
Reborn as Rebekah Mikaelson

**Reborn as Rebekah Mikaelson** In a twist of fate, Emily awakens as Rebekah Mikaelson, the youngest sibling in a powerful vampire family. Armed with knowledge from her past life and extraordinary magical abilities, she must navigate the treacherous waters of sibling love and rivalry. As she battles to protect her family from their dark destinies, Rebekah discovers forbidden feelings for her brothers and an unyielding desire to change their fate. Will she succeed in rewriting their story, or will the weight of her secrets crush them all?

marziadk88 · TV
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18 Chs

The Turning Point

The night of the full moon always held an eerie significance for Rebekah. From the shadows of their cave, she watched silently as Klaus led Henrik out, his excitement palpable as he spoke of the wolves they would encounter. Rebekah's heart ached with the knowledge of the tragedy that was about to unfold, but she steeled herself. This was the catalyst, the event that would set their family's destiny in motion.

As the hours passed, Rebekah paced the cave, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. She knew she could intervene, prevent them from leaving, but deep down, she understood that fate needed to play out. The guilt gnawed at her, but she forced herself to remain resolute. She had to let it happen.

Morning shattered the silence with a scream that pierced through Rebekah's heart. Racing out of the cave, she found Klaus cradling Henrik's lifeless body, torn apart by the wolves. Their mother, Esther, arrived moments later, her own cries echoing in the air.

Rebekah felt her resolve waver as she witnessed the devastating scene, but she knew this tragedy was the beginning. The wheels of fate had been set in motion, and now she had to ensure their survival.

That evening, the Mikaelson family gathered in their home, the air thick with grief and anger. Rebekah pulled Kol aside urgently, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Kol, we need to talk. Now," she urged, leading him to a secluded corner of the house.

Kol frowned, confusion etched across his features. "What's going on, Rebekah?"

Taking a deep breath, Rebekah began, her voice steady but urgent. "I overheard our parents planning a ritual. They intend to turn us into immortal beings, but in doing so, you will lose your magic. I can't let that happen."

Kol's eyes widened in shock. "Lose my magic? Are you certain?"

Rebekah nodded earnestly. "Yes, but I've discovered an ancient ritual—a way to preserve your magic. It will transform you into a Siphoner, allowing you to retain your abilities even after the transformation."

Kol was silent for a moment, processing the revelation. Then, a slow, grateful smile spread across his face. "Rebekah, you've always protected me. Thank you."

Determined to save her brother, Rebekah led him to the secluded area where she had prepared for the ritual. With unwavering focus, she began the incantation, ancient words flowing from her lips with practiced precision. The air around them shimmered with magic, enveloping Kol in a cocoon of mystical energy.

Minutes passed, charged with anticipation, until Kol finally stood, his body pulsing with newfound strength. "I feel... different. Stronger."

Rebekah nodded, a small, relieved smile on her lips. "You're a Siphoner now. Your magic remains intact."

That night, the family gathered around the dining table, the atmosphere heavy with sorrow and apprehension. Esther moved among them gracefully, a bottle of wine cradled in her hands.

Rebekah watched her mother closely, recognizing the significance of the bottle. This was no ordinary wine—it was infused with the spell of immortality. Once consumed, they would cease to be human.

Esther poured the wine into delicate glasses, her demeanor serene yet tinged with solemnity. "Drink, my children," she said softly. "This will ease our pain."

Rebekah lifted her glass, her heart pounding with the weight of their impending transformation. She glanced around the table, meeting Kol's eyes briefly, offering reassurance in the shared resolve.

One by one, they drank the bitter wine, the taste lingering on their tongues like a harbinger of their irrevocable change. The room fell into a hushed stillness, each member grappling with the gravity of what was to come.

Mikael rose abruptly, drawing his sword. Rebekah's breath caught in her throat, but she remained composed, knowing this was the final step. Mikael's gaze swept over them, a mixture of sorrow and determination in his eyes.

"For our future," Mikael declared, his voice heavy with emotion.

With practiced efficiency, Mikael moved among his children, his blade swift and sure. Rebekah closed her eyes as the sword pierced her heart, a sharp pain followed by a surge of power as her mortal life faded away.

When Rebekah opened her eyes again, the world seemed sharper, more vibrant. She sat up slowly, her senses heightened in a way she had never imagined. Around her, her siblings also stirred, their eyes wide with the realization of their transformation. But amidst the awakening, a primal thirst clawed at Rebekah's insides.

Klaus was the first to voice the gnawing hunger. "I'm... thirsty. What is this feeling?"

Elijah nodded solemnly, his own struggle evident. "We all feel it. The hunger... it's overwhelming."

Rebekah knew the answer, though it pained her to admit it. "We need blood," she said quietly, her voice carrying the weight of their new reality. "It's the final part of the transformation."

As if on cue, the door creaked open, and Mikael entered, dragging a young girl with him. Her wrist was already bleeding, the scent of her blood potent in the air.

"Feed," Mikael commanded, his voice chillingly indifferent. "Complete the transformation."

Driven by an instinct they couldn't deny, they closed in on the girl, their fangs extending involuntarily. Klaus was the first to drink, his eyes darkening with primal satisfaction as he fed.

Rebekah watched as each of her siblings took their turn, the girl growing weaker with each passing moment. When it was her time, she hesitated only briefly before giving in to the irresistible urge. The blood was warm and rich, flooding her with a heady rush of power and vitality.

As the girl's heartbeat slowed to a stop, the Mikaelsons stepped back, their eyes blazing with newfound strength and ancient power. They were no longer mortal—they were something ancient, powerful, and bound together by blood and the dark gift of immortality.

"What are we now?" Klaus finally asked, his voice resonating with both awe and uncertainty.

Rebekah met his gaze, her own determination unwavering. "We are Mikaelsons," she declared firmly. "And together, we are unstoppable."

As they stood together, united by blood and destiny, Rebekah knew that their journey had only just begun. The darkness that awaited them was vast and treacherous, but they would face it together, bound by the unbreakable bonds of family and the newfound power coursing through their veins.