
Reborn as naruto with system

A soul will be reincarnated as naruto. The timeline will be 2 years before Shippuden when naruto went out with jiraya for training. This will be wish-fulfilling fan fic. [Hituas]

jojojo66 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

End of two advisor.

Both advisors looked at Tsunade. Koharu rightfully said, "It is all for Village….."Before she could finish her line, she heard Homura scream. When she looked at Homura, she saw that Homura's hand was cut off from his shoulder. She was petrified to see this scene.

Tsunade was also shocked when she saw that.

Koharu looked at Naruto, who was the reason for it. "You.. Do you know what you are doing?"

"Yes, I know. You two are both old. Doesn't bring anything to the village. So it's better to kill both of you for the village's sake." Naruto said rightfully.

Naruto's words amused Tsunade. She did not say anything and tactfully agreed with Naruto.

"After I finish both of you, I will find that one-eyed bastard. Who is conspiring against the village?" Naruto said this with a Focused expression.

Tsunade does not know whether to laugh or cry. She did not expect naruto to know the Dark side of the village.

"What are you saying? Don't forget we are the elders of the konoha council."

"I know, I know. But konoha don't need elders." Naruto looked at Tsunade and said, "Right, hokage sama."

When Tsunade heard naruto's cheeky tone, She cursed him inwardly. Nevertheless, she nods her head in agreement.

At that time, a weak voice said, "Tsunade, don't forget we are the student of Second Hokage."

"You old man had lots of blood," Naruto said, looking at Homura. Homura looked at Koharu and weakly said, "Quickly help me."

Koharu looks aT him and quickly tries to use medical ninjutsu on Homura. After seeing that her ninjutsu was not working, she looked at the Tsunade. Before she could say anything, Naruto said, "Don't try to think about it. Firstly confess every dirty thing you did in this village. If you disagree, I will kill both of you."

"Answer everything truthfully."

"Did you guys tell the village I am the demon fox?"

"No, we didn't. It was the work of Danzo," Koharu quickly said.

Naruto had an evil smile after hearing it. "Next the uchiha masacare .It was also that guy doing right."

Both elders quickly nod their heads in fear.

"So tell me, why didn't you two respected elder didn't stop it." "wait. Wait, I know the answer. It's all for the peace of the village. So how about I killed you two for the village's peace."

Before they can say anything, their head falls to the ground.

Two dignified elders of Konoha did not even get a chance to clarify themselves.

Tsunade was going to stop him, but before she could take action, Naruto killed the two elders.

"Naruto.. what did you do," Tsunade said while sighing.

"What? It's the best result for them," Naruto said while looking at Tsunade.

"Now it is time for that one-eyed bastard."


"What? Didn't I make it easy for you by killing them? Don't you think you should reward me for that" while looking at her boobs, naruto said to her.

sorry for the small chap.

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