
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
89 Chs


(AN: dark shit will be happening in this ark so read at your own risk.)


As the rocky terrain of the land of earth gave away to vast plains with mountains in the distance I checked my map. Looking at the dot that read *you* I saw we were now entering the land of keys. 'It's been a week of non stop travel. Finally we're half way done.' I thought while still sitting in the kazekages shadow.

"Baki when we get back inform the council we are going to war with kiri and konoha. Also send word to Orochimaru the other nations are going to start a fight with him." Than pausing he added "also mention that the blond is going to enact a scorched earth policy within the land of rice." As he finished Baki nodded

"Are you sure this is wise kazekage-sama we would be pissing off konoha and based off what the rai.." before Bali could finish rasa interrupted him

"They lie there's no way konoha would be stronger than it was before the kyuubi attack. The hokage is a helpless drunk and gambler. She gambled on this lie but it won't work." Rasa stated as he got a thoughtful look befire speaking again "I'll prove this by carving our way to kiri by going right through the land of fire."

"Yes kazekage-sama it will be done." Baki replied

'I see so my job is inevitable than.' I thought as my eye lost its light and went from a bright blue to a blood red slitted eye. 'People will really start calling me a heartless demon after this.'

*a week and a half later*

"Hmm we're home I'll be meeting with Orochimaru and discuss our plan the alliance and attack on him won't happen for at least another two weeks or so with them having to set up supply lines, and make sure their shinobi play nice with each other. Baki go to the council, Gaara go home and wait there."

"Yes kazekage-sama." Came their replies.

Jumping into Baki's shadow as rasa took off in another direction I looked at the setting sun. 'When that rises suna will be in chaos, and our message clear.' I thought.

Getting to the village walls Baki and gaara waited at the entrance. After showing their face and ID they were let in. I saw the shinobi throw hateful yet fearful glances at gaara. "Mother craves blood." Gaara's stated

"Your mother will get her blood soon just wait till we invade the land of fire you'll be able to get as much as you want." Replied Baki as gaara gave a insane grin.

"Soon mother soon you'll have all the blood you want." Gaara whispered as he went off.

'Creepy fucker.' I thought as I left Baki's shadow and crated clones while spreading them throughout the village while sending more out into the desert to trap the trade routes. I instructed my clones to avoid jonin and stronger chunin. 'I'm not here for the shinobi I'm here for the core of the village, The people.' Getting to a vantage point I looked over the quiet village. 'This place is peaceful at night. Too bad they chose to become enemies.' I thought as I formed another clone and popped it. Sending the signal to my clones to start what will web known as the suna massacre.

Hopping down and into a building I slowly made my way through till I found a couple sleeping in a bed. Walking up to their bed I pulled out a kunai while covering the woman's mouth and slit her throat. She wiggled around a bit and let out some silent cries for help. Feeling his wife stir the man spoke "what's wrong it's late go back to sleep the kids have school tomorrow." As he finished he put his hand on my shoulder. "Huh pinō that you?" He asked while opening his eyes only to see a fox masked anbu holding a bloody kunai over his wife.

Reacting quickly I silenced the man by caving in his head with a punch. Seeing the bloody mush that was his brain spill out onto the bed I got off and headed for the other two chakra signatures. Opening a door I was greeted to a kids room with two beds. Walking up to one of the kids I saw a boy no older than five. He was laying on his stomach with his face into the pillow. Walking up to him I slipped a kunai in the back of his skull killing him instantly. Turning I saw wide and terrified eyes of a girl around the same age of the boy. "No no no no no it's just a dream mama and papa will save me. The monster will go away. It's just a dream." The girl repeatedly whispered as I got closer and her breathing quickened. As she was hyperventilating.

Seeing her about to scream I appeared next to her and snapped the girls neck. 'God I fucking hate this job. That girl was the same age as mito.' I thought as I stared as my bloody kunai and the little girl who's neck was facing the wrong way. Her face forever twisted in horror. Shoving my emotions down I left the building a headed to my next target. Seeing a merchant building that sold clean water I thought 'this will do' as I entered the building

Looking around I saw baby toys and a empty baby bottle on the counter. Taking in a quick breath I thought 'please no. Please just be a babysitter and not parents.' My thoughts only further spiraled as I felt three chakra signatures in one bed. Slowly walking up the stairs I got to the top. Looking to my right I saw a door with the sign *water room* deciding to get the easy part over with I headed to that door first. Placing a silencing seal on the door before going in. Opening it I saw five gallon jugs everywhere. As well as a machine that purifies water. Walking over to them i started draining the five gallon jugs. After making sure they would all be wasted I walked up to the water purification machine. Inspecting it I removed bolts and screws while breaking other parts. Not caring for the noise as my silencing seal blocked all noise. After making sure no one would be able to use it again I left the room. Passing another door one way to the three chakra signatures I saw it read *orion's room* taking in another breath I thought 'I'm going to hell.' Before opening the last door. Inside was a man, a woman, and a newborn baby.

Walking over I saw the woman with a happy and loving smile as she held her baby. My hand shaking a little I looked over to the man and saw a similar smile as he held the woman's hand. Seeing the man as the easiest target I walked over to the left side of the bed. Getting a paralysis seal ready I slowly and gently put it on his back as I moved a kunai to the back of his skull. Plunging it in I gave him a quick and painless death.

Switching sides and arriving on the woman's side I saw her stir a little. Opening her eyes half lidded she looked around before shutting them again pulling the baby closer to herself. Doing the same this as I did to the man I placed a paralysis seal on her. Bringing my kunai to the base of her neck i pierced her brain and killed her instantly. Than slowly but surely I picked up the baby. Holding the baby I saw his eyes flutter open as he let out a yawn. His eyes focus on me as he stared at me with curiosity. Slowly taking out a test tube filled with a scent less and painless poison gas I opened it infront of the baby's nose. I felt him tense before letting out a sneeze. Seeing his eyes struggle to stay open as his breaths got shallower my hands started to shake as I placed him down in the arms of his dead mother. As I did I saw his eyes finally close as his chest stopped rising and stilled. Walking out of the room and quietly closing the door. The shaking in my hands spread to the rest of my body as I slumped back onto the door and slid down.

'Calm down my love. Remember why your doing this.' Came kurami's soothing voice

'Because of orders.' I replied with venom.

'No because if you don't who do you think tsunade would of sent. There's only a handful of people who she would trust enough with this mission.' Kurami replied

As she did the images of itachi, kakashi, shisui, and jiraya went through my mind. 'Remember your nindō. You'll become the demon so they won't have to. You'll go to the deepest pits of hell so they won't.'

'I'll keep their smiles no matter the cost.' I finished as my eyes regained their fire and I got up and a cold chill emanated from my body. While Benihime shook and shrank to become the size of a tanto. Unsheathing her I walked out of the merchant store and headed to the next.