
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Coming home

(AN: this will probably be the last dragon chapter fir a good bit.)


As we all stared at each other thinking of ways to deal with a mother kyuubi I thought 'hmm well I'll send cat and eagle they're women so they deal with women shit.' Than speaking "cat and eagle you deal with them while the rest of us investigate the base."

Nodding we entered the base and looked up at the signs "the clone said they were in the testing area so go there cat eagle. I'll go to the lab with crow. Wolf chameleon go to the normal barracks. Spider go check out the holding cells with dog. Lion go to the jonin quarters with weasel." I spoke as I headed towards the lab. As I passed bodies or at least what's left of them I saw they were ripped apart by claws and teeth. 'So the kyuubi had her fun here. Also it seems she wasn't very amused by the purpose and happenings within this base.' I thought as I walked on the roof with crow avoiding the carnage.

"Remind me never to anger kurami, this plus what she did to the outpost leader back at the outpost is enough for me." crows statement rang in my ears as I was thinking a similar thing. Just nodding I continued on when we finally reached the lab I opened the door and was immediately presented with the smell of burnt flesh and blood.

Walking in we saw a few dead bodies and on a lab table there was a headless corpse of a scientist. His stomach and chest were nothing more than a gory and gooey mess of blood and half melted organs. Looking at the rest of him I saw bruising around his wrists and ankles that were caused by chains. Also I saw a stab wound on his thigh that had lightning burns around it. 'I knew the kid could torture due to the state of the shinobi at the outpost but this wow he's as ruthless as his mother and mikoto.' I thought as I went through documents and photos. I looked over and saw that crow hasn't took his eyes off the corpse. "What's wrong crow."

"Nar…Fox he's changed he used to be smart and mature a genius in everything shinobi related but this I didn't know he had it in him. He puts on a facade of an emotionless robot with strangers but I know him he's a caring and loving kid." Was his answer.

"You know hiruzen told me about his nindō and it perfectly fits with how you describe him. I won't say the hole thing but it basically goes *I'll become the demon who will be sentenced to the deepest pits of hell if it means my loved ones get to smile.* family is everything to him and his family made their home in konoha so anyone who threatens his home threatens his family. Now this man and anyone who works for orichimaru is a threat to his sister and family."

Looking at me and than the corpse again crow just nodded but I could almost feel the pride coming off of him "he's my little brother I'll never think him a demon but I won't be opposed to calling him konoha's kage no akuma(shadow demon) or the chi oni(blood demon) of konoha they sound bad ass."

Chuckling I spoke "agreed but Kushina was already called the chi oni by kumo."

"Oh ya I forgot it would be fitting though if you think about it." He spoke

Nodding I thought 'not wrong like mother like son I guess.' Than I spoke out loud "I'm retiring and giving this mask to HER after I do who do you think hiruzen will thrust his hat upon." I asked while sifting through documents and looking for anything interesting.

Doing the same as me crow answered "kakashi or jiraya there the only S-ranked nin in the village that are ready for the job. Me and itach are S-ranked but not old enough or experienced enough with politics. The other S-Ranked shinobi are happy in anbu. I'm sure you realized that we all wore weights and restraining seals when fighting the root anbu because well we don't want our skills to dull due to just overpowering opponents and have to lower our strength to not be dulled by weak opponents. Also good luck giving the mask to HER I don't know if she'll take it with how happy she is right now even with the clan pushing their rebellion."

Sighing I nodded "simple shes no longer retired so she can't say no to me. Also now with danzou out of the way we have a way ti deal with the uchiha clan that doesn't involve a slaughter."

Looking at me in a hurried motion and dropping his stack of papers he asked frantically "you do what is it!?"

Grinning like a mad man I spoke in a ding song voice "now that would be spoiling my fun."

Standing there with what I assumed was an open mouthed stare he just ground and grumbled about dragqn-sama being an asshole. Giggling I happily went back to going through paperwork.

After an hour we found some useful documents on how to speed up birth as well as some other projects orichimaru was working on and some other bases to attack I spoke to crow "come on we got what we wanted it's time to go find fox and the others." Nodding he stored all the documents and got behind me.

Walking out of the lab and towards the testing facility we saw all the others except for cat and eagle standing at the doorway and looking in (I imagined the scooby doo all stacked on the door scene.) looking at this I cleared my throat and they looked my way and motioned for me to shhh.

Gaining an eye twitch I moved them out of the way and looked in. And than stopped at the scene in front of me. In front of me was a four tailed fox a fox kit curled up and being hugged by a red headed baby who were sleeping. Than I looked and saw two people hugging onto the baby's and fox. A six years old naruto who was just looking at the very amused cat, weasel, and dog in horror while the nine tailed red headed woman held the baby close with a beautiful and loving smile while looking down at the baby. She was asleep that was a sure or she never would of shown so many people that smile. Every time I go to check up on this family I always saw her with a smug smirk or a regal and queenly look on her face.

Crow wanting to see what everyone was looking at walked up the wall and onto the roof to see in the doorway and let out a suppressed snort. Getting wolf ti hit him on the back of the head with a shhh from the others.

Looking back at the odd family in front of me I couldn't help but think 'so this is what the kids fighting for huh. As long as he has loved ones to protect he'll become a monster like his parents. Now how to get us out of here it's getting late and these old bones are aching and I'm getting tired.'

