
Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

”Look.” someone shouted pointing at the stone faces of the Hokage's on the Hokage-mount. “What are you pointing at?” his friend asked with annoyance but upon turning towards the mountain he became completely shocked “Ahh≈” very soon the whole village drowned in a heated discussion “It must be that kid. ” “Yes no one except him could have done it.” “At first I thought his elder brother is the one who is annoying and unpleasant to the eyes but now I think he is even worse. ” “Don't you think it looks almost alive? ” “Now that you say that I think it looks a lot better than how it usually looks. ” While the whole village is in the commotion on the incident of the Hokage Mountain the person about whom everyone is talking is now sitting beside the Hokage and looking through his crystal ball with pleasure in his eyes. “Why don't you use transformation jutsu to become a kid and go in there Kazuna? ” Hiruzen asked in annoyance while looking at the Golden-Red haired boy beside him. “Yeah I also wanted to go but you see when I went inside some sensor Shinobi was also inside however unlike when I was a kid and they would let me in or even like to play with me this time they beat me so hard ... ” while telling his unfortunate story with a sad face Kirito became angry and shouted “Fuck old man why are you mentioning that event as if you don't know? Don't tell me you are the bastard who let out the information to the ladies of the hot spring. " “I don't know what are you talking about.” Hiruzen said pretending to be serious while thinking inside with a dark face‘Do you think I will let you enjoy the show so up and close while I see it from this small ball? Fat chance...’ “So it was indeed you? ” Kirito looking at Hiruzen's face which is serious in a situation like this understood in a single glance that no one other then Hiruzen had let out his secret and with an angry shout jumped on him “I will fight you to death you basterd.” “As if I am afraid of a perverted bastard like you? ” Hiruzen also jumped towards him. “Who are you calling Pervert you old Pervert? ” Kirito punched at Hiruzen's face. Even before his punch can land in Hiruzen's face a shadow landed in between them and informed “Lord third Kirito has painted the Hokage-mount again and the... ” before he can finish his words a strong punch landed his face sending the person flying through the window. A few days later “Don't take my silence as my weakness. ” Looking at half-dead Danzo on the ground Kirito said with a cold face. “Kill me if you dare kid. ”Danzo who's secrets got exposed during his fight with Kirito knows now that he lost and the proof of his crime is out not only will he lose all his authority but also going to get imprisoned which is worst than death for him. “Don't play games with me, you crazy bastard because I am not going to let you die even if you beg me after you thought of playing tricks against me and my brother. ” Kirito said mercilessly stepping on Danoz's head and not caring about the old man's screams continued “ Hear me clearly you old bastard now that I am angry I am going to make your life so painful that you will wish death be better than living. ” From Volume 2...

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Ultimate Summoning Beast 2 arrival

Edited by Dark_Spider

Chigiri Sea.

After separating from the rest of my teammates who went for a frontal assault I used earth-style ninjutsu to enter the Laboratory from below the ground to keep an eye on the scientists.

Arriving inside the Laboratory I discovered them using different animal's various parts which cut and tried to join to another animal.

They were trying to replace the hands and legs or a tiger with a Lion however the moment they awake it both of the beasts lost their lives.

I also saw some of the scientists putting smaller animals into glass tubes who will grow slowly over time and only in a few hours right before my eyes a small Tiger that was only 5 meters tall became 10 meters making me feel strange.

I also saw them mixing different animal parts which they called DNA into a small container which not long after transformed into a small meatball as a woman scientist said in excitement "The process of creating a hybrid with a wind element has been successful."

"Finally we will be able to create another animal besides the Thunder Wolf." said Shi who has just put the Kumo shinobi in a cage.

While the Kumo shinobi and the commoners are now out of their sights I decided to take action and free them however just when I decided to give the signals to Shikaku sensei the whole Laboratory started shaking as I got curious about this event before shaking my head thinking it might be an earthquake when I felt a strong Chakra signature from a few hundred meters behind the spot I was hiding.

"Dr. Satoshi, what is going on." asks Professor Shi with a serious face as I push in my actions to hear them.

"It's the ultimate summoning beast." said Dr. Satoshi with clear fear in his eyes.

