
Reborn As Severus

After his death, Paul had anticipated moving on to the afterlife. However, a goddess approached him, seeking his help to rectify her mistake. This marked the beginning of Paul's extraordinary journey into another world, assuming a new name and occupying someone else's body. His mission: to correct the goddess's error and, unbeknownst to her, create chaos for his own amusement.

Daoist0MaTY9 · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Future Vision and Interesting Findings (1)

As Severus began his meditation for future vision, he found himself seated on a comfortable couch within a room that resembled a grand theater. Suddenly, the bright screen in front of him which was the same as any movie theater's screen, flashed before him, illuminating the space.

"Welcome, dear customer. You have chosen to utilize the services of the Future Vision Broadcasting Network. We are pleased to assist you. However, we require some additional information to cater to your specific needs," a voice emanated from the screen. Severus was awestruck by the spectacle but managed to maintain his composure.

"Yes, I am interested in your services, but I would appreciate more details before making a decision," Severus calmly responded, eager to understand the intricacies of this extraordinary opportunity.

"In your current magical capacity, you can engage in a 5-year simulation in 3D AVR (Augmented Virtual Reality) Mode. This mode allows you to experience firsthand simulations that will remain etched in your mind. Later, with practice, you can integrate these experiences into your own abilities. Additionally, in this mode, you can start from any 5-year checkpoint after the simulation, provided you have not met an untimely demise. Alternatively, there is the text simulation mode, where you will receive a narrative-style simulation akin to an RPG (Role-Playing Game) text game. This mode offers a broader understanding of future events but does not provide tangible experiences," explained the voice on the screen.

Severus pondered for a moment before questioning the usefulness of the text simulation mode. "Isn't the text simulation mode rather limited in its benefits?" he inquired, seeking further clarification.

"Indeed, the text simulation mode serves as a general guideline, offering an overview of future possibilities. It is the primary service used to provide others with future vision capabilities. However, through the intervention of Her Highness Goddess Nemesis, you have been granted the privilege of accessing the 3D AVR Mode," the voice responded, shedding light on the significance of Severus's unique circumstances.

Curiosity piqued, Severus then inquired about the existence of others with similar powers. "Are there any individuals in this world who possess powers similar to mine?" he asked, intrigued by the notion of fellow seers.

"Yes, there are a few individuals who possess powers akin to yours, albeit in their rudimentary form. However, these individuals originate from other worlds. In this world, only one person, King Solomon the Great, was bestowed with this power, countless millennia ago," revealed the voice, illuminating the rarity of Severus's gift within his own reality.

"Very well, now that I understand the basics, let us commence the 3D AVR Mode," Severus declared with a surge of excitement, eager to embark on this extraordinary journey.

"Very well, dear customer. However, please remember to utilize your future vision again after taking actions within the real world, as there may be unforeseen changes that will not be depicted in the current simulation," advised the voice. The screen went blank, and Severus felt a gentle suction pulling him into the simulation pad, causing him to lose consciousness momentarily.

As Severus embarked on this immersive experience, little did he know the profound impact it would have on his life.


As Severus emerged from the immersive realm of future visions, his senses tingled with an exhilarating mix of anticipation and curiosity. The vast array of unknown information and the diverse perspectives he had encountered during his simulations had ignited an insatiable thirst for more. Eager to delve deeper into the complexities of his choices, he first set his sights on the ramifications of remaining in Great Britain during the tumultuous era of the first wizarding war.

In contemplating the path of neutrality, Severus's future vision unveiled a somber reality. The prospect of survival, even under the most favorable circumstances, came at an immeasurable cost. While a few remaining family members might elude the clutches of tragedy, the grim toll of casualties among his cherished friends and loved ones loomed ominously. It was a devastating trade-off that tested the very fibers of his soul. Furthermore, the elusive nature of the Horcruxes, crucial fragments of Voldemort's shattered soul, added an additional layer of complexity. Each simulation revealed its ever-changing locations, influenced by dynamic variables that kept Severus on a perpetual hunt.

Fueled by an indomitable spirit and a fervent desire for leverage, Severus explored the path of blackmail in some of those simulations. He sought to exploit the vulnerability of the Dark Lord by exposing his true identity as half-blood to his inner circle & his real identity as Tom Marvolo Riddle to Ministry and manipulating his inner circle slowly by using mind magic. However, his audacious schemes proved feeble in the face of Voldemort's true might. Like an intricate web of deceit that ensnared its own weaver, Severus found himself caught in a perilous game of deception every time due to failing to erase the traces of information he leaked, his fate sealed within the confines of the simulations by dying horrifyingly at the hand of Voldemort. "F*** You freakish bald bas****" was the only thing that can describe Severus's emotion at those moments.

Undeterred by setbacks, Severus's mind churned with an unwavering determination to forge a new plan. Recognizing the lingering emotions between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, he saw an opportunity to manipulate Voldemort into confronting the powerful former lover of the headmaster. It was a risky gambit, hinging on the possibility of uniting Dumbledore and Grindelwald against a common enemy to weaken them from within, and if better one might die really. However, as the simulations unfolded, the intricate nature of this strategy revealed its dark side. The unintended consequences brought about an avalanche of casualties due to the unworldly power of their three-sided battle, far surpassing Severus's original intentions.

Amidst the trials and tribulations, one immutable fact stood resolute—the full extent of Voldemort's power had not yet been unleashed. Severus's future visions unveiled the lingering requirement for a final ritual, one that would augment the Dark Lord's magical prowess and fortify his physical form. Despite this vulnerability, Voldemort's contempt for his own half-blood heritage and the unwavering loyalty of his fanatical followers, all hailing from ancient pureblood families, posed formidable challenges. Their ancestral homes were repositories of hidden armaments, formidable defenses capable of repelling the combined forces of Dumbledore and Voldemort. Severus couldn't help but hold deep contempt for these blinded devotees, perceiving their blind loyalty as a testament to their foolishness and their misplaced faith in a monstrous tyrant.

Ever more convinced of the potency of revealing the true natures of both Voldemort and Dumbledore, Severus yearned to sow the seeds of chaos and undermine the foundations of their power structures. He sought a means to subtly illuminate the reality behind these influential figures, all while safeguarding himself and his family from the impending repercussions. Yet, despite his tireless exploration, this elusive revelation remained but a missing piece of the intricate puzzle he yearned to solve.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Severus delved into the vast repository of Hogwarts' library during his simulation journeys, a treasure trove of wisdom and insight. Every book, save for the forbidden volumes locked away in the restricted section, became his intellectual playground. This newfound access ignited a spark within him, as he eagerly absorbed the contents of each text. Unlike his fictional counterpart, who had shown little interest in scholarly pursuits other than in potions, dark arts and simping over Lily, Severus embraced the opportunity to explore a myriad of subjects. With each page turned, fresh perspectives emerged, waiting to be refined and integrated into his expanding knowledge base during his moments of respite.

Having exhausted countless simulations exploring the consequences of his first option, Severus resolved to embark on the path of relocation for his next simulation destination. The magical world of Italy.

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