
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs


(So how was it I'm going to be doing more mass battles in the future so input on what I can do better would be nice.)


Looking around I saw blood bodies and carnage. The battle if you could call it that was over. Feeling something beneath my foot I looked down and saw a small necklace. Bending down and picking it up I noticed it was a locket. Opening it I found a picture of a man, a woman, and a kid all smiling together. On the bottom it wrote *come back safe son we love you* looking at the body next to me I saw the the face of the kid from the locket beneath me. His face forever etched in terror as he stared back into my eyes. My sharingan making sure I'll never forget the face of the kid.

"Fox the fight is over come on let's regroup with the others and the hokage." Came lions emotionless voice. Looking at him I saw he was holding the five tails jinchuuriki with him.

"Got it I'm coming." I responded as I tore my eyes away from the kid and dropped the locket back to the floor while thinking back to the promise I made mito and kurami. 'I'll never leave you two just might be gone for a couple of days.' I thought as I met up with dog, crow, weasel, and lion. All of us covered in blood.

Seeing this as well crow spoke "might want to use a water jutsu to clean yourself up before taking your kid back captain."

Looking down at himself dog nodded "yup so should all of you. This battle was bloody but thanks to kurami it was easier than it should of been."

Sighing weasel spoke "this wasn't a battle it was a one sided slaughter. We're barely wounded and they gave up half way through."

As he finished we looked back towards the bloody corpse filled carnage that we left behind. Looking at the shredded, corroded, and mauled corpses in particular I said to myself "maybe I went a little crazy with that one."

Following my gaze dog tried to lift my spirits "well look at the bright side there's no way your not getting your name in the bingo book after this and the hokage will be sure to make it so you get your preferred nick name."

Nodding I spoke "yup I better it definitely looks like a demon came threw here. Anyways let's meet up with the hokage."

Missing along we all went back towards the hokage. Seeing her stand on a branch while the four tails was still locked up in a prison of wood beneath her while the tied up kurotsuchi looked at me and the others with fear and hatred. Just than my clone that was holding the past out niomi arrived. Looking at the little girl the hokage asked "who's she?"

"Don't know but after her brother abandoned her, her skin tuned into obsidian. I've never heard of suck a bloodline so i decided to spare her." I spoke

"Oh and hr brother." The hokage asked

"Gone he injected himself with something and he gained black markings on his body while malicious and evil chakra spewed out of him he ran off faster than could chase." I replied.

Missing the hokage spoke "I see well she is interesting I've never heard of suck a bloodline or jutsu so good job."

"Fox seal up the five tails jinchuuriki and leave him next to the four while lion bonds him in wood. Than let's move out I have a present to deliver to onoki. A thanks for his hospitality." The hokage announced while picking up the bound kurotsuchi. Than she started in the direction of the land of iron. Deciding not to argue we quickly bound and sealed the five tails before taking off.

*a few hours later at the same spot unknown pov*

Going as fast as I could me and a group of anbu sped off to the spot my idiot daughter decided to ambush the konoha nin and hokage. 'Dammit girl why can't you just listen. I swear you and your mother are way to similar in that regard.' I thought as I remembered my deceased wife. 'Damm that yellow flash for taking her away from us.'

Smelling the stench of blood and flesh I sped up. As the stench got stronger I prayed that I wouldn't find my daughter the same way I found her mother. As the images of my wife laying in a pile of bodies all with their throats cut or hearts pierced by a three pronged kunai. Thinking this I sped up even faster as I busted threw the tree line the sight that greeted me made my heart tench and my blood boil.

Bodies everywhere piles of limbs, seas of blood, and the bodies of shinobi who were torn and ripped into pieces, while some had parts of their body melted and burned off as if they were hit with boil release. Looking around I found deep ravines and gouges into the ground. Hearing a groan and caugh I saw that there was a little bit of movement underneath a pile of bodies. Running over I ordered "I have a survivor help." As some of my anbu came over while others looked around for any other survivors.

Pulling the bodies off of the survivor I sound a little kid no older than ten. He was missing a leg and an arm while his chest was pierced. 'Shit he isn't gonna make it.' I thought as I asked "what happened here kid?"

Looking at me with glazed eyes he asked threw coughs "kitsuchi-sama?"

"Ya kid now tell me what happend." I stated

"It was a demon he.. he tore right threw us with chains and a blood red sword. He summoned the kyuubi and destroyed the five tails. I don't know what happened to the four tails he was suppose to ambush them from the right but it never happened. After that more came from trees and slaughtered us. It was supposed to be easy how.. how did this happen." He trailed off at the end.

"What about kurotsuchi what happened to her?" I asked a little desperately.

"The demon took her at the beginning before the slaughter. He was like a shadow he created a mist and the only things I saw were his and his chains shadows before….



Before her could finish he coughed up more blood and his eyes lost their light. "Shit! They have kuro!" I cursed out.

"Kitsuchi-sama what should we do?" One of my anbu asked

Gritting my teeth I spoke "find the jinchuuriki than we go back to the village there's nothing we can do without suffering the same fate as these shinobi."

After five minutes I heard one of my anbu call out "found the jinchuuriki."

Fishing over my heart sank once more as I saw them. "Wood release." I said in horror as the tales of hashirama came to mind. "What have we done." I spoke as I looked at the bound forms of the jinchuuriki who were bound in wood.