"What do you mean explain, clearly?" asks Dr. Shi with excitement as he shakes Dr. Satoshi by the white lab coat.

"It got..." before Dr. Satoshi can complete his explanation. The concrete floor on which they were standing made a loud eruption as a huge crack formed from it.


As I look at the concrete floor which now has a crack I am sure the strong chakra signature that I felt behind me is beneath than crack and started preparing myself for a battle when a long rope-like tactical came out from the crack and before arriving closer to Dr. Satoshi it splits like a tube which instantly sucks Dr. Satoshi in before returning inside the crack.

"The ultimate summoning animal is free." Professor Shi says in fear when Honoka runs to him with a frightened face while screaming "Professor quickly run it had consumed everyone the moment it freed itself." 

"No, we cannot escape it's too strong." Professor Shi said in fear as he wasn't able to move from his spot.

"I know and that is why I will hold it and use that time to escape." said Honoka with a serious face as golden chains started coming from her back.

"No, I cannot just leave you behind you your death!" even when Professor Shi is afraid he refused to leave when the creature finally made its appearance.


With a huge shake, the concrete floor went flying in different directions as a strange Lizard-like creature around 20 meters in size emerged through the floor and it should its pentacle towards Professor Shi and tried to eat him avoiding the golden chains as if it knew the chains are bad news.

"No, you don't." Honoka said with anger as she tried to bind it with the Golden chains just for it to avoid the chains by jumping backward and moving towards the captives cape while the unconscious Kumo shinobi and the commoners are trapped.

"Professor, now you have chance." Honoka said with a serious face as Professor Shi gave a nod to her "Yes while it is distracting and attacking the test subjects we need to escape. "

After finishing his analysis Professor Shi didn't wait and quickly escaped towards the exit and I knew its time I fight the Ultimate Summoning beast but to my surprise, Honoka didn't follow him instead she moves toward the summoning beast, and before it can attack the captives she said with a serious face "Although I cannot stop you I will make sure to seal you for good and don't let you harm any innocent.

Although I couldn't stop the scientists for they had been taking care of me from my childhood and I thought of them as my family, so I wasn't able to take action when they will do the inhuman things but I truly wanted to stop them.

So now I will sacrifice myself and save the innocent as my redemption. "

With that, the Golden chains started moving at a fast speed that even I wasn't about to catch for a moment and the ultimate summoning animal got bound in the chains unable to move or hurt the captives in the cage.

**sour of a scream from the Ultimate Summoning animal**

Suddenly getting trapped by the golden chains the summoning animal started screaming to free itself when I heard Professor Shi returning with an afraid face "Honoka quickly stop this spider before it can..." and before he can finish his word a 5 meters tall spider follows behind him and before Honoka can do anything it three a net and are Professor right before our eyes as Honoka looks at it in a horrified face while shouting "Professor."

When got disrupted by the death of Professor Shi the chains got weaker and the summoning beast gets its chance to move a little and just using that opportunity it slammed Honoka it's tangible as she went flying but before she can crash into the wall I arrived behind her and saving her from crashing to the wall asked "Are you alright?"

"Who are you?" instead of answering to my answer she asked me with a serious face as I said shaking my head "That can wait but first we need to stop that monster." 

"No it's too strong. We cannot defeat it because it was designed to adapt in every situation." shaking her head in denial Honoka said with regret.

"No, there must be a way to stop it." although I saw how strong it is, I still don't believe it cannot be stopped when it uses its tacticals and eats the spider that ate professor Shi a while ago.

"Stop your chitchat and get me out of here so I can help?" while I was wondering about how to proceed I heard someone shouting and looking in the direction I found the blonde-haired Kumo shinobi who has big breasts shouting at me with a serious face.

Maybe she woke up in between the commotion as I turned to Honoka to say "I will hold it off while you free them."

"Be careful." giving me a nod she went to free the captives as I rushed towards the monster when I heard someone shouting from behind the monster  "Fire style: Fireball jutsu."

It's Izumi-san and I think they have decided to move after hearing the large movement in the mountain's laboratory cave but I also need to take action. 

So after making a few hand signs I shouted "Fire Style: Gire ball jutsu."

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