
Reborn as Naruto Twin Brother

I was never too normal, nor too abnormal, I was just me, until an accident happened, something that should never have happened, and I was given the chance to reincarnate in one of many universes. PS: Sinopse subject to change. [ Attention: I don't speak English. I'm translating through Google Translate. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know. I'll do my best to fix it. ]

LeonidasCSNeto · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Premature Graduation

It was a year before graduation from the Academy, I was still undecided on which team I would be placed on, no matter which one, would change the plot, so I had been thinking about several options, the first one, dropping out of the Academy. You see, I hadn't graduated yet, so dropping out and leaving Konoha wouldn't make me a Renegade Ninja, since even I'm not a Genin. Konoha would never allow its one and only Jinchuuriki to defect, and that would make me a full-time persecuted by Konoha ninja.

The other option is to graduate early, ask the Hokage for a test, and join one of the current genin teams. With that I would have to do team missions constantly and it would decrease my free training time. That option would buy me more time, I've been thinking, and the next two big events will be the Zubuza fight, and the Chunin exam. I intend to be present at both events, without being in team 7 it is impossible for me to be forwarded to the same mission as them, but with a mark of Hiraishin in Naruto, I can just show up there.

Zabuza Momochi is a ruthless killer, yes, he had feelings for Haku, even a demon can cry, but that doesn't erase his crimes. I still haven't decided if I should change the plot and save the lives of those two. I think I'll leave it to decide when the time comes.

As for the chunin exam, I can't help but think I should be there. So I must remain in Konoha. With that in mind, I headed to the Hokage's office, my third absence from the gym this month. When I left the apartment I could see different emotions and feelings around me, discontent, irritation and relief. I imagine you gave some people a headache last night.

Arriving at the Hokage's office, I was surprised that no one approached me at the entrance, I just walked in and headed straight here. I knocked on the door.

- In between. - came the old voice from inside.

I walked in and greeted the Hokage.

- Lord Hokage. - said respectfully.

- Tsurui, we've been seeing each other a lot lately, shouldn't you be at the gym? - Asked the Hokage.

- That's what I came to talk about. I want to graduate as Genin this year. - he said without hesitation.

- Any reason for the sudden rush? - Asked the Hokage.

- Nothing in particular, but the academy doesn't have anything else for me to learn, I want to put my efforts into something better. - I replied.

- I understand, you will have to take a written test and a practical test. - Said the Hokage getting up. - Follow me.

I followed the Hokage to another office. In it was an elderly lady with a serious look.

- What brings you here Hiruzen? she asked.

- Koharu, I just passed a premature graduation test, and I want you to take the written test. - said the Hokage.

That was Koharu Utatane, a former member of Hiruzen's team and a disciple of the Second Hokage.

- Oh.. It's been a few years. Right. - She said getting up.

She opened some cabinets for something and pulled out a thick parchment.

- This is an extremely difficult questions scroll. You need to correctly answer at least half of it. Graduating from the academy isn't even a third as difficult as he is, but for those who think they're enough to graduate before yours, you have to be tougher. - she said with a stern look.

She placed the open parchment on the table and nodded for me to sit down. I grabbed a nearby pen and started. It's really no mystery, with the Great Sage giving me the correct answers I just had to write them down. There were more than a thousand questions, it took me three whole hours to finish, several of them required me to write the calculations. From what I saw I knew this was all Jounin level. There were several mentions and references to missions that probably happened.

- I finished. - I closed the parchment and handed it to the Elder.

- Finally, all the others were much faster. - said Koharu exasperated, three hours, it was certainly a record.

Koharu lightly opened the parchment and saw that there were many calculations and it was duly answered.

- Okay, how many have you tried to answer? - She asked, normally, they tried 50, the really great ones did 100, but until today, those who managed to graduate, asked at least 700 questions, like Kakashi and Itachi.

- All. - I replied.

See, there are certain things I intend to hide, but everything that is already obvious I don't intend to hide, my premature intelligence is already known, so I won't hide it, despite all this being the result of the Great Sage. In this world, power is almost everything. I needed to be recognized.

Koharu looked at me with suspicious eyes and started checking my answers.

- You can go, I'll be here for a while. she said in a low voice as she corrected.

I left the room and an ANBU approached me.

- The Hokage Lord instructed me to take you to the next test site for the physical exam. - said the ANBU.

I followed him to the ground floor and then we went into a basement, in the basement there was a well lit open space, it must have been the size of a football field, there was an old man I knew well. Danzo.

- I'll apply your physical strength test. - Danzo said without hesitation.

- ... - I looked at the ANBU beside me and took it.

He wasn't an ANBU, he was from Root, I was drawn to.

Danzo waved his hand and two masked ninjas appeared, with another wave, one of them kicked the ground and flew towards me extremely fast. I straightened my posture and prepared to receive him with a well-placed punch to the face, but he drew some kind of short sword. Tanto, I think that was the name. They were using real weapons here!

I dodged the first cut and kicked the attacker's hands so that he released the sword but it didn't work, he attacked me at high speed but I was able to dodge every blow, I felt a sudden animation, my blood was boiling, I was starting to like it , after just a minute of dodging my body was already used to the ninja's rhythm and his movements became more and more predictable. After dodging another blow, I kicked his abdomen hard and threw him away, towards Danzo.

-... - Danzo looked at the ninja who was on the ground and waved his hand.

