

The screams of a women echoed throughout the hospital, when the woman stopped a baby was being held in her arms, the short purple haired woman looked like a giant from the perspective of her son. Who unknown to all housed the soul of a 39 year old man. Let's go back multiple hours before this.

Micael was a 39 year old man who recently died, and like all reincarnators he was a loser who was obsessed with anime his favorite being mha. Micael was walking down the sreet after buying the newest volume of mha when he saw a speeding truck-kun before jumping infront of it wishing to be in mha. luckily for micael he awoke within a large white room with a picture perfect copy of Ryan Reynolds with an amused look on his face. Before hearing you already know what happens now you get 3 wishes and we'll spin a wheel to decide what character you get to reincarnate as in My Hero Acadamia. When the Ryan Reynolds copy spun the wheel it landed on Minorou Mineta causing Micael to imediatley fall into despair as Mineta was one of the most hated characters. Before remembering he got 3 wishes. WHen asked his wishes Micael responded, " For my first wish I don't want to be able to customize how I will look, for the second I would like to have Hisoka's bungee gum as my quirk, and finally I want to be rich.

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Obamapyramid_simpcreators' thoughts