
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Home part two

(AN: might start another Naruto fan-fic. It won't by a system or reincarnation. Some things will be slightly AU but mostly stay the same the only difference is it wasn't just iruka who watched Naruto beat mizuki.)


Going to anbu hq I walked into the shinobi store. After flaring my chakra in a specific pattern and getting the store clerk to do the same I headed for the dressing room. Opening and falling down into the secret trap door I dropped down into a hall way. Seeing all the anbu going on about their buisness. Walking past the lunch room I saw multiple anbu eating and talking to other anbu.

Walking past some others I got nods of respect that I gave back. These people respect me as fox the youngest anbu in history. 'I guess joining the anbu at eight will do that.' I thought pridefully.

"Fox dragon-sama wants you in there office with your report." A crocodile masked anbu spoke as he past me.

"Alright I'll be there soon as I finish it." I replied. After a bit more walking I reached a door labeled *team Ro*. Opening it I was greeted with the sight of the rest of my team. "Captain, crow, weasel, lion." I gave each of them a greeting. "So we have a mission?" I asked a little confused

"No not yet but just here to inform you your not doing anymore missions like suna solo." Dog replied making my eyes widen.

"But…" I tried but was cut off

"Your our brother fox we won't let you suffer alone." Replied weasel

"Ya how can I let my jr. carry more weight than me." Added crow as lion just nodded.

"There's no convincing you to back off is there." I replied dryly

"No"/"Nada"/"Nope"/"Negative" Came there replies

"Alright fine but I have to write a damm report than report to dragon-sama." I replied.

"Haha good luck with that. I'll be back with something to eat." Crow exclaimed as he left. Dodging my kunai.

After some small talk and doing my report I stood up from my seat. "Finally done I fuckin hate these things." I spoke

"Ya that's why I have a clone do them." Replied dog

"Same but I have to report to dragon-sama with the report anyways so it wouldn't matter." I explained

"I feel bad for you and weasel." Added lion as he looked at dig and weasel

"Huh why?" Asked weasel

"Because it's obvious who the hokage and dragon are grooming for their positions." Commented crow.

"Don't remind me I'll take the hat but after katasumi grows up I'm not ganna make the same mistake sandaime-sama did." Dog replied

"Hmm same I have to grow up more anyways I'm only sixteen no way I'm taking that dragon mask till I'm at least 25" weasel exclaimed

"Hmm alright I'll see you all at home I have to report to dragon-sama." I spoke as we headed for the door.

"Alright don't take to long mito's been getting worried. Wont stop asking when her papa's ganna be home." Replied crow

Smiling I replied "I know tell her I'm safe and that I'll be home soon." I gave my own reply as I left for dragons office.

"Alright also don't forget you have special training for your new eye tomorrow." Weasel replied. Giving him a wave and nod I disappeared behind a corner.

After walking some distance I came to a door that read *dragons office*




Knocking three times I waited for a few seconds before "come in." Dragons voice sounded out.

Walking in I shut the door behind me and kneeled on the floor. "Fox reporting back from my mission dragon-sama." In my monotone.

"Good, at ease fox. Give me a basic overview of your operation." Dragon ordered

Standing up I replied "the one tails is secured." As I grabbed the special scroll that held the one tails and set it down. "The three children of the kazekage are dead and I set them up to give a clear message. Key merchants, political figures, and their immediate families have been eliminated." As I spoke images of the kids and newborn popped up in my mind but I shook them away. Seeing this dragon clenched her hands beneath the table but didn't let me see anything. "I used clones to create chaos. I trapped the trade routes, and blew the dam and flooded a part of the village."

As I finished I looked into dragons eyes to see any disgust, hate, or anger at me. Finding only sadness and pride in their eyes I let out a breath.

"You did good. Just know you'll never be doing it alone again your team will give each other a shoulder to lean on." Replied dragon as they got up and walked over to the scroll. "So this is the scroll containing the one tails huh." She stated and at my nod she continued "we need to find a host. And this time keep it a complete secret." As dragon finished they put a hand on their forehead and rubbed it. Than looking back at me dragon added "your dismissed fox. I have it on hood authority that your mom will want to see you."

'So this is a clone.' I thought as I nodded and left.

As I got to the door I heard "I'm proud of you fox never forget that." I just nodded back and opened the door.

Leaving dragons office and the anbu hq I headed home. After a bit of running and body flickers I arrived at my door. Letting the seal on the door read my chakra and blood i opened it. As I did I heard "PAPA!" As a red headed missile rammed into me.

"Hi Mito." I replied as I hugged her and held her tight.

"Why were you gone so long when uncle kakashi, itachi, shisui, and Yamato came back without you." As she finished she her grip on me tightened.

Smiling softly behind my mask I replied "don't worry sweetie I won't leave you yet. But sometimes missions take longer than expected, and you have to split up I had another important mission." I replied as I started walking while holding her close.

"Welcome back love." Came kurami's voice as she got up from the table and walked over to me.

"Good to be back dear." I replied as I hugged and kissed her.

Giving my greetings to the others I saw mom come in from the kitchen. Seeing me she slowly walked over. Reaching her hand out she slowly removed my fox mask revealing my red face mask and headband covering my sharingan eye. Taking a breath she removed the headband revealing a deep scar and three tomoed sharingan staring back at her. Taking in a sharp breath she took me into a hug "my baby." I heard from her as she buried my head into her bust.

'Ruining the moment with your air headedness.' I thought as I tried to move but she had me firmly locked in with her tsunade like super strength. Just letting out a mental sigh I enjoyed the warm and loving hug of my mother while wrapping one of my arms around her while the other holds Mito.