
Reborn as shin's twin brother: Kenja No Mago

A renowned martial artist who reached the pinnacle of strength in his world only wanted nothing but death later found himself in a world full of magic and absolutely nothing on martial art Will he carry on his lagecy as a martial art and eventually also reach the peak of this world? Or will he learn the magic way which never suits him and his ideals? …………………………………………………………………………………… Please this is actually my first novel so don't be too harsh with the reviews and make comments on any thing you find insulting or unreasonable or uninteresting Please do enjoy

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 13: A shocking news

A/N: I'm back guys but not fully I will still be releasing some chapters at a slow pace, please bear with me for now


"Rei are you a... demon"


Rei sighs

"No I'm not a demon, what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm not a mage"

He releases the bomb causing the room to go silent

"then what are you"

"I'm a martial artist who found out how to control some of the forces of nature or as I call it the 'breath' "

"Martial... blacklist, forces of... what now"

Maria titles her head in confusion

"Here get your hand I'll show you"

Rei grabs her hands and starts to infuse natural energy 8nto her muscles trying to strengthen them and give her a strong magical foundation

"Try to get a hold of yourself this is going to be intense"

Rei warns her

Rei pours in more natural energy inside her, she bites her lower lips trying to suppress the pleasure she was getting from Rei's natural energy

little by little the pleasure kept on creeping all over her body she didn't even notice when she mourned

"I can stop if you want to"

Rei's said

"St... stop... I can't take it anymore"

Rei releases her hand, her whole body was sweaty while she pants fighting for air

"What do you want to do to me, you pervert"

She angrily but softly yelled at Rei while helplessly sitting down and fighting for air

"I just made you stronger, although temporarily"

Huff... huff...

She gradually regained her strength

"What do you mean"

"What I mean is that I made your magical foundation stronger now you can cast a higher spell than usual well for some days and I also made your body stronger, you easily crush a rock without breaking a sweat"

Rei places his hand on her head

"Allow me to replenish your stamina"

A bright glow shown around the room

"There, I've replenished it"

Rei sits down releasing a deep sigh of relieve

"I want to quit the school"

He releases another bomb but this time it made Maria furious

"Ehh? But you just only started"

She yells at him grabbing his collar

"As I told you, I'm not a mage"

She releases

"You got a point, but even though"

"Even though what?"


She remains speechless, He continues

"Maria don't get me wrong I don't want to quit, I just don't want to continue"


knock... knock...

"Maria we're going it's getting too late"

Cecily's voice rang through the door

"Cecily! shit I didn't even notice it was getting late"

Maria hurried to the door

"Maria don't tell anyone about our lover's conversation kay?"

Her faces reddens

"Stop saying nonsense"

She pouts cutely


Rei laughs softly at her cuteness

"I guess I'm going to start teaching tomorrow"


The following day at the school

"Good day everyone today, I'm passing down a piece of information about one of you here

Alfred looks towards Rei signalling him to come forward

" As from today, Rei is no longer a student of the magical academy"


Everyone gasps in unison trying to take it in then...


They all yell in unison

"Then what are you going to be doing from now"

Shin ask worried

"About that, the school has appointed him as a year 1 teacher in the lower class"

"Thank you everyone for having me"

Rei bows politely and exits the class. Alfred followed him,

The class burst into murmur at the sudden event that just happened only Maria who just sat down there calmly and looked at Rei and Alfred through the window


"Rei are you sure about your decision"

Alfred questioned him

"Sensei what do you think you guys can teach me?"

He replies him with a question

"You got some point"

A certain gush of demonic aura leaks out more enough for Alfred and Rei to notice it

"Rei, Shin, I'll kill Rei Shin, I'll kill Rei Shin"

Kurt murmurs to himself as a gush of demonic aura covers him, He dashes towards Rei ready to punch him but Rei swiftly sidesteps his step dodging his punch.


Kurt makes a huge crater underneath him

Rei kun



The entire class ran out

"Guys why are you here"

"We came as soon as we heard the sound of the explosion"

Shin dashes towards him standing next to him and staring at Kurt on the floor

"How can a demonized human have his consciousness"

Rei looks at the flow of energy around him

"It's because of his anger towards us that he became like this"

Rei changes his direction and looks towards a far building, a cloaked figure runs away

"Rei, Shin please die for me"

Kurt dashes again at rocket speed towards them ready to land a blow at them but was stopped by Rei's hand

"Enough of this"

Mud rises from the ground and covers Kurt whole making him immobile

"Shin take care of Kurt, I'll be back


he dashes away chasing after the cloaked figure

"Who is this kid"

The cloaked figure began to panic


Two appear in front of him

So you're the one who messed with my classmate

He grabs his head ready to crush it


The man screams in pain

"Don't worry I won't kill you but for now ~Vanish~"


The man was gone with a puff of smoke

Rei heads back to the academy.

At the academy

"Rei where were you"

Shi. ask him

"I went to take care of some kind of stuff"

He smiles warily

"So how is he doing "

He moves towards the mud and dissolves it a little revealing the head of Kurt, He places both of his hands on Kurt's head and...

