
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Four years later

(AN: I frogot to add one more thing the goddess did she made it so itachi's child and shisui's will be born on the same day just different years.)


*mc pov*

"Y'all ready for the party tomorrow." I asked

"Yup" can the reply from kakashi, itachi, and shisui as we got out of the meeting room at anbu HQ.

"Alright be come on and help me and kurami set everything up." I spoke as I got a pat on the back and agreement from them.

"I still can't believe mito, Izuna, and setsuna were born on the same day." Came shisui's voice as we headed towards my house.

"That's what your surprised by I'm more surprised that Yugao retired instead of making you retire." Came kakashi's response.

Chuckling I asked "when you ganna make shizune pop one out."

Looking a little sheepish he replied "when we feel like we're ready."

"Bullshit your just scared don't be it's fun." Came itachis two cents

"Yes it's so fun that I hear you all yawn and look miserable when ever I see you." Came kakashi's comeback.

"Eh that's because we somehow gave all got geniuses on par with itachi and you I saw mito and izuna playing tag last week and their footwork is amazing we haven't even taught them anything they got that good from watching us." I spoke out.

Letting out a tired sigh itachi spoke "he's not wrong I had to chase izuna, mito, and setsuna through the house and they moved with the grace of a shinobi."

"Ya and you all still ask why I haven't got shizune pregnant yet. I don't want to join the baby genius train." Kakashi spoke as we arrived at my house.

Opening the door I looked inside and saw kurami, Yugao, and Izumi on the couch holding mito, setsuna, and izuna. "I feel bad for little izuna he's outnumbered." Came the hushed voice of shisui as we entered.

"Welcome back honey/dear/babe" came their response.

"Let's take them upstairs and let the boys set everything up for tomorrow ladies." Yugao spoke out as the others nodded and went upstairs.

"Alright come on we only got a few hours before morning and everyone comes over." I spoke as I went to some boxes "I'll grab the decorations"

"I'll grab the food" itachi replied before bosy flickering away.

"I'll get the presents" kakashi said before leaving

"I'll help with decorating." Shisui said before appearing next to me.

Deciding to make small talk I asked "what you buy setsuna."

"A crow plushy she adores them." He replied while working on the table. "How about you."

"A set of kunai and a fox plushy that looks like her fox friend rose." I answered

"Seems like their summon contracts are all but signed." Shisui added with a chuckle.

Nodding with my own laugh I spoke "yup you know what's up with kumo they seem unnervingly quiet."

Shaking his head he spoke "no idea but their sending a group of shinobi here in a week."

Cursing I spoke "let's keep the kids here for the next two weeks to be safe id rather not have to burn kumo to ash for kidnapping one of our kids."

"Agreed I'm not taking any chances." Shisui added

As we finished kakashi and itachi came back and I asked "itachi you know about the kumo thing right." At his nod I finished "let's keep the kids here for the next two weeks to be safe I'd rather not have kurami destroy kumo."

Nodding itachi went back to work.

*seven hours later*



Hearing the door knock I went over to it and opened it after checking the chakra signature. "Sup old man, konohamaru, aunt miza(konohamaru's mom), mom, sasuke, jiraya, shizune, and titan tits." At the end a fist came down on my head only for me to pop revealing that I was a clone. The real me walked in from the bathroom and spoke. "Alright go hide I'll signal for kurami to wake the girls up." After speaking a bit my thumb and summoned velvet and rose. Seeing the two foxes I just smiled and told them the plan.

Nodding at me they went to their spots while I flared my chakra out for a second. Sensing that I felt kurami getting up with the other women. While carrying the girls down.

"Mama why is it so dark and early." I heard mito's tired voice as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Ya mama five more minutes." Came izuna's and setsuna's complaints.

Smirking as they came into view I let my chakra out again as we all jumped out and the lights turned on revealing the hung up signs reading *HAPPY BIRTHDAY*

As we all yelled out


Making the kids jump in their mothers arms. Smiling behind my face mask I spoke while walking up to mito. "Do you want to go to sleep instead of playing with your friends."

Widening her eyes she exclaimed "no I wanna play wait since I'm turning four can you teach me ninja stuff." She asked energetically

Smirking I replied "yup ima make you the strongest kunoichi around even stronger than titan tits." As I finished I substituted with a log still holding mito despite the angry blond looking at me. "Calm down grandma those old Bo…"


"Bones aren't meant for moving so fast." I finished as I switched with another clone.

"Damm you, you little shit." She spoke through gritted teeth.

Smiling I just rejoined kurami while holding mito. As shisui and itachi joined Yugao and Izumi. "Alright go play with your friends." I spoke as I motioned for all the kids to go and run around making a clone to watch over them. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as all the other shinobi did the same and than make a second clone just in case. 'Ok maybe we're a little paranoid but ehh ninja.' I also watched as velvet went and played with the kids while running around them.

As I watched the kids run off I headed for the table with the others. "So Naruto how far along are you with sealing." Came the old man's voice.

"Well Im at level one of uzumaki fuinjutsu and I've started on the hiration but progress is slow." I answered "I heard kumo's sending a team over here in a week what's that about."

"They haven't told us but if I had a guess it would be to hold a kage summit they also sent teams to the other 3 villages." He spoke while narrowing his eyes.

"Oh so who you taking with you hokage-sama." I directed my question towards tsunade who was already on her third sake bottle. "Also slow down with the sake you it's no…"

"Team RO of course your my best team hahaha." By the end she was giggling

'Too late.' I thought while watching tsunade pull out another bottle of fox sake.

