
Reborn as my Enemy's Twin

I think… God takes my life as a joke. Ok, fine. I transmigrated into a magical world where people can cultivate, and beasts can talk. That’s great and all but… why did god have to make my arch nemesis from my previous life my twin sister in this one?! And… Why the heck does this guy keep staring at me?! A little girl laid on a hard bed. Her eyelids fluttered open and her violet colored eyes glanced around the room. A seething face with a furrowed brow and amber eyes were the first thing she saw. She suddenly became aware of an increasing pressure on her neck, choking her. “What’s your name!” The girl asked her. She pursed her lips. Why should she tell this strange girl her name? She felt the pressure on her neck increase. “Is it really that hard to tell me your name?” The honey-eyed girl asked. The little girl swallowed. “Nessa Grace.” She said in a weak voice. The pressure on her neck was finally gone. The girl who had just been holding her down had her mouth wide open. “You have got to be kidding me.” Nessa: “...” “God really likes to joke.” “...” The girl, who looked only to be 12 years old, walked out of the house they were in and tilted her head up to the sky. Rain began to fall, landing on her face and sliding down her cheeks. “God, what did I do to be stuck with this person for two lifetimes?” A bright streak of purple lighting came shooting down. It landed in the middle of a huge crater near a river. It had appeared that she had gotten her answer. But by the look on that girl's face, it wasn’t the one she was looking for. Nessa looked at the old man sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the shack. He gave a shrug to her look of confusion and said “Don’t ask me.” *Cover belongs to it's respective owner an will be removed upon owner's request*

Ellie_Wyoming · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Bella rolled over with a groan.

Her whole body was wracked in pain.

Blood seemed to flow from every place in her body. She noticed that she was wearing a strange dress filled with matted blood and appeared to be slightly burnt. She quickly began to wrap up her wounds when she noticed a girl next to her, bleeding slightly more severely then she was.

She sighed and turned around to check the girl. Seeing her faint breath, she helped her to wrap her wounds. After wrapping the girls wounds, she begins wrapping her own wounds again.

She was only half way done when she passed out.

She woke up once again and saw the roof of an old, beaten up house.

She rolled over in pain and looked at the young girl lying next to her. She sat up to see an old man stroking his beard and looking at her with interest. She stared at him for a moment before looking around the room.

It was pretty sparse, with only the bare necessities for living, but all of them were pretty good quality things.

A slight scent of herbs lingered in the air.

She noticed that the room had one wall down, creating almost a porch. She rubbed the bridge of her nose and turned back to look at the girl. She poked her face, to try and get her to wake up. Seeing no response, she felt for a pulse on her wrist.

She determined that she just had excessive blood loss and will be fine. She then took her own pulse and determined the same thing.

She looked back up at the old man and simply said "hello." The old man raised his brows and said nothing. Seeing he had no response, she said "thank you for saving our lives. We are forever in your debt. I have nothing but my life to give you, but because you saved us, I assume that our lives are not what you want. So, sir, please tell me; what can I repay you with?"

"What do you think your lives are worth?" The old man asks.

"Everything," She replied.

"Even if I make you give me all your spiritual energy? Well, you have none now so that's impossible anyways." He said, thinking that she would freak out for losing all her cultivation.

But little did he know, she never had a way to begin with.

She tilted her head slightly to the side and asked "Spiritual energy? What's that?" The old man was shocked."You… don't know what spiritual energy is? How is that possible? Did you hit your head a little too hard?"

Huh? Hit her head too hard?

Last time she checked, she was about to slice her enemies head off.

She looked down in confusion when she realized… long, brown hair reaching her waist sits there. When did she have… brown hair?

She snapped her head up, only to have a terrible pain shoot through her neck and a strong headache come on, but she could care less.

"Give me a mirror." She said to the man.

The man chuckled. "I don't keep mirrors in this place young lady. If you want to see your face, you need to go look at your reflection in the river" He replied as he points to a river half a football field away.

"...". She stands up, only to stumble.

"You might want to wait a few days, young one. Your face is fine, no scars at all because of my healing abilities. No need to worry," The man told her, thinking she was concerned for her pretty face.

"I don't care if there are any scars on my face!" She said with a cold look. The old man, confused, backed down and watched her go.

She was gravely injured in the alley that he found them in. He only cured them because he had a fondness for twins, as he was one himself. He watched as she trudged along the field, stumbling and falling down every few steps.

Half an hour later, she reached the river. She fell down on her knees at the bank, crawling the final few steps of the way. She looked desperately at the reflection.

She saw… not her.

It's not her!

Where did her long, black hair go?

Where did her bright blue eyes go?

Now, she has long, brown hair with dazzling amber colored eyes.

Although it was a beautiful person staring back at her, it wasn't Bella.

What… what is happening? She reaches her hand into the river. Gently making her reflection ripple. Seeing those eyes stare dumbfoundedly back at her, she cried out "What the heck?!"

The old man still sitting in the rocking chair at the house raised his brows in surprise once more. She was… screaming?

Why was she screaming "What the **** happened? What happened to my face?! Why am I so pale?"

She roughly punched the water, as if wanting to shatter her reflection. But, to no avail, that angry, beautiful little face just kept looking back at her.

She was silent for a moment, and then sat back on her knees.

She lightly placed her hands over one another on her lap and looked into the clouds above.

"God, what the **** happened?"

Seeing that she was calm all of a sudden, the man thought that she had finally calmed down.

Then, slightly louder, she stood up and said, "God, is this a joke? Cause it's not funny!"

A purple streak of lightning descended out of nowhere and struck the ground only a few meters away from her, leaving a huge crater that reached the tip of her toes.

"Oh, Ok. I'm sorry. I understand now. I will leave you alone." Then she walked away in a daze.

This time, she did not fall down.

She was bleeding from the impact of the lightning and the shards of rock that had come flying at her. She walked back to the house and laid down on the bed next to the girl that looked almost exactly like her. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The old man in the corner had long stopped rocking in his chair. His mouth was wide open, staring at the little girl who had just spoken to the heavens… and gotten a response.

I just wanted to let you know that the title of the novel 'Reborn' is not mistaken for Transmigration/Reincarnation. It will all make sense in the later chapters.

Ellie_Wyomingcreators' thoughts