When all seemed lost, I found a light in the darkness. I was granted unlimited power, more than anything I could ever have bargained for, thrust into a new world with endless possibilities. But was it truly worth it? Am I really the one in control? Overpowered MC with a fear of losing everything he loves sprinkled in.
The moment the bus stopped, I began synthesising mana within myself at a faster rate, uncaring of how the temperature around me dropped slightly.
As we walked into the facility, escorted by the teacher towards dangerous lands, I couldn't help but look over towards Momo and ask that she make me a simple iron sword for todays lesson.
I'm going to need it if I want to do damage to the Nomu, especially if Reid decides that he isn't a worthy opponent. Though, there is a slight snag in my plans. If I killed Kurogiri now, that means Oboro will potentially never return. The problem lies in the fact that it likely would never happen to begin with, and the lives saved by eliminating him now would be far more worth it than a single, broken soul.
However, given that he is already dead, chances are that All For One will somehow be able to bring him back anyway even when I do kill him. An annoying problem that comes with using lifeless creatures as soldiers. Only real thing I can do to help them is put them out of their misery.
When we finally ascend the steps and enter the facility, [Threat Detection] goes off like never before, constant pings in every direction barring behind me.
Thirteen, the extra teacher for today, begins talking about how potent Quirks are and how easy they are used for murder, and I can't help but look down at my feet slightly at the mention. While it may be shameful to want such a thing, it won't stop me. Some people truly do need to die.
A few seconds later, the lights begin flickering, and I make my walk over towards the edge of the staircase, looking down at the growing Gate at the bottom floor. Hundreds of people file through in a few seconds, followed by Shigaraki sat atop the shoulder of his Nomu.
I smile seeing the blackened wound on what was the right arm of the Nomu. Good, [Death God] can't be fixed. Truly eternal wounds. That should make things much easier. Though, the fingers on the corners of Shigaraki's hands are certainly annoying. Not his though.
Upon seeing them all leaving the Gate, Aizawa had called for all of the students to evacuate. I stood in my position and looked over to him, before asking a simple question.
"I am going to solve this problem, whether you like or not. But, for convenience sake, do I have permission to do so?"
He stills, lost in decision. He didn't even know my Quirk before today, having heard the story of Regulus and everything that can of worms brought with it, does he trust me?
He can't risk it. This is his class, and he doesn't want to lose them. He looks over at Reinhard and shouts out for him to get back, not trying to allow a students ego to get him killed.
"I'm sorry, Sir. But like I said, your opinion, while valued, won't stop me from doing my duty."
When I finish speaking to Aizawa, I can see the fury in his eyes, as well as the regret. He must think its his fault or something. I don't have time to delve into his psyche.
I activate [Swiftness] and [Sandevistan] In conjunction with one another and move at the highest speed I can possibly muster, keeping [Diagnosis] active so that I can precisely incapacitate every villain I find.
All I need is a single good blow to the back of the neck to take them down, and that is exactly what I do. Every quarter second, people are being knocked out, in every zone of the facility, people are waiting for students, so I take care of them all prematurely.
It takes just about every second of [Sandevistan] I had to take out everyone in each zone, not having enough time to properly capture each one of them and maintain time to traverse the other zones.
When I finish, I return to my previous position beside Aizawa, a blast of wind following behind me as I deactivate both of the [Divine Protections].
"Every villain waiting in the zones for students has been incapacitated. They planned to teleport us to individual zones and slaughter us."
Before he can speak about how disgusted he is at their inhuman plans or how he plans to stop them, a loud shout is heard throughout the whole facility.
"Reinhard van Astrea! I bet you thought you were the hero, saving the day back when I snuck into the school, but you made a big fucking mistake! I'm gonna make an example of you, you little shit!"
Damn, maybe he loses the video game terminology when he gets angry. My name is public record thanks to the marriage certificate so that explains how he knows me, still creepy though. Oh well, it seems as though he has sent Kurogiri to portal everyone away. Oh, wait, no he's just teleported me to the middle of the plaza.
"Well, Reinhard? What will you do now? I bet you thought you were so strong and heroic, stopping the bad guy, but in front of my Nomu, you're just fresh meat."
"Before this begins, I would like to politely ask that you surrender. If you decline, I will not he held responsible for any damages caused afterwards."
Confusion rings out in the faces of everyone around me, even Shigaraki is confused beyond belief. I assume he thinks its arrogance, so to do the villains around me as they begin chuckling at my demeanor. I sigh.
"Let it be known, I certainly tried."
The next second, my fist has slammed into the sternum of an unfortunate man next to me who was immediately sent into shock by the force of the blow. Then, the beatdown begins.
Every single strike sent in my direction is dodged with perfect fluidity, woven in between the punches and kicks I send out to anyone in my vicinity, with each projectile fired from a gun or a Quirk being sent away from me.
Shigaraki, who had expected to beat a child to death was watching in abject shock as hundreds of men are taken down in what feels like seconds, in awe of the spectacle before him, the same for Aizawa and Thirteen who were absolutely terrified watching the fight.