The ground ninja stood up and dusted off his clothes, the other ninja to Danzo's left advanced along, two against one. I decided to go without risks, I would gradually get used to their rhythm, I dodged here and there, I tried to land a few hits but the new attacker was good, whenever I tried to hit the first one, his emotions burst with bad intentions, he would hit, I had to back off my attack several times.

By this point I was in tatters, my clothes ripped and a few cuts here and there, but my breathing was silent and calm, my gaze sharp. I grabbed what was left of my shirt from the front and ripped it all apart, exposing my muscles that after years of training were already well developed, I had my back to Danzo at this point, I didn't dare look at him, I didn't want to attract more of your attention.

He had already picked up the pace of the two, the second ninja was better than the first, but he couldn't protect the first all the time. I pumped some Nine-Tails chakra through the inside of my body and into my eyes, they turned red and sharper, the two ninjas shivered, I moved really fast, even with Guy's weights still on my arms and legs, I went faster than they could see.

I made a feint that I was going to punch the second ninja, the moment he jumped to walk away I turned and got momentum towards the first one, he cut with his Tanto towards my face, but with the speed of perception of my eyes, his attack was like a slow motion, I dodged and punched him in the abdomen, hard. He flew two meters up and fell to the ground in a squirming fetal position.

I turned to the second ninja who was already on my heels and dodged his kick, crouched on the ground and kicked up on his chest, he blocked my kick with his arms but couldn't block the inertial force. It was sent flying to the ceiling, I jumped hard and stuck to the ceiling, when he reached the basement ceiling I kicked his back hard towards the floor, he landed aggressively raising a cloud of dust.

I landed on the ground still in my Kyuubi state.

- Is it good for you? Elder Danzo. - I asked slowly and dangerously, still with my fox eyes.

At that moment several ninjas arrived, these were ANBUS, along with the Hokage himself and the Elder Koharu.

- Danzo! I hope you're satisfied with your stupid show, if that happens again I'll put you in prison myself. - Hiruzen said angrily.

Danzo just kept his gaze on me. The Hokage and the ANBUS looked at the two Roots lying on the ground and then at me, who kept my fox eyes. As I said, certain things that people already know about me, there's no reason to keep it a secret, the fact that I'm a Jinchuuriki is no secret, the novelty is that I know how to control her chakra.

The Hokage directed me to his office while the ANBUS followed.


Danzo POV.

Hiruzen was always too soft, and now that she has aged she seems to have become an amoeba, ninjas are weapons made to kill and carry out missions, this is no fairy tale. No matter how much you dress up a murder, it won't change what it is.

He likes to spread this Will of Fire ideal, but in the end, we're all a bunch of well-trained assassins, if the ninjas don't have a tighter leash, chaos will ensue. I lost all of Konoha's recent geniuses because of this old man trying to suppress my ambitions. According to my ANBU spies, that boy is extremely talented, in addition to having half of the Kyuubi inside him. When I learned that he had gone to take the written test for an early graduation, I arranged everything for him to come take the wrestling test with me, without anyone knowing.

When the boy arrived he looked straight at me, I feel that this boy, since the first time he saw me, has some kind of animosity, but it's probably just an impression, I've been very suspicious these last few years, and according to the spy reports, he has a cold look on everyone.

- I'll apply your physical strength test. - He said waiting for his reaction.

When he didn't answer anything I waved for Kontsu to move forward, Kontsu was good with Kenjutsu and he has already proven himself to be a great ninja, at the first movements of the fight I found the boy a little clumsy, but after a sharper look, I realized that he just was narrowly dodging on purpose, as if to mock the opponent, this made me a little uncomfortable.

After a few minutes he seems to have tired and kicked Kontsu, sending him flying towards me, I saw his gaze locked directly on mine.

I waved for Kontsu who had stood up and Uruye to move forward, I intended to send only Uruye, but that look annoyed me, they were both jounin level ninjas, despite there being no rank tests at Root, they received more than normal training , were experienced ninajs, I had instructed them to use only taijutsu or weapons, not ninjutsu, I didn't want to break the boy, just show him that he doesn't have the strength yet, and where he could get it.

But the result was different than expected. As the first time the boy continued to dodge the blows of the two ninjas of my Root with mastery, as if he was fighting with children. A light cut here, a kick there, but nothing serious, nothing that could be considered decisive. His clothes were in tatters, I saw him rip what was left of his shirt and I was scared.

There was a demon smiling at his back. I don't know why but that phrase came to my mind when I saw Tsurui's muscles. What do they call it? Pareidolia... I looked at the muscles for a while and was even more convinced that it wasn't a psychological disorder, there was a face on the boy's back.

Suddenly he disappeared, saw Uruye jump back and then Kontsu was sent flying, Uruye lunged at the boy and to my surprise, he was sent flying up to the ceiling, the boy jumped higher and sent Uruye to the ground, knocking him out. The two lost, they were two skilled Root ninjas, and yet they lost to an eleven year old boy.

That's when the boy looked at me. His eyes were blood red, only a black slit split the middle of his eyes. Those eyes, I knew them. The Nine-Tailed Fox. The boy said something but I couldn't pay attention, I think I got a little distracted. Everything happened fast, Hiruzen appeared with Koharu, I was reprimanded and suddenly I was alone in the basement with my men, still holding my cane.

- I think I'm getting old... - I heard myself sigh.