
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs


(AN: as you could guess from the title of this chapter it's about dragon fighting danzou.)


*dragons pov*

Waiting for danzou I thought back to better times when me hiruzen and danzou were just friends trying to survive a hellish world. Sighing I thought 'how did you fall this far danzou you used to be the best of us always ready to fight for what we thought was right. But it all changed after THAT MISSION.' I shivered a little still thinking about what we saw and how he almost completely changed following HER DEATH.

Thinking about her I felt pitty for danzou 'this hateful world took your everything danzou and now you just want to end this hate and bring about her dream of peace. But your doing it the wrong way she wanted people to love and understand each other but you just want to rule them by force and it will only fuel their hate.'

"They're coming five minutes till they get here at their pace." Wolf announced being the sensor in our group.

Nodding I just spoke one simple word "positions."

Disappearing from the tree we were all on they split up into their groups and got into their positions. 'I'm sorry old friend but it's time for you to rest.' I thought as I closed my eyes.

Feeling the presence of the root shinobi and danzou three minutes later I gave a soft smile underneath my mask.

At the two minute mark I unsheathed my katana. It had a red dragon going down the blade with gold colored guard and handle.

At the one minute mark felt danzou closing in and leading his root my way. Letting my chakra out as he got closer and dropping down from my position to appear at eye level with him I stood there with my eyes still closed.

Looking at me he spoke "So it's time huh." It wasn't a question but I still nodded. "I see root be ready."

As a sealing barrier popped up and surrounded us three anbu cat, crow, and weasel popped up in front of me. "You know the plan follow it." I spoke as I finally opened my eyes revealing my mangekyou sharIngan as two double sided hooks croosed over each other span in both my eyes.

"Let us fight one last time old friend." He spoke as he walked off to the side away from his root as I did the same with my anbu.

As I did I raised my hand and made a fist danzou doing the same. Behind us all hell broke loose as the sound jutsus, kunai, shurikan, and explosions rang out.

Going through the trees with danzou like old times I asked "how'd it come to this you were the best of the six of us?" It was a question I already new the answer to but I couldn't help but ask with a bitter smile.

"You know vary well why I became like this I will do anything to honor her last wish and bring peace to the elemental nations." His answer was immediate and laced with determination.

"She wouldn't want this though look at what you have done what you have done to not only yourself but to our home. Stop now and it can go back to what it used to be." I pleaded it was a useless plea I knew that but I had to hope.

Giving off a small smile he replied "we can never go back not anymore we have all changed too much. You used to be an idiot a talented idiot but still an idiot. But look at you now anbu commander dragon probably the strongest in the village. And look at hiruzen he was always a cheeky little monkey never missing a chance to mess with us. Now he's the wise old professor he loved his family so much yet had to give up his chance of watching his own grow up due to becoming the hokage. We both know how much he hates that hat especially after asuma left. Koharu and homura used to be the couple that would visit the orphanages and give away their money to the poor. Now they only care about themselves and their political power and their position within the village not the village itself. Me well look at me I.."

"Was the serious one with a heart of gold. You used to join homura and koharu on their charity trips. You were also the love sick fool who fell for my sister." I interrupted him and spoke with a teasing tone.

Chuckling he finished my statement "now I'm a decrepit old warmonger the shinobi no yami. I'm more monster and experiment than man." He spoke as he looked at his bandaged arm with both grief and anger, while also bringing his other hand to touch his bandaged eye.

"You implanted hashirama-sama's cells into your body to regrow your damaged arm. Also that eye was a gift from yagami not a curse she loved you and wanted you to be safe." I told him already knowing why he looked both full of grief and anger. "She wouldn't blame you for making yourself stronger she would beat the shit outa you for pillaging the first hokages grave than help you train your new abilities."

We let out a chuckle thinking about my deceased sister. "She was always the spitfire of our group. Keeping us in line while having her own fun at our expense." His voice called out

Nodding I spoke "she got that from mom she loved us dearly but couldn't help but let her sadistic side out." Than pausing to think I asked "you still have the necklace she gave you?"

Putting his hand into his shirt and pulling out a necklace with a silver moon attached he spoke "yup she always called me her ever present moon as she was my brightly shining sun. You still have yours?"