"How much stronger is that stuff?" Asked a bewildered jiraya.

"It took five for me to pass out and that was with kurami helping me kill the alcohol in my system." I spoke watching as tsunade downed the fourth bottle.

"By the log what is in it?" Shisui asked.

"No clue but it's smooth and tastes like honey." I spoke as I pulled out a small glass for everyone and poured some.

*few hours later*

After a few hours of small talk and dealing with a drunker than usual tsunade we found the kids and told them to get ready for presents and dinner. After sobering up tsunade I couldn't help but ask something that's been bothering me since I watched the anime. "Hey titan tits your part uzumaki right." I asked while dodging her swing.

"Ya what's it to ya brat?" She asked a little curious

"Well I was ganna ask if your part uzumaki why do you use a permanent henge shouldn't your uzumaki genes keep you looking young?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Blinking slowly she spoke "uhh I ahhh huh." She seemed stumped than stopping for a second while the ones sitting close to us looked at her as she made a hand sign and her henge fell only to reveal a slightly more mature looking woman but no wrinkles or anything like that.

Grabbing a mirror out of my inventory I gave it to her while asking "you saw that you were maturing and didn't want to look old while completely forgetting your uzumaki blood didn't you titan tits." I spoke bluntly.

Dodging the mirror as it flew past me and into one of my clones while breaking, I just made another to clean it it. "Shut it brat." She spoke while now having to endure the flirting of jiraya.

"So dinner or presents first?" I asked

"Dinner." Came the women's reply.

Just shrugging I set the chairs up so the kids sat together while the adults filled in the rest. But while doing this I thought 'hmm I bet this will make the old man happy.' I thought while giving him his seat at the end of the table so he could watch all of us. 'That hat destroyed his home life it's about time he gets to experience a good and stable family.' After everyone took their seats I laid back in mine while kurami laid her head on my shoulder. 'You've calmed down over the years.' I spoke in my mind

'Mmm being a mother is tiring but humbling. I can't wait for you to give me another I'm going to ring you dry tonight.' She spoke in my mind with a husky tone.

A shiver went down my spine at her tone as I thought 'I wonder if they will have fox ears and a tail.'

While all of us sat down and started eating I saw as the old man looked around with a happy and content smile. His eyes landing on my I just sent him a wink. His smile only widened as he went to talk to his energetic grandson. Looking around the table myself I couldn't help as a similar smile came over my own face while thinking 'no matter the cost this is worth protecting.'

After dinner we set mito, izuna, and setsuna up next to the presents and had them open them. Watching as mito opend my present and saw the little fox plushie she grinned like a maniac before thanking us. Sitting in on the couch with kurami on my lap the other couple's in similar positions I watched as the night went on with the birthday kids getting both toys and shinobi stuff.

By the end of the night we had the three staying over due to kumo coming we didn't want to take the chance so me, kurami, and mito took my parents room while itachi, Izumi, and izuna took the spare bedroom. While shisui, yugao, and setsuna took my old room that we remodeled into a room for mito but she doesn't really use it.

Saying bye to the drunk and clingy tsunade and mumbling drunk jiraya I closed the door thinking 'I wonder if those two will ever get together they obviously love each other but their trauma just makes it hard to show it.'

As I stepped towards the stairs I felt a shiver go down my back and my instincts screamed. But before I could move I was somewhere else. All I could see was the dark expanse of endless space. 'Shit did I die.' I thought worriedly.

"No you didn't die but I have a job for you. You see I govern a lot of worlds and sometimes people like you reincarnate into those worlds without my permission and fuck up the timeline. I can't directly mess with them because their soul is guarded by another true god like me. The rules are shit."

After thinking I spoke "so if that's true what about my world and myself if I mess with this gods play toy won't they come after me. Also can someone reincarnate into my world."

"No one can reincarnate into your world as I'm personally guarding it and this is one of my core worlds. Secondly no the gif won't be able to sent anyone after you. Although I did reincarnate you for entertainment that wasn't the only reason. You know the counter force and it's counter guardians from the fate anime." And at my nod she continued "well I don't own that world so I can't exactly use the counter force and although I'm friends with the goddess that owns that world I can't exactly borrow the counter force since it's not owned by my domain. She can send her counter guardians to my worlds to help me guard them and I sent her tributes as compensation. Now your going to be my guardian well once you get stinger and die in your world. Sending you to take out this reincarnated person will be a one time thing while your alive. Your physical body can't take the stress of being sent through my dimensional barriers and I can't keep opening them like I'm about to do because it lets in cosmic horrors like that one squid guy from your lovecraft novels back on your world."

Blinking at the last part I asked "than why would you risk letting in one of those horrors now."

Shrugging without any shame she replied "I'm bored as shit hurry up and get strong and die so I can send you out on missions. I'll even give you an incentive as long as you work for me loyally I'll guarantee the safety and prosperity of your loved ones and their decedents, but the deal won't be put into use until you die."

After hearing her long rant I asked "how about me going missing from my world for however long it takes to find and kill my target." I asked already labeling the reincarnated person as a target not a human.

"Oh simple I'll just pause the time." She spoke as of it wasn't a big thing before "now have fun I have a squid fucker to deal with."

As she finished I felt as if my body was being torn inside out before a portal opened up in front on me and sucked me in.