In kurts mindscape

The environment was peach black Rei walked for a time before reaching Kurt's location in his mindscape.

Kurt was tied with a chain in both arms as he hung in the air, it seems like he was asleep and couldn't wake up at no possible time.

Rei walked towards Kurt and places his hand on the chain dissolving the chain, he uses his breath(natural energy) to infuse some soothing sensation into Kurt to trigger him to wake up.


With a loud gasp Kurt jumps up, Rei steps out of his mindscape

Outside the mindscape, everyone just stood there waiting for Rei but instead of Rei both Kurt woke up

"What happened, where I'm I"

Kurt looked around

"You should go get some rest, the effect of being demonized will still affect you later in the day"

Rei told him while walking away from the group

"How did you him Nii-san"

Shin could not believe his eyes and stared wildly at Kurt in disbelieve

"I purified him, but you shouldn't do magic can't purify"

He finally walks away from the group going to his class


In the class

Rei steps inside the class and found four children staring at him, he became a little nervous but got a hold of himself as this was his occupation in his past life so it wouldn't be hard to teach some children

He walks towards the desk, brings out some files and started to go through them.

"Ok, we will start by introducing ourselves, why don't you start"

He gestured to the girl at his left to begin

"My name is Yumi, I'm eleven years old"

Yumi a cute girl with blue eyes and light blue hair, seeing both Yumi and Cecily in the same place one could call them siblings she is also very timid like her, Yumi cares nothing but the safety of her loved ones. She has a very high magic affinity for water.


"My name is Mike, I'm eleven years old, please to work with you sir"

Mike is a small boy with a well-built body for his age he is most probably going to be their class captain, because of his charisma and his eye filled with eagerness to fulfil his life's goal, he has brown eyes with light brown skin and brown hair. He has a very high magic affinity for Earth.


"I'm Ana, I'm eleven years old"

Ana is a small girl who has no feelings for anyone on the outside but truth be told she does care for her friends, she has bright red hair with bright red eyes, and teamwork doesn't exist in her dictionary she only goes with what she feels like. She has a very high magic affinity for fire.


"Sensei my name is Williams, I'm also the same age as those hardworking freaks please to meet you "

Williams lazily lay on the desk and introduced himself.

Williams has a dull expression so most of the time nobody knows what is going on in his head, for someone as lazily as him it is surprising to say that he is the most intelligent of them all, he usually thinks from another perspective or you can say 'outside the box'.

He has dark hair dull black eyes and pale skin colour. He has a very high magic affinity for Air.

All introduced themselves

"Ok, So my name is Rei warlford and I will be your teacher from now on"

Rei introduced himself to the student

"Wait a minute do you mean Rei walford as in the Magi grandkid "

Mike jumps out of his seat with glowing star eyes

"Yeah like that"

"Objection I can't have someone who only seniors me with three years be my teacher"

Ana makes her point about the matter at hand

"And what makes you say that"

Rei questions her

"Because I will be as strong as you and there will be no different in strength"

"Then why don't you challenge me to dual, if you win I will serve as your slave but if I win I will be your teacher, how does that sound"

He offers her a deal stretching his hand

"I accept that"

They both shake hands

"Then why don't we take the dual now"

Ana suggests giving a suspicious smirk

"Kid you still need a million years to be able to match with me but I still accept though"

"Sensei I also support Ana here, you are strange sensei"

Williams sits upright and points toward Rei

"Since you entered this class I can't stop hearing the wind the ground the birds sing, it's as if you are one with them so I don't agree for one who isn't human to teach me"

"Well you are right the birds are my family"


"That's more reason for you to leave"

The whole class steps outside for the dual


The sound of breeze could be heard due to the tense surrounding

"We go on your count"

Rei gestures at Ana

"Ok, then... Go!!"

Ana zooms off at Rei at full speed Rei just stood there staring at the young girl wasting her time.

She prepares her leg to land a kick on Rei, but Are swift bends down dodging her kick

She somersault in the air to gain her balance and landed on the ground

She begins to recite some incarnation to cast a few magic on Rei

"This incarnation won't help you"


"You're too slow girl"

Rei appears at her front, but her instinct kicked in making her step backwards and bamm...

She releases the fire. A small fireball flies toward Rei

Rei just swiftly grabs the fireball in his hand and controls it like his own fire

"What!! How can that be possible"

Ana was shocked

"You call this fire, I'll show you what is fire"

He infuses his breath into the flame making it get bigger and bigger enough to turn the whole school into dust.

The environment became very hot that their school clothes began to melt down even the building were now getting the toll too

"This is fire"

He releases it to the sky


The fire explodes in the air and forms a huge fireworks

The children were now distracted by the beautiful site that they didn't notice Rei who walked majestically toward Ana and landed a heavy punch on her guts making her pass out

A/N: Some of you guys might be wondering what makes Rei fast, the answer is this. He has a very high affinity for Fire, therefore, allowing him to freely control lightning, So he electrifies his muscles making him move at high speed and with the help of his daily exercise he also makes his muscles stronger to carry the electrocution.

Thank you for reading and please don't forget to give me your review and comment and some stones too