*two hours later*

After two hours we were finally able to get the kyuubi up and she regained her haughty look. "Oh why do you all look so surprised I'm the best at everything including being a mother."

We were staring at the kyuubi as she held the baby and fox kit and complemented herself. Sighing I asked "can we go now?"

She just shrugged as she spoke "sure mito's up and we're ready." Than she handed the fox kit the the larger fox as she bowed and left in a puff of smoke.

Mito started to cry so Naruto took her while cooing and calming her down. While kurami looked at him with hungry eyes. 'I pity him that woman's ganna ring him dry and he's ganna be stuck with a shit ton of children.'

Than speaking I said "alright we got everything so let's go agent fox your with us the hokage wants you for a side project before you head out and start clean up operations again."

Nodding he ask "oh what's he need me for?"

"No spoilers now let's go." I said before heading out.

*two days later*

As soon as we got close to the village we went into a small secret tunnel to get in. Arriving at the end of the tunnel we emerged from a training field.

Leaving the field in the cover of the night we arrived at the hokage tower. Instead of using the tower entrance I instructed everyone to just go up the side of the tower.

After we climbed to the top floor I knocked on the window and entered the office whit everyone else following.

I front of us was hiruzen who was looking at an old photo. It was of us when we just graduated from the academy. Smirking I asked "reminiscing over the old days when our bodies didn't fall apart after one good fight."

Grunting he spoke "it wouldn't of been a hard fight if you didn't take all the S-ranked anbu we had with you for only 60 root anbu. If shibi, mikoto, tsume, hiashi, and the ino-shika-cho trio didn't come outa retirement to help me I would've been overran by his root forces. Danzou has 260 root anbu total not 160 asshole."

"Ahh semantics but see your fine just like I knew you would be. And you were able to get those kids off their asses and into action I bet they thanked you afterwards." I spoke energetically as i than added "also mission complete danzou is no longer a with us and we retrieved fox and his entourage." I motioned for the three of them to come forward.

As hiruzens fell on the baby in the kyuubi's arms he spoke with wide eyes "how'd you give birth to a kid."

"I didn't it's all in the report old man. But she will be my daughter." She spoke with a steely tone leaving no room for argument.

Nodding Hiruzen regained control of himself as he spoke "ok well now that Danzo is delt with we can move on with our plan to deal with the uchiha rebellion. Go get the clan heads it's time we settle this."

As he finished the anbu all left to get the clan heads while hiruzen gave his plan. "The plan is simple the uchiha clan may be strong but they stand no chance. So we're going to show them this and than give them an ultimatum either Erin all of this rebellion shit and be welcomed back into the village or we cull their rebellion by force. When I give the signal I want you all ti release your killing intent and bloodlust. Also I wouldn't take the baby so kurami can take her home and I can't let your identity out naruto so you'll wear this mask." He spoke and handed Naruto a fox mask. "Your not in the anbu yet but with your progress you'll be in soon." He let out some encouraging words that I saw brighten the boy up.

Smirking I spoke "yes it's a real shame I won't be the one to invite you to anbu though I'm to old for this shit so I'm giving my mask to HER and retire." As I finished I saw hiruzen shoot me a jealous look while the kid looked a little sad. "Also I'm going to need tsunade for a personal reason so as a test how about we sent the kid and my replacement out to find her and bring her back to make sure my successor still has it."

Nodding hiruzen spoke "good idea and maybe I can shove this hat on her while itachi grows up more."

Snorting I spoke "good luck with that." As we felt the clan heads close in and head for the council room and the anbu head back ti the office. After they arrived hiruzen explained the plan and they nodded.

Dog seeing the kid with a fox mask spoke "that was your moms mask where it with pride and honor the legacy and fear she gave that mask."

I watched as the kid nodded and spoke with a firm tone "I'll honor her and this mask by becoming konoha's kage no akuma." He spoke while shadowy chains raised from his shadow and his eyes turned into bloody fox eyes.

Nodding in approval dog spoke "than I look forward to having you on MY team fox."

"As do I captain." Was the reply he got.

Chuckling I thought 'oh those two are like peas in a pod I swear.'

Smiling hiruzen spoke "I also look forward to having you join my anbu corps now let's go make fugaku shit his prideful pants."

A collective chuckle ran through the room as we filed out and followed hiruzen onto the council room while thebkyuubi and mito left for her house.

All the anbu and shinobi we past on our way got out of the way quickly while staring at all of us in both fear and awe. The sight must of been scary all the S-ranked anbu the village had following the hokage. The kid on the other hand summoned two wolves and had them hid in his shadow as he spoke " I'll have my wolves jump into fugaku's shadow incase he tries anything they'll be able to pin him down immediately but let's keep that to a last resort anyone who new my mothers summons would be able to figure out my identity also the hyuuga clan head can use his byakugan to tell my identity."

"Hmm good your smart enough to figure that out huh well don't worry if hiashi uses his byakugan than I'll have a talk with him. Also if you have to use your summons I'll make your identity as fox be an S-ranked secret and unlike your jinchuuriki status I'll make sure this one is enforced." Hiruzen spoke before opening the door to the council room and we filled in before him and took up our positions next to the hokages seat.

The clan heads now nervous at the ten S-ranked anbu in front of them began to fidget while hiruzen made his way in dramaticly 'even now that cheeky monkey finds ways to fuck with people.' I thought as he took his seat and looked at everyone with hardened eyes.