
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 92

Write. Sharingan!"

Look-at Uchiha Tsuki The silhouette of the station where Uchiha Fugaku is standing, Uchiha Fugaku feels some numb, because he is so shocked that there are too many times. But I have to say that Uchiha Fugaku has been shocked by Uchiha Tsuki's strength many times, but he also absolutely did not think that Uchiha Tsuki's potential is so amazing, under the extreme pressure of fighting with him Awakening Sharingan!

Moreover, staring at Uchiha Tsuki's scarlet red's pupils, Uchiha Fugaku even noticed that in the scarlet red's pupils, there are actually two black tomoe spinning, not one. Immediately, Uchiha Fugaku slowly gathered the kunai in his hand, and Uchiha Tsuki in front of the looks-at was silent, as if there was no longer any need to continue fighting Uchiha Tsuki.

However, Uchiha Fugaku has no intention of continuing to fight, but Uchiha Tsuki's situation is very bad.

In the previous battle, Uchiha Tsuki originally consumed a lot of Chakra, and now because of Awakening Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki within-the-body's Chakra is flying at a rapid speed. So, just a few seconds after Uchiha Tsuki opened Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki felt that there was no more Chakra in the in-the-body, and his pupils returned to the original darkness.

Then Uchiha Tsuki's gaze was transferred to Uchiha Fugaku in front of him, indifferently said: "Do you not continue?"

"No more."

After hearing Uchiha Tsuki's words, Uchiha Fugaku even shut down Sharingan, shake one's head said: "Moon, I think you within-the-body's Chakra, should have been completely consumed? If you continue to fight, not only will Damage to your body may even threaten your life. Moreover, I have just verified your strength. Moon Jun, you really worthy-of is the genius of Uchiha Clan."

Saying, Uchiha Fugaku paused a bit and then continued: "And, I didn't think at all, Moon Jun, you can open your eyes when you fight with me. If I haven't read it right, your Sharingan has been Awakening . Second-Stage. Moon Jun, have you already opened your eyes?"

"Open your eyes? Sharingan?"

At Uchiha Fugakubone barely fell, Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but puzzle some of Uchiha Fugaku's words because he didn't know his own matter of opening eyes. Then, after Uchiha Tsuki was a little confused, he said to Uchiha Fugaku in front of him: "Sorry, Fugaku, the open eyes in your mouth, is I Awakening Sharingan?"


Look-at Uchiha Tsuki The confused look, Uchiha Fugaku didn't touch his mind for a moment, then he said: "Ah! Originally, you don't know your own matter of opening eyes! It's no wonder, just month. Jun , your Chakra is a little inadequate. It is normal to not notice that your own matter of opening eyes. However, Moon Jun, just like your Awakening Sharingan, really scared me!"


When I heard Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Tsuki's nod should be followed, and my heart was always thinking about my matter of opening eyes.

A long time ago, Uchiha Tsuki had already made the physical energy training very powerful, but he had not been able to find Awakening Sharingan. When leaving Hidden Leaf Village, Uchiha Tsuki had experienced many hard battles, but the continuous hard work did not make him Awakening Sharingan, so even Uchiha Tsuki himself had some forget about Sharingan.

What's more, after having the purple condensed by the spiritual energy, Sharingan is dispensable for Uchiha Tsuki. However, Uchiha Tsuki did not think that after fighting with Uchiha Fugaku, he even Awakening Sharingan. However, being able to Awakening Sharingan is still a good thing for Uchiha Tsuki. However, at this time Uchiha Tsuki noticed that Uchiha Fugaku had something to say, and then walked over and picked up the ghost that fell on the ground and asked: "Fugaku, do you have something to say?"

"Yes, Yuejun, I have something to say."

Uchiha Tsu belly barely fell, Uchiha Fugaku said no, saying: "Just, I don't know if is a place where you can talk to the moon?"

"of course!"

Hear this, Tsuki lightly Uchiha, said: "Come to my room, Fugaku, no one should be able to bother us."

"it is good."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Tsuki came to his room with Uchiha Fugaku and poured two cups of tea in the room. However, after Uchiha Fugaku came to Uchiha Tsuki's room, he did not talk about things in the immediate start to talk. Instead, he tasted the tea that Uchiha Tsuki poured. At the same time, Uchiha Tsuki even noticed Uchiha Fugaku in front of him, and he kept looking at himself secretly. Then Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but squinted and frowned. "Fugaku, you are tears sent by Elder. Guide me to train, just talk a little!"

"I understood, moon."

When I heard Uchiha Tsuki say this, Uchiha Fugaku smiled and said: "Moon, I don't know what you think about our Uchiha Clan?"

"Nothing to say."

Uchiha Tsuki is very disgusted with Uchiha Fugaku's words. Hearing this is not very angry. "We are all nichiha Clan's ninja, naturally we want to contribute to Uchiha Clan. Tears Elder said that Hyuga Clan is our enemy in the future, so I concentrate now. Raise your strength and prepare to deal with the guys of Hyuga Clan. Fugaku Jun, if you have anything, hurry and say, don't affect my training!"


When Uchiha Tsuki said it, Uchiha Fugaku smiled a few times and said: "Frankly, Yuejun, I actually want to revitalize our Uchiha Clan, but I have no chance. You know, our Uchiha Clan government In the hands of those Elders, the Clan Leader is just a display in front of them. So, I have been looking for an opportunity to completely transform our Uchiha Clan! Moon Jun, do you know what I am talking about?"

"hehe, Fugaku, your ideal is good!"

When I heard Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Tsuki was almost in the mood of understood Uchiha Fugaku in an instant, but now he is talking about these things, it is a bit sensitive. You know, what Uchiha Fugaku said in these words is to show his wild vision in front of Uchiha Tsuki. Moreover, Uchiha Fugaku's ambition is to lose the rights of Uchiha Clan Elder and become a Uchiha Clan Leader with real power!

Then, after Uchiha Tsuki thought about the pros and cons, he did not directly answer Uchiha Fugaku's words, but instead asked at this time: "Fugaku Jun, what do you need me to do?"

"And what can I get?"