Nodding I did the same and pulled out a necklace with a golden dragon head on it "yup she always called me her little dragon. Remember she would send me off at enemies by announcing that her dragon was going to burn them all."

Smiling for the first time in decades danzou nodded and answered "yup after this at least one of us will be able to see her again I just hope that if it's me she'll except what I've become."

Snorting I announced "we both know she would beat your ass and set your mind straight before dragging you to talk to auntie mito and make you apologize for taking hashirama-sama's cells. Than she would bandage your wounds and drag you behind closed doors at the end of the night." As I finished he blushed a bit as I smirked and whispered just loud enough for him to hear "masocast"

Hurling a kunai at me he spoke "shut up virgin."

"Oh who said I was a virgin." I rebutted as I jumped at him with a sword swing that he paried with another kunai.

"We both know an idiot like you can't get laid." He spoke as he went for a wind induced kunai stab. Than smirking he asked "Remember Ms. Abby."

"Don't mention that I was 12." I replied as I took another swing and sending danzou flying back.

"You tried to ask our teacher out. And she rejected you in front of all of us." He spoke as he went through hand seals and shot out blades of wind at me.

Making my own hand seals I made a wall of fire that countered his wind blades. "You want to speak about our love life's alright. The first girl you had a crush on was that yamanaka that was actually a dude with long hair." I said back to him as I made more hand seals and shot a lightning bolt at him.

Defending himself with a earth wall he used a body replacement to hide himself as his voice came from everywhere. "Your really going there well than how about the time you hit on mito-sama."

Wincing I spoke "I was drunk asshole. How about the time that you tried to bring that Nara chick home with you only for yagami to beat the shit out of her than almost neuter you for daring to fall for another woman than and I quote *the greatness that is me yagami.*"

Feeling the air move behind me pulling out a kunai stabbed behind me and heard a


As our kunai clashed repeatedly I heard him reply "if your bringing that up than how about the time you went out on a date with the inuzuka heir and yagami crashed your date and told the inuzuka all of your embarrassing secrets."

Widening my eyes I spoke "that was you I thought it was that cheeky fuck Hiruzen who snitched." As I caught his hand and made hand seals with it and jumped back while spewing fire at him.

Also jumping back but not before the bandages in his arm and we'll as his eye burned off. Revealing a mangekyou in the pattern of a rose staring back at me, also a white arm made of hashirama's cells. "Yup you should of seen your face when she told the inuzuka about you hitting on that suna shinobi while you were fighting." He spoke while doing hand signs and spears of wood came out of the ground and towards me.

Gritting my teeth I dodged out of the way before throwing kunai with explosive tags at the spears and him. "You can't blame me for that Chiyo was hot as shit back then."

After the explosions I heard a voice behind me as my stomach was pierced by another wooden spear. "Her brother was right next to her he caught me while taking out his rage on me while you two flirted." He spoke with a sad tone as he stared at the stab wound.

Smirking as my genjutsu fell and danzou widened his eyes as his arm was lopped off.

And I planted a kunai in his back piercing his lung. "That sounds like a you problem also after the fight we met up at a bar and hooked up."

Chuckling as blood came from his mouth and falling to a knee he looked at his arm and failing body he asked "You still have her other eye right."

"Ya she gave it to me so that If I ever go blind I have at least one way to keep my light in one eye." I answered

"The winner of our fight is clear now take her other eye and achieve the eternal mangekyou like madara did." He spoke as he plucked out his sharIngan, and held it out. Seeing my hesitation with his remaining eye he spoke "her death wasn't your or my fault it took a long time for me to realize that neither of us could of prevented it. We were surrounded and out numbered her sacrifice saved all five of us. Now take the eye and honor her sacrifice by being the strongest version of yourself that you can be and send me to meet her again."

Smiling softly I picked up the eye and stored it in a special vat of liquid with her other eye. "Danzou it doesn't have to end he…"

"Yes it does I'm to far gone now bring about her wish of peace and make konoha the great village it was always meant to be." He spoke as he lowered his head.

Seeing this my hand shook as I raised my katana. "GOODBYE BROTHER." I spoke in a soft yet resounding tone.

"Yes I'll see you on the other side BROTHER." His voice rang out the same as mine as I brought the katana down.
