
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs


(AN: Imagine killer bee rapping whenever he talks I can't rap for shit so use your imagination.)


"Big bro wants to set up a kages summit in the land of iron so we can discuss stuff." Killer bee trailed off at the end not quite knowing what that stuff was.

"Hmm I see and how do we know this isn't an assassination attempt on me and the other kages." Tsunade asked

"Big bro wouldn't do that." He spoke with confidence

"Oh so the hyuuga affair wasn't you. Also the continuous prodding of our borders.She asked

"Doesn't matter will you attend." He asked

"Hmm sure why not but I'm bringing five anbu for protection." She spoke leaving no room for argument

He looked a little sour at that but nodded anyways "deal may we spend the night here to rest before heading out." He asked

"No get out we arnt having the eight tails jinchuuriki staying in the village even if we could dismantle and kill you easily." She finished with a smile as she saw the surprise and disbelief on killer bee's and his students faces.

"Lies no one can beat killer bee sensei but the raikage." Spoke the red headed woman.

"Oh really I have multiple S-ranked shinobi in this room alone. As well as two borderline SS-ranked shinobi. And that's not including the level 10 seal's master and then there's me and jiraya who is another seal's master that decided to join us. And last but definitely not the least my anbu commander that has been standing above you this entire time." By the end she pointed at the door revealing jiraya smiling happily as he waved, and a dragon masked anbu casually standing on the roof. "So tell me little jonin what do you think your chances are." At the end tsunade was smiling like a supervillain that just got away. The kumo team on the other hand looked scared shitless the realization that they were very wrong about konoha being weak. Even killer bee looked a nervous.

"Hahaha we'll get out of your hair now and leave for home if you'll let us the kage summit is in three weeks in the land of iron lord mifune has agreed to hold this meeting in his lands." He spoke with a nervous chuckle and not rapping for once.

Nodding tsunade spoke "good now get out of my village a few of my anbu will escort you back to the border." As she finished she motioned for wolf's team to leave with turtle as well.

As they left and the room went quiet jiraya asked "since when did we have two borderline SS-ranked nin? I know itachi is almost at that level but who else."

Dog looking at tsunade and getting a nod spoke "our other seal's master used a uzumaki seal to stop the drain on my sharingan when I'm not using it. So I'm able to start training harder as well as not loose out on precious stamina and chakra I was wasting on it during battle."

As he finished the room went quiet and jiraya finally spoke "holy shit if only minato and Sakumo could see you now." As he finished a grin came over his face "they'd be so proud." As he finished dog nodded sadly.

"Alright now that that is done I'm hungry your all dismissed for the day be ready in two days team RO will escort me. Dragon your in charge when I leave also jiraya no leaving the village." As she finished she pulled out a sake bottle.

Nodding I spoke "let's go to my house that includes you Yamato." As I finished I grabbed the lion masked anbu before he could leave.

Chuckling the others just nodded and body flickered out the tower. Following suit with Yamato we headed for my house while the sun started to set.

Arriving at the door I unlocked it and felt a few chakra signatures come to the door as they heard it open.

"Papa" came three little voices

"Big bro." Came another.

As we walked in we were met by three flying children and a tired and disheveled looking sasuke. Looking at sasuke I asked "did the girls make you watch em." At his nod I just smirked.

Then I heard "papa who's the guy with fish eyes."

Snorting I spoke "that's my teammate Yamato treat him well."

"Oh ok hi uncle Yamato." Came her ever energetic tone.

"Hello Yamato" came izuna's attemp at a stoic tone.

"Umm hi." Came the quiet and nervous tone of setsuna.

'Hmm she's still nervous around strangers.' I thought as Yamato looked at them and spoke

"I uhh hi?" It sounded like more of a question than a greeting.

Kakashi patted him on the back and replied "good your getting better at civilian life."

After the greetings with the kids were done we headed towards the living room where the women were at. Getting welcome backs from them as Yugao went to join them.

After a little small talk I asked "I got jiraya to buy me this while he was out anyone want a shot?" While pulling out a bottle of whiskey from the land of birds.

Nodding at me we headed to the table to talk and discuss what to expect on the mission to the land of iron.

"When we go to the land of iron we will have to pass through the land of earth and either grass or waterfall." I spoke as I remembered the map.

"Hmm we are loosely allied with the land of waterfalls. The land of grass on the other hand is a bad way we would have to cross one of the bridges either the kannabi bridge or tenchi bridge." Kakashi spoke from experience.

"Hmm he's right especially when iwa spies are all in there and still are." Shisui added.

"Ya wrhs land of waterfalls it is." Stated itachi.

"Yes but what about the land of earth they hate us with a passion. Even if onoki tells his ninja to not attack they could go rogue at the chance to pay us back for the third shinobi war." Added Yamato.

"Can we take a boat from waterfall to the land of medicine or to the land of iron." I asked.

"We could but it's slow and we don't have the time. If we left today we could make it but boats can't travel that fast and the ocean is dangerous." Spoke kakashi.

At that we started thinking again till shisui spoke "ehh let's leave it to the Nara's to come up with a plan." Before taking a sip of whiskey.

Bossing we did the same and I raised a glass "to the Nara's so we don't have to think." Getting a chuckle from the others.


(AN: I know this chapter was a little short but the next chapter is going to be them traveling the elemental nations and if I included it in this chapter to extend it it would be like 3000 words and that to long for just one chapter