
Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

”Look.” someone shouted pointing at the stone faces of the Hokage's on the Hokage-mount. “What are you pointing at?” his friend asked with annoyance but upon turning towards the mountain he became completely shocked “Ahh≈” very soon the whole village drowned in a heated discussion “It must be that kid. ” “Yes no one except him could have done it.” “At first I thought his elder brother is the one who is annoying and unpleasant to the eyes but now I think he is even worse. ” “Don't you think it looks almost alive? ” “Now that you say that I think it looks a lot better than how it usually looks. ” While the whole village is in the commotion on the incident of the Hokage Mountain the person about whom everyone is talking is now sitting beside the Hokage and looking through his crystal ball with pleasure in his eyes. “Why don't you use transformation jutsu to become a kid and go in there Kazuna? ” Hiruzen asked in annoyance while looking at the Golden-Red haired boy beside him. “Yeah I also wanted to go but you see when I went inside some sensor Shinobi was also inside however unlike when I was a kid and they would let me in or even like to play with me this time they beat me so hard ... ” while telling his unfortunate story with a sad face Kirito became angry and shouted “Fuck old man why are you mentioning that event as if you don't know? Don't tell me you are the bastard who let out the information to the ladies of the hot spring. " “I don't know what are you talking about.” Hiruzen said pretending to be serious while thinking inside with a dark face‘Do you think I will let you enjoy the show so up and close while I see it from this small ball? Fat chance...’ “So it was indeed you? ” Kirito looking at Hiruzen's face which is serious in a situation like this understood in a single glance that no one other then Hiruzen had let out his secret and with an angry shout jumped on him “I will fight you to death you basterd.” “As if I am afraid of a perverted bastard like you? ” Hiruzen also jumped towards him. “Who are you calling Pervert you old Pervert? ” Kirito punched at Hiruzen's face. Even before his punch can land in Hiruzen's face a shadow landed in between them and informed “Lord third Kirito has painted the Hokage-mount again and the... ” before he can finish his words a strong punch landed his face sending the person flying through the window. A few days later “Don't take my silence as my weakness. ” Looking at half-dead Danzo on the ground Kirito said with a cold face. “Kill me if you dare kid. ”Danzo who's secrets got exposed during his fight with Kirito knows now that he lost and the proof of his crime is out not only will he lose all his authority but also going to get imprisoned which is worst than death for him. “Don't play games with me, you crazy bastard because I am not going to let you die even if you beg me after you thought of playing tricks against me and my brother. ” Kirito said mercilessly stepping on Danoz's head and not caring about the old man's screams continued “ Hear me clearly you old bastard now that I am angry I am going to make your life so painful that you will wish death be better than living. ” From Volume 2...

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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Shinobi Hospital…

It's been more than 10 months since Hinako got pregnant and today she felt extreme pain as she was brought to the hospital in an emergency as the doctors took her to the OT and with the lest bit of her consciousness, she asked to save her daughter no matter what disregarding her safety.

Kazuna who was playing with Hinata also discovered the crisis however not informing her of Naruto and Neji knowing the emotional breakdown they might have he left swiftly for the hospital to help Hinako with the knowledge he got in this fee months after that incident in the hospital.

Although Goasu said it is impossible however he didn't hesitate in handing Kazuna the medical book he requested from him as Kazan gathered a lot of information about the process of helping Hinako as well as discovered how to harness and use the Massive Yin chakra for helping Hinako.

Even though he didn't get the fortunes of having an audience with the original owner or source of the Yin energy as in the Yin Kyuubi however he was able to get it's chakra when he was desperate however it is unknown if the Kyuubi was providing the chairs out of pity for the kid or in amount or with some alternative motive or he was forcefully taking it from the Beast however one good thing in all this his bloodline destroyed all the negativity from the Chakra of Kyuubi or erased it only leaving the raw Yin Chakra for usage for the kid.

When Kazuna arrived at the hospital the operation has already started for half a minute and Hiashi is strolling in the corridor in anxiety even forgetting that he can use Byakugan and keep an eye on his wife and daughter's condition or he is just too much afraid to do so.

"Uncle Hiashi? " Arriving beside Hiashi Kazuna called out with a serious face when he found him distressed.

"What are you doing here Kazuna-san? " asked Hiashi with a serious face because he clearly remembers him playing with her daughter and nephew together with his brother before leaving the Hyuga clan compound.

"I found Aunt in a critical condition and couldn't stop myself from following behind you guys. " I replied with a serious face and finding him looking at me in disbelief I knew he is worried about Hinata and quickly explained "Don't worry I didn't tell Hinata or anyone about it. "

"That is good... That is good. " he replied with a dry tone looking at me and tried to smile but he worries couldn't even let him bring out a fake smile even if he wanted to do so.

"Kazuna-kun what are you doing so early in the Hospital? " suddenly I heard Goasu sensei asking from the side making me say in surprise "If you are here who is doing the Operations in the OT? "

"I am a make doctor and not allowed permission in delivery if not some special case even if this current case is special I am not going to do better then the best lady doctor available, so I refrained from joining the operation. " Goasu sensei explained with a serious face making me not believing him however I want to help so I asked for permission"Sensei If possible I also want to join in the operation as well? "

"Although you have never done it before letting you join in for the experience is not impossible. " he said with a serious face disregarding uncle Hiashi's presence as we went towards the OT as he explained, "Although I am permitting entry for your great knowledge and because of Lord 3rd's instructions I also want to tell you not to do something wrong. "

"You can rest assured. " I said before entering the OT with a serious face.

As the Operation started I can feel the chakra in the body of Aunt Hinako transferring to her daughter as she is losing her own Yin chakra as we as vitality and without any hesitation, I asked the head doctor to let me help as she is acquainted with me she let me join but refused in letting me do the operation.

After hours of operation, we successfully saved and got Hanabi-chan out of Aunt Hinako's belly however she has almost died or so everyone thought as the head doctor if the operation wanted to remove the Oxegen mask from her face I interrupted her with as she asked with a serious face "What is the meaning of this Kazuna-kun? "

"She is still alive. " I replied with a serious face.

"There is no pulse can't you see on the screen? " She asked me with a serious face pointing at the monitor then added finding my attention "Now let me do my job, will you? "

"Even so I can feel her chakra in the body even if it is small I can still feel it she is still alive. " I added with a serious face.

"It is normal for a shinobi to have a small amount of chakra left for a few hours after they are dead didn't Goasu-san taught you that? " She asked with an annoyed face looking at me.

"Even so I still want to try it I will regret it for the rest of my life. " I replied in determination.

"Do whatever you want but it is hopeless. " she finally let me walk beside Aunt Hinako as I said with determination "Even if that is true I will not feel any regret once I tried. "

With that, I started channeling the Yin chakra to my hand, and soon I started transforming into "Mystical Palm" justsu which turned silver-white instead of blue surprising not only myself but everyone in the room and I put my hand on Aunt Hinako's body before channeling the healing chakra to her body to try and heal not only her wound but the damaged cells, chakra pathway from which her chakra is leaving but also filling her chakra reserves which have almost turned empty.

"Look there is a small pulse. " after a few hours of the process a nurse said in shock as I put more efforts into the process and found her regaining not only her chakra but also her skin regained its glow and soon but at this tike I felt a little tired as but luckily she finally opened her eyes and looked at me in surprise and concern "Why are you sweating so much Kazuna-chan? "

at what age the kids in Naruto enter the Shinobi academy?

5 year.

6 year.


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