
Reborn as my Enemy's Twin

I think… God takes my life as a joke. Ok, fine. I transmigrated into a magical world where people can cultivate, and beasts can talk. That’s great and all but… why did god have to make my arch nemesis from my previous life my twin sister in this one?! And… Why the heck does this guy keep staring at me?! A little girl laid on a hard bed. Her eyelids fluttered open and her violet colored eyes glanced around the room. A seething face with a furrowed brow and amber eyes were the first thing she saw. She suddenly became aware of an increasing pressure on her neck, choking her. “What’s your name!” The girl asked her. She pursed her lips. Why should she tell this strange girl her name? She felt the pressure on her neck increase. “Is it really that hard to tell me your name?” The honey-eyed girl asked. The little girl swallowed. “Nessa Grace.” She said in a weak voice. The pressure on her neck was finally gone. The girl who had just been holding her down had her mouth wide open. “You have got to be kidding me.” Nessa: “...” “God really likes to joke.” “...” The girl, who looked only to be 12 years old, walked out of the house they were in and tilted her head up to the sky. Rain began to fall, landing on her face and sliding down her cheeks. “God, what did I do to be stuck with this person for two lifetimes?” A bright streak of purple lighting came shooting down. It landed in the middle of a huge crater near a river. It had appeared that she had gotten her answer. But by the look on that girl's face, it wasn’t the one she was looking for. Nessa looked at the old man sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the shack. He gave a shrug to her look of confusion and said “Don’t ask me.” *Cover belongs to it's respective owner an will be removed upon owner's request*

Ellie_Wyoming · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Mutated Peruvian Lilies

The light shrouding the swords began to grow brighter. Bella's Brother dropped it in surprise.

He suddenly seemed to remember that both Bella and Nessa's heads were in the courtyard below. He quickly ran down to fetch them.

Although he knew that he shouldn't care if Nessa's head was fine or not, he also knew that it would be petty of him to only bring back Bella's head. Plus, it seemed disrespectful to the dead.

He ran down and retrieved their heads.

When he saw Bella's face, his eyes misted over again. He gently picked it up and then picked up Nessa's head by its ear. He thudded back up the steps and handed Nessa's head to Pelu.

Pelu smiled gratefully at him and they both placed their heads back onto the bodies the best they could.

It definitely wasn't perfect, but it was better than looking at his sister's headless corpse.

He gave a sad grin. He had followed her here. He knew that if he had tried to stop her, she could have easily knocked him out and then gone about it anyways. He had quite a frail body because he spent most of his time working, and had at no point found the time to exercise. He could often be found asleep in the office chair.

Although Bella would not have wanted to knock him out, she would do it if he refused to let her go.

And so, left with no choice, he simply followed her here. Although he couldn't see most of the fight, he knew that they were fighting from the clashing of metal-on-metal.

When he saw Bella and Nessa jump onto the wall, still fighting, he could clearly hear that they were shouting. Although he couldn't tell the exact words, he could pretty much assume what they were.

He watched them fight tooth and nail until they both made the same move, at the same time. He watched with his own eyes as his 21 year-old little sister and her ex-best friend's heads were hacked off their bodies by each other. He grimaced as their heads fell in one direction and rolled a few feet.

He didn't even notice when he had started running. Before he knew it, he had been kneeling in a pool of blood, looking at his little sister and her glowing sword.

He set down her body and began to straighten it out. When she had fallen, her right arm had been twisted in an unnatural way. He put it in a more comfortable looking position and then laid her hands over each other.

Pelu noticed what he had been doing and began to do the same thing to Nessa's body. She then took the hilt of Nessa's sword and placed them in her hands, the blade pointing towards her feet.

The way that they were positioned, Nessa had her feet facing the door and Bella's feet were near Nessa's head. Bella's sword was also placed in her hands. Both Pelu and the elder brother stepped back. If it were not for the pool of blood and the slices all over their bodies, they would have looked simply like a pair of sleeping beauties.

It was then that they noticed that the swords were glowing.

They glanced at each other in surprise. Pelu opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but nothing came out.

The swords, almost as if they realized that their master's heads had been re-attached, began to glow brighter and brighter. Strong winds were beginning to blow. Whipping their hair all around but, miraculously, both Bella and Nessa's hair stayed indefinitely still.

With the strong winds and the ever growing brightness of the light, Pelu and Bella's brother were forced to close their eyes.

By the time the light had dissipated enough and the winds had died down, the swords were gone.

Pelu was the first to react.

She dashed over to her mistress's body and began checking all around for the missing swords. Bella's brother, although he reached late, was more rational. With a swift glance of the rooftop, it was obvious that there was no sword.

He quickly turned around to look at the school grounds, thinking that maybe the sword had flown off the roof.

He looked around for abnormalities but the only one he saw were two red spots of grass, where the blood of his sister had already gone into the earth and dried on the tips of the grass.

He could do nothing but look at Pelu in astonishment.

Pelu too, had gone over to the edge on the building and looked over the edge once her rationale had returned. "I can't find it." She said in a voice that was barely an audible whisper.

"Where else could it have gone then?" He replied back, his voice cracking.

Pelu was a very strong believer in God and had endless faith. She said, "Mistresses Nessa and Ms. Bella's most precious possession had always been their swords. They had been best friends in childhood, and in growing up, even though they no longer were friends, they carried matching swords. Maybe… god recognizes this. Maybe… god let them take their swords with them into the afterlife, so that they could always remember each other."

Bella's brother said nothing.

He had never been a firm believer in god to begin with, so he didn't quite believe her story to begin with. But, he didn't have a better answer to give either. Anyways, with the light and wind anomaly, how else could it be explained.

Pelu, satisfied with her conclusion, picked up her mistress' body. "I… am going to bring her to the Grace family."

He just silently nodded back and then picked up his sister.

His eyes reddened.

He placed her body in his car and drove home.

A day later, Bella was placed in a coffin and laid to rest next to her mother. The tombstone said one thing; Peruvian Lily.

He himself had chosen what to put. He thought it fit her perfectly.

They had been her favorite flowers.

But they were also poisonous.

These were specially mutated Peruvian Lilies and they were more beautiful than the typical Peruvian Lily. Bella had purposely eaten a small part of the plant each day until she had become immune to the poison held inside. To her, they were the most beautiful flowers.

After she discovered the flower, she had begun researching all the different types of poisonous plants and realized that… the more beautiful the flower was, the more poisonous it was.

He thought the flower suited her.

Beautiful, but deadly.