Every time I send a punch at someone, I make sure to drain their Mana as well, strengthening me and also further incapacitating them if the initial strike was not enough.
Eventually, after dodging a fist made of bismuth, snaking my arm around the mans waist and slamming his face into the ground before spinning around and kicking a man with a chameleon mutation in the face, I stand alone, surrounded by knocked out men and women who had severely underestimated me.
"Is that all? I had believed you would prepare a more challenging bout for me after I cut off your fingers, Shigaraki, but so far I can't help but feel disappointed by what I've seen."
"Oh, don't worry, Reinhard. They're not the main event. Feast your eyes upon my Nomu, the most overpowered tutorial boss you'll never beat."
"I can't help bus notice the fact that an arm is missing, one which I took with a single scissor blade. Are you sure he's supposed to be intimidating?"
"Shut the fuck up you fucking speed hacker! Nomu, make it hurt!"
The creature roars in approval of its masters demand, eager to spill my blood. I will admit, the thing is fast but not nearly fast enough to catch me off guard. The fist that slowly moves towards my head is parried away by the now unsheathed sword. Reid is still being a bitch, so this is my best bet.
Anyways, I am leagues faster than the Nomu so most of the battle between us thus far has been me just dodging every single attack from him with [Proceeding Attack Immunity], considering the creature isn't smart enough to pace itself, everything it throws counts under [Proceeding] so I don't even have to think about dodging it.
Between each strike from it, I've been slicing into it with the standard Iron sword, using [Death God] to try and give it a death by a thousand cuts, which sadly doesn't work forever.
"For fucks sake! Why's there always gotta be a hacker to ruin everything?! Kurogiri, get in there!"
The command is obeyed, and suddenly awareness becomes a much more prominent thing for me to focus on, because now gates are being opened where the Nomu throws punches, meaning I now have to dash backwards as a punch from in front of me becomes one above me.
A portal opens below my feet, seeking to bisect me and I quickly dash onto the air, [Air Walking] as I double jump off of the air around me and drop bend my knees, dropping down low and charging towards the legs of the Nomu, charging my sword with Mana as it glows a patchy blue, activating [Death God] as I tear through the left leg.
Kurogiri, who would have portalled my sword into my own midsection, is surprised to find that his Quirk isn't working anymore. Aizawa, who had been watching dumbfounded finally kicked into third gear and activated his Erasure on Kurogiri.
Thirteen had been tasked with ensuring the safety of the students in each zone, and Aizawa had jumped down beside me after realising that I was safe.
However, this served to be an issue for him, as the moment he came to the plaza Shigaraki, who had been watching in silent fury, decided to take out his rage on Aizawa, reaching for him as he sprints in his direction.
I notice this out of the corner of my eye, so I ready my sword once more dash into Shigaraki, who notices me at the last possible second and instinctively tries to pull his hand back. However, he struggles slightly as he drags his arm back, only to see why.
I did not miss, and I certainly wasn't going to allow the man to dust Aizawa. So, I did the next best thing. I chopped his hand off at the wrist, zero resistance felt as the sword sliced through his arm like butter.
While he screams in pain and fury, tears and snot all over his face as he hold onto his lost limb, trying to stop the blood, I've already cast [Swiftness] and dashed around behind him towards the currently Erasure affected Kurogiri, who tries to back away but fails.
I run behind him and poise my sword to stab into the back of his neck brace, using [Diagnosis] combined with [Death God], stabbing into the back of his skull and severing his brain stem.
The Nomu, who had been dragging itself around on one arm, balancing as it hops around on one leg in some places suddenly came to a stop as I had jumped up and stabbed my sword into the brain of the Nomu, once more activating [Death God], hoping to kill it as quickly as possible.
It screams, writhing around for a moment before stilling and then dropping to the ground, unmoving. I drag the sword out of the creatures skull, wiping the brain matter off of it on the corpse of the Nomu before looking over to Shigaraki and pointing it at him.
"I did warn you. Now, it would be within your best interests to surrender."
I've already disabled him, but given he is a fully functioning human being, I would get into a lot more shit for killing him here and now, especially with witnesses here.
"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! One day, I swear to god Reinhard one day I will kill you, you fucking hacker!"
Shortly after saying this, black sludge comes out of his mouth once more, and I'm starting to wonder why All For One didn't just use this Quirk more in the original series. Kurogiri is gone as well, but I've already killed him.
With the heat down, I once more activate [Swiftness] and [Sandevistan] before rounding up every criminal from each zone and placing them with the others on the plaza. Thankfully I didn't have to use [Swordplay] or [Absolute Zero]. Would've caused a lot of damage.
With that done, I sheath the sword Momo had given me and look over to see Aizawa giving me a death glare, a few seconds later the school staff arrive. I'm not sure what kept them so long, nor where All Might was in the battle. I assume Thirteen sent a signal out once I had incapacitated everyone.
Well, time to explain myself.