
Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha: The Fallen Uchiha

Hi! This fic is about a guy who gets reincarnated as Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto with four wishes. I am a new writer, so please cooperate if my grammar is wrong or if the story is not good. Feel free to give suggestions. New chapters coming soon. I do not own Naruto or any characters. (Except Sasuke's Life)

Trevil_Lock · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


The chaos subsided, leaving behind the smoldering remnants of battle. Shikaku, his face etched with concern, demanded a full account of the events. My Anbu guard meticulously recounted the ordeal, including the crucial detail of one attacker belonging to the Nara clan.

Kakashi's demeanor shifted dramatically. "You completed the jutsu that the Fourth Hokage left unfinished?" he exclaimed, disbelief laced with a hint of anger.

"Indeed," I replied calmly. "Knowing its incomplete state, I considered it an opportunity. Perhaps the Lightning Style needs similar attention next. But I wonder what will it create if I fail." you added, a mischievous glint in your eye.

Kakashi reacted predictably, his hand instinctively reaching for a kunai and aiming it at me. "How do you know about the Rasengan? It's classified information!"

Yugao, ever vigilant, reacted swiftly, her kunai drawn and pointed at Kakashi in a defensive stance. I remained nestled in her arms, the situation unfolding around me.

"My mother was in Team Jiraiya alongside the Fourth Hokage." I explained, dispelling the tension with a simple truth. "Knowing about his incomplete jutsu wouldn't be unexpected."

The Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, intervened, his voice firm yet calming. He acknowledged the validity of my statement and urged Kakashi to de-escalate. He, too, had initially harbored doubts about my knowledge, but upon hearing my deductive reasoning based on the jutsu's nature, he reached the same conclusion.

"Next time, consider a calmer approach before launching accusations violently." I advised Kakashi, my voice laced with a hint of disapproval. "And if you persist in threatening me, be prepared to return that Sharingan to its rightful place."

My words sent a wave of shock through the onlookers. The audacity of threatening the famed Copy Ninja left them speechless.

Hiruzen, ever the diplomat, attempted to lighten the mood. "Now, about that jutsu, what name have you chosen for it?" he inquired.

A smirk played on my lips as I announced, "Fire Style: Inferno Spiraling Sphere, a fitting name for a Fire Style Rasengan."

Yugao's sharp eyes noted the attackers' combat style, leading her to conclude they were trained Anbu. While the identity of the mastermind remained unspoken, a silent understanding settled amongst them.

My gaze turned towards Danzo, a playful yet pointed barb at the ready. "Come on Yugao-San. Don't insult anbu like that. Surely, Lord Danzo also wouldn't insult Yugao-san and the Anbu by suggesting such poorly trained individuals could be considered true threats." I said, a mocking smile curving my lips. "Their amateurish skills were evident, and even in our weakened state, we managed a decisive victory. My newly developed jutsu proved too much for them. Wouldn't you agree, Lord Danzo? Perhaps their instructor needs to reconsider their own ninja credentials."

Danzo, forced to swallow his pride, offered a begrudging agreement. "Indeed, Uchiha prince. They fall short of the true ninja standard."

As the conversation continued, other Anbu extinguished the flames and scoured the area. Their report confirmed the absence of the attackers, leaving only speculation as to their fate caught in the wake of your devastating new jutsu.

Exhausted but unscathed, I were escorted to the medical tent for further evaluation. While my arm bore the brunt of the fight, thankfully, no serious injuries were sustained. I settled in for a night of observation under medical supervision.

A sliver of sunlight peeked through the window, rousing me from my slumber. A gruff greeting followed. "Good morning, Sasuke-kun."

I offered a curt nod in return, acknowledging the Hokage.

"Ready to be discharged and head back to the academy?" Hiruzen inquired.

I responded with a typical "Hn," leaving the answer hanging in the air.

"The council has decided to bolster your security after last night's events." Hiruzen continued. "Anbu will be stationed within the district surrounding your house. Additionally, your current guard will be paired with another for constant surveillance."

