
Reborn as Naruto Twin Brother

I was never too normal, nor too abnormal, I was just me, until an accident happened, something that should never have happened, and I was given the chance to reincarnate in one of many universes. PS: Sinopse subject to change. [ Attention: I don't speak English. I'm translating through Google Translate. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know. I'll do my best to fix it. ]

LeonidasCSNeto · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Shadow World Jutsu

Naruto went towards the Academy and I followed him at a distance, there, he met with Mizuki, who made friends and convinced Naruto to go along with him. I wonder why those ANBU's who are on Naruto's trail aren't stopping Mizuki, probably haven't understood the bad intentions yet or sent a messenger to the Hokage for further instructions.

I decided not to let the ANBU's know of my presence and continued on Naruto and Mizuki's trail. Strangely the scroll was in a small temple on the edge of the village, it was possible to see several destroyed seals around, Mizuki had probably already done everything beforehand, after a brief conversation with Naruto he left.

Everything went as it should, Naruto stole the scroll, and started reading it right there, I must say, Naruto was really talented, if not for the Eight Trigrams Seal destabilizing his chakra flow, he might have been a genius. It was an hour before Naruto finally created five identical clones. Guess that's my cue, I jumped in front of Naruto.

- Naruto, what are you doing? - I acted the best I could.

- Brother, look, I learned an amazing jutsu! Now I'm much stronger! - Said Naruto creating five more clones.

- You don't need a jutsu to be strong Naruto, let me see this scroll here. - I rushed to the topic in question.

I know that at any moment Izuka would show up, probably under orders from the Hokage, there wasn't even the remote possibility that I would have as much time as Naruto to learn all the parchment jutsus, I decided to let the Great Sage's photographic memory 'save' everything and then I would learn.

I took the parchment and opened it.

'Great Sage, start putting all the jutsus on this scroll in the analysis queue.'

'Understood.' replied the Great Sage.

From what I could see from the quick glance, the scroll had only 4 jutsus, two of them, the Multiclone Shadow Jutsu, and the Eight Trigrams Seal. The other two were called Shadow World Jutsu and Summoning Jutsu: Quintuple Rashoumon. As I recall, Orochimaru used this technique to block Naruto's 5-tailed bijudama, it would be useful in the future, I'm sure.

I closed the parchment so that the ANBU's who were watching would not suspect a simple glance.

- Naruto, where did you get this scroll? - I asked seriously.

- Mizuki showed me where it was, they don't want to teach us strong things because they're afraid of us! - Naruto said still excited.

That's when Izuka arrived.

- Naruto! Tsurui? What's going on here? he asked, first angrily and then confused by my presence.

Before I could say, Naruto ran and started his escape, Izuka didn't think twice and ran after, I could go too but I think these events will be important for Naruto's character and will teach him not to blindly trust everyone .

And there I was with an extremely valuable scroll in my hand.

- How long will they be hiding? - I said out loud.


- So since no one will be ready, I'll keep this scroll until I return it to the Hokage. -she said.

One of the hidden ninjas jumped up and stopped in front of me.

- Tsurui Uzumaki, leave this scroll with me, I'll make sure to give it to the Hokage. - he said extending his hand.

Okay, I had already memorized the entire contents of the scroll, and there was no need for trouble for a piece of paper, but I knew this ninja, he was one of the ones I suspected was a lackey of Danzo, that's why he radiated bad intentions , greed, loyalty, that smacked of Danzo to me, maybe I'm a little paranoid about that old man and he wasn't even ordered to, but this guy would definitely take the scroll to Danzo instead of the Hokage.

- I think not. - He said calmly looking at the masked ninja.

Another three ninjas appeared on the side of the first, these didn't seem to have bad intentions, but they were probably subordinates of the first one within the ANBU, it would be easy for him to give orders for them to withdraw on the way to the Hokage and make a small detour.

- Boy, we are from ANBU, give me the scroll, the theft of a restricted property of the Hokage is not enough of a problem? he asked taking a step forward.

I activated my fox eyes and directed some of the Nine-Tails' chakra out of me, towards the ninjas in front of me.

- I think I can deliver this to the Hokage myself. - he said slowly.

They stopped, the Nine-Tails chakra is filled with pure evil and negative energy, my Nine-Tails half was the Ying half, making the chakra even thinner and darker was enough to make them hesitate.

- You don't have the qualifications to even meet with the Hokage, and I'm ordering you to leave now, Demon. - Said the ANBU putting his hands on the bag of kunais.

I pulled up my sleeve to show a symbol that was on my forearm. It was the ANBU symbol, I had it done a few weeks after joining, despite it being mostly Monkey's insistence, it seems that even Lobo had a tattoo like that, it's kind of a norm.

- I'm from ANBU, Lobo team, I have the qualifications. I replied without taking my eyes off him.

The Nine-Tails' chakra pressure was very strong, the treacherous ninja was strong and was able to resist, but the other three with him didn't seem so experienced, I could see them shaking.

The ANBU looked hesitant, but without saying anything, he made a sign and the four of them jumped out of the way.

I got rid of the Jinchuuriki form and set off towards the Hokage's residence. Arriving there an ANBU stopped me and asked me to wait, after a few minutes another ANBU appeared and said something to him.

- The Hokage wants to talk to you. - he said signaling for me to accompany him.

The Hokage's residence was a tall building close to the Academy and Hokage Mountain, it was also where his office was located, and yes, that must be really shit, living in the same place where you work is boring, like tonight, getting work in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping. Well, consequences of being Hokage I guess.

I knocked on the door and entered.

- Tsurui, come, sit down, I want a report of what happened. - said the Hokage.

I explained to him everything that had happened in detail.

- Tsurui, you shouldn't confront other ANBU ninjas, and you're not even a fool for that, what was this discussion about? - Asked the Hokage lighting his pipe.

- Lord Hokage, in my Jinchuuriki form I am very sensitive to people's emotions, and sometimes even to the darkest thoughts, and over the years I had already analyzed that ninja with the Otter mask, I have strong reasons to believe that he be one of Danzo's spies within the ANBU, and I don't believe he would come straight here with that scroll. - I explained pulling out the parchment and handing it to the Hokage.

The Hokage looked surprised for a second but quickly composed himself, he took a look at the contents of the scroll and closed it.

- I see, it looks like we'll have to clean up the ANBU again. You can withdraw. - said the Hokage.

I left the Hokage's residence thinking about the jutsu on the scroll. Shadow Clones would definitely come in handy, but what I was most interested in was the Shadow World Jutsu, it wasn't any jutsu I remember from the animated series, I was curious.

As soon as I got home I noticed Naruto a bit beat up and sitting on the stairs by the front door.

- Naruto.. - I was saying.

- I will become the Hokage! - he said seriously. - I'm going to be the Hokage and I'm going to show them, I'm going to show that besides being strong, I'm not a demon!

- I'm sure you do, Naruto. - I replied serenely.

- I want to become stronger brother. I want to train seriously starting tomorrow. - he said with a steady gaze.

It seems my existence must have had some effect on Naruto, he seemed firmer in his conviction.

- Tomorrow? He is sure? - I asked.

- Yea! Tomorrow!...wait, why is that? Why are you asking if I'm sure? he asked suspiciously.

- No, tomorrow night is Ichirako's Lamen's birthday. They always have a big event with a new recipe that day, but that's ok, we can eat another day, training is more important. He said, nodding his head.


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