

Yumi cutely said covering her face in shame

"You guys don't have to be formal to me outside the school"

Rei ruffles Yumi's head

"How I wish my queen was here"

Rei sighs

"That's right Sensei, who is this queen you always talk about "

Ana asks him looking at the other not interested

"She a beautiful angel, her beauty is out of this world and I want nothing than to stay with her forever "

Rei said looking up at the night sky full of bright stars

Meanwhile at that same time, not far from Rei's location.

Maria was walking all alone on the street looking at the amazing site of lovers going in pairs to different restaurants and amusement centers, the site was good but yet she felt lonely. That was when the face of Rei flashed through her head.

She decided to sit on one of the benches along the part way to take a rest from her long strolling, she begins to touch the ring given to her by Rei as visions of him passes her head

"How I wish he was here"

These were the thought going on in her head, She decides to lay her head down and was about to doze off

"Rei... I need you"

She said


"Maria I'm right here"

A familiar voice replied

"I can even hear his voice in my dream"


"Ana if you would open your eyes, I know you will be able to tell the difference between a dream and reality"

Rei was about to touch her, but she opened her eyes and...


A resounding slap could be heard

"Don't touch me you pervert"

She screamed

"I was trying to wake you up"

He screeches in pain

"Sensei is this your queen?"

Yumi asks looking at Maria with an expressionless face


Rei answered dusting his black robe

"She is mean, I don't like her"

Yumi stares at her with an angry gaze

"No, I'm not the mean one here, it's your sensei that's the mean one, he tried to harass me"

Maria tried to justify herself but it didn't work

"Sensei isn't mean, he thought us a new spell today that nobody could teach, he showed us how to make beautiful magical fireworks, he is 3ven taking us out to eat dinner which nobody has ever done, so my sensei isn't mean"

She releases a mighty outburst of magical energy as she yells in anger

"That okay Yumi"

Rei parts her head

" Maria over here isn't mean, this is just part of our usual greeting methods to know if she is the real Maria and I'm the real Rei"

Rei tries to convince her

"Is that true sensei "

"Yes it's true, so see her as my representative anytime I'm not around, okay?"

"Okay sensei"

She nods slightly

"So when are we gonna get there, I'm getting tired already"

Williams lazily spoke

After some minutes the group arrived at the restaurant, it was not that fancy or looking classy but this restaurant served the best meat you can ever find in the kingdom of Earlshide.

The group picked a table where all of them sat l, Rei then ordered for some plate of food.

After some time the waitress brought their meals, for them to eat

"Everyone chow down the bill is on..."

Before he could finish they had already started devouring the food

After the group had finished eating their meal all of them were stuffed up, the younger ones found it hard to move only Rei and Maria could move freely because they didn't eat too much of the meat

On the other side, the children had to eat to their fill because this was not something that happened every time, at the orphanage they don't eat much because of the low food supply the kingdom was suffering at the moment

"Ok guys, time to get going, it's already late"

Rei signals them with a clap, but none of them responded, this left Rei with a shocked face, and this made Maria chuckle lightly

"Hey stop laughing"


"I guess it can't be helped, Maria ca you help me and carry the two girls"

He pleaded with Maria for

Maria nods and lift the two girls on her shoulders Rei did the same for the boys and they both head out for the orphanage

Knock knock

They had reached the orphanage to drop off the kids.

"Ah Rei sama, you're back"

An old lady comes out of the house to attend to them

"Grandma I came to drop off the children they have already slept off"

The woman opens the door widely for them to enter

Rei went to the boy's room to drop the boys off while Maria went to the girl's room to drop off the girls

When both had finished they decided to head out

"Good night grandma"

They both greeted together

"What a nice couple you guys will make"

The woman remarked making Maria go all red, but Rei on the other hand just flowed with the tone

"Thanks, Grandma, we were even planning on getting married soon"

"We were? When?"

Maria was confused

"Bye "

The old woman greeted them for the last time before they departed

On the way back to Maria's house, Rei and Maria were just walking nervously until Maria broke the silence

"Umm Rei, about today, thank you for the meal"

Maria forced the world from her mouth rubbing her fingers between each other

"Anything for my queen"

Rei said with a wide grin on his face

"Maria I want you to be strong, I want to make you stronger"

Rei said with a serious expression on his face

"Where is this coming from all of a sudden "

"I don't plan to stay here forever I want to explore the entire world"

Rei says looking up to the stars, he then continues

"And while doing that I need you to be able to protect yourselves"

"So you plan on leaving not only the school but the kingdom also"

"Don't get me wrong I don't want to leave, want to go on an adventure, that has always been my dream to be free and strong. Because you can't be strong and remain captivated"

Memories of his past life sweep in

"But before I go I will marry you"

"Don't say rubbish you pervert"

pouts cutely as she turns red


"It's already too late I can drop you off by your side"

"We can both walk there"

"No, that will be too slow"

He forcefully 'princess carries' her

"Hey, what are you doing"

Dzzz... Dzzz...

Sparks of lightning cover his body then


There were both gone

People who were around were astonished some even fell in fear

They arrived at Maria's room in the Messina's Mansion

"So I'll get going"

Rei was about to go

"Rei... good night"

"Good night Maria"


Rei zooms off

At the Warlford Mansion

Rei sneaks in through his window trying to avoid waking anybody but was eventually surprised by the night visitors he had in his room

"Where were you brat"

The thundering voice of Melinda ranged through the mansion enough to wake everyone


"Grandma I can..."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date with a girl"

"Grandma it wasn't a girl it was my student"

"Oh, you're now going out with your female student, what a grandson I raised"

"No grandma, I was taking all of them out for a birthday, yes one of them had his birthday today"

'I can't obviously tell her I lost a bet'

Rei smiles shyly as the thought of him losing a bet began to come

"Hmmm... if that's the case then you're free for this time but next time I won't forgive you "

She bangs the door and left his room

"Thank goodness, she was gone..."


"Hey brat, the school brought this for you it's a document of how you'll be paid every month"


"I pray she is gone this time"

Rei picks up the document and scoops through it

"Not that bad, but before I sleep"

He clicks his fingers, a portal appears in front of him, he enters the portal and behold two figures in front of him sitting

On his right was Kurt who laid on the chair and on his left was the cloaked figure

Rei ignores the cloaked figure and walks toward Kurt

He places his hand on Kurt's head, Kurt tries to avoid Rei's grip a black chain comes out from the ground and binds Kurt making him sit still

Black reddish-colored energy sips out from Kurt while Yellow colored energy came out from Rei

This was obviously the battle between natural energy and demonic energy

Rei through the help of the natural energy sucks in the demonic energy whole and this made Kurt shriek in pain

After some time he was done sucking it in he began to pour natural energy into Kurt's body making his recovery fast

The cloaked figure who was also chained stood there in amazement at that point in time the only thought that ran through his head was 'who is this kid'

Rei was done with Kurt and decided to face the cloaked figure

Intense fear gripped the cloaked figure

"Who are you kid"

"Oh? that's the question I am meant to be asking you"

"You're a demon, how possible can a mere human do that"

"You should stop talking, or do you want to make your death painful"

A/N: Don't forget to give your reviews and some stones too