I raised an eyebrow. "So you need my permission for Anbu to enter the Uchiha district?"

Hiruzen offered a confirmatory nod. While the extra protection was tempting, I couldn't shake the suspicion of these potentially being Root operatives.

"A bit late for permission, Lord Hokage," I countered. "If you had asked last night, I might have considered it. Now that I've made my own security arrangements, your manpower is unnecessary. My current guard will suffice."

Hiruzen's curiosity piqued. "Your own arrangements? Elaborate, if you would."

A sly smirk played on my lips. "Why don't I just show you after the academy?"

Hiruzen sighed, a premonition of trouble forming. "Fine," he conceded. "If your arrangement proves satisfactory, you'll keep your old guard."

Breakfast was provided at the hospital, and I soon found myself heading home for a change of clothes before making my way to the academy. The walk was punctuated by curious classmates inquiring about his health after the reported explosion. Otherwise, it was a typical day – meditation, chakra control exercises, and inevitably, a taijutsu sparring match with Naruto.

Predictably, Naruto took a loss, leading to a tirade of insults. I remained unfazed, offering respectful responses that only fueled Naruto's frustration. It was all part of a larger plan, and I knew it wouldn't be long before things unfolded according to my design.

The second-to-last period was interrupted by a chunin whispering urgently in Iruka's ear. The announcement that followed sent the class into a frenzy. Apparently, a large group of "cats" were roaming the streets, causing panic among the villagers. This meant an early dismissal to the delight of most students.

I exchanged farewells with Shikamaru, Choji, and Hinata before heading out myself. As I left, I tossed a parting shot over my shoulder.

"Iruka-sensei," I called out, "please inform the Hokage that these are ninja cats affiliated with my clan. They're here for my protection. Thank you."

Iruka stared after me, bewildered by this sudden information. But before he could question it further, I was already gone.

Reaching the Uchiha compound, I was greeted by a sight that both surprised and reassured me. Two ninja cats, Denka and Hina, awaited my arrival.

"We were waiting for you, nya!" Denka declared with a playful meow.

"How are you, Lord Sasuke? Nya!" Hina inquired, her emerald eyes gleaming with concern.

"I'm well." I replied. "Just returning from the academy. So, how many of you are there?"

"Five hundred in total, excluding us," Denka explained. "And we'll both be leading the group, nya!"

Five hundred! It was a significant increase from the hundred he'd requested, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

"The Hokage will arrive shortly to assess the situation." I instructed. "Gather everyone and emphasize the importance of maintaining order within the village. Since you patrolled Sora-ku, I expect the same level of vigilance here in the Uchiha district. Once you're done, report to me. I'll share some details about hidden pathways, handling intruders, and the like. You might also encounter some police trainees – leave them undisturbed. They'll be provided with food soon, although there might be a delay today. From tomorrow onwards, it'll be a regular supply."

I paused, a pointed look directed at the ninja cats. "And lastly, that's Yugao-san, my Anbu guard. Do not attack her."

Denka and Hina acknowledged my instructions with a chorus of "Sure, nya!" and sauntered off to organize their feline comrades.

"And the most important thing." I boomed, my voice echoing after the departing cats, "Keep the district CLEAN!"

They raised a paw in unison, acknowledging the order. I watched them go, a skeptical sigh escaping my lips. There was a vast difference between hearing an instruction and actually following it. "Win some, lose some." I muttered, resigned to the possibility of feline chaos amidst the newfound security.

I retreated to my house, taking a much-needed bath and a quick bite to eat before resuming my daily training regimen. Lightning style proved particularly challenging. Losing control resulted in a painful jolt, prompting me to take the precaution of keeping the electrical current away from my heart. Safety first, even for a prodigy.

Fifteen minutes into my training, Hina reappeared. "Everything is in order, Lord Sasuke," she announced. "The others are well-trained and dedicated to their duties. The Hokage is here and wishes to speak with you, nya!"

The honorific and the respectful tone felt strange coming from a cat, yet I simply grunted in response, "Hn."

(Done! Have a good Day/Night.)