
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 85

Next person!"

Look-at Uchiha Tsuki The indifferent appearance, Uchiha Mishima was smashed with red face, but he could not find any rebuttal words.

The winner is Uchiha Tsuki. As a loser, Uchiha has no say in the three islands. He can only walk silently to the side and let Uchiha flow to wrap his wounds. At the time of Uchiha Tsukib barely fell, Uchiha Shimizu rushed to Uchiha Tsuki, first with respectful saluted, then Uchiha Tsuki said: "Moon, please advise."


Looking at Uchiha's clear stream, Uchiha Tsuki knows very well that it may be difficult to win.

Previously able to easily defeat Uchiha Mishima, not because Uchiha Tsuki's strength can crush Chunin, but because Uchiha's three islands underestimate the enemy attitude. Uchiha Tsuki continued to use the Blade Technique of the moon and the afterimage and the sword flow, and not only defeated the Uchiha Mishima in the blink of an eye, but fiercely humiliated the elite of these Uchiha Clan, while Uchiha Tsuki continued to attack the enemy. There was a shameful scar on the body of Uchiha.

However, after the Uchiha Mishima, the Uchiha clear stream could not have a little bit of Uchiha Tsuki.

However, even if Uchiha is no longer underestimate the enemy, Uchiha Tsuki still has the confidence to defeat the other side, and he firmly believes that he cannot fail!


Because Uchiha Shimizu and the others are the sparring partners of Uchiha Tears, Uchiha Shimizu and the others are generally in a defensive posture when they compete with Uchiha Tsuki, and it is impossible to attack in immediate. Uchiha Tsuki also exercised his own Blade Technique in actual combat. When he saw Uchiha clear water adopting a defensive posture, he immediately directed Uchiha Shimizu to attack.

"sword stream · clone slash!"

For a time, I regained the closeness of Katana's Uchiha Tsuki, and his silhouette was split into two when he moved forward, so Uchiha could not find Uchiha Tsuki's main body for a while. However, just as Uchiha was confused, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly saw the Pupils of Uchiha clear water become scarlet red, and then there were two black tomoe rotating in it. Obviously Uchiha clear water is Kekkei Genkai using Uchiha Clan. Sharingan!

Seeing the other side using Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki thought Uchiha clear water is to save some face, so I took out full strength.

However, after Uchiha Tsuki saw Uchiha Shimizu using Sharingan, there was no point to retreat. Instead, he controlled the body and went straight to Uchiha. Immediately after Uchiha Shimizu saw Uchiha Tsuki's main body, he used the kunai in his hand to get the ghost of parry Uchiha Tsuki.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Tsuki did not give Uchiha a chance to clear the water. At the moment he used kunai parry, he was one-handed hand seals!

"Lifting the Moon · Afterimage Boxing!"


In the face of Uchiha's clear water, an afterimage was morphed, and Uchiha Tsuki was prepared to defeat Uchiha in front of the Uchiha. However, the Clear-Sight Sharing's Uchiha Clear Water, Clear Sight Ability has increased several times. So when Uchiha Tsuki just morphed afterimage, Uchiha Shimizu had already noticed Uchiha Tsuki's main body, followed by a hand seal and cast a Fire-Style Ninjutsu!

"Fire-Style Great Fireball Jutsu!"


The hot flames assaults the senses, Uchiha clear water at this moment has no meaning of half concessions, even the Ninjutsu cast is quite forformable power. Unfortunately, when Uchiha Tsuki saw Uchiha clear water cast Ninjutsu, his empty left hand had already condensed Chakra's rays of light. In the next second, Uchiha Tsuki's left hand burst into a blue-blue rays of light, and then he pointed to the Uchiha clear water in front of him, using his strongest attack Ninjutsu, Rasengan!

"Lost of the Moon Rasengan Control!"

The flying Rasengan was spinning rapidly, and the rotating formidable power actually blew away the hot flames, and it flew in the direction of Uchiha's clear water. After Uchiha Tsuki used Ninjutsu's formidable power, Uchiha leaped high and wanted to avoid Uchiha Tsuki's Rasengan in this way.

However, Uchiha Tsuki clear water did not expect that Uchiha Tsuki could use a Chakra Threads to control the Rasengan!

Followed by...

After Uchiha Shimizu evaded Rasengan in midair, Uchiha Tsuki flashed a ray of light in his eyes and continued to enter with-the-body's Chakra!

"Lost in the Moon, Fraudulent Orb!"


Rasengan, who had already flown into the air, suddenly continued to rotate at a high speed under the control of Uchiha Tsuki, and even crossed a beautiful arc in the midair, aiming at the back of Uchiha's clear water. This time, the Uchiha clear water in midair was hard to escape and could only be hit by Rachigan of Uchiha Tsuki. However, there was no way for Rasengan to defeat Uchiha, and then Uchiha Tsuki saw Uchiha Shimizu to continue the hand seal and attacked with Ninjutsu.

However, Uchiha Tsuki did not give any chance to Uchiha in front of the water!

In the next second, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly took out six kunai from the Ninja Tool Pouch and threw it out at the same time!



Uchiha clear water falling from the sky in the sky, there is no way to control his body, only in the sky hand seal ready to attack. However, the six kunai that Uchiha Tsuki later threw came to him in a flash. Moreover, the six kunai completely closed the Uchiha clear water evasive route, so he could only see the naked-at the sharp kunai and pierce his flesh and blood.

Then, with the screams of Uchiha's painful water, his body fell heavily on the ground!

At this point, Uchiha Tsuki has defeated two Chunin of Uchiha Clan!

And, the two Chunin who were defeated by Uchiha Tsuki, all suffered a serious injury!

"Clear water!"

When Uchiha's clear water fell heavily on the ground, Uchiha flashed a touch of concern in her eyes, and then rushed to Uchiha's clear water. Pull out the kunai inserted in the Uchiha clear water within-the-body. Uchiha can only see the eyes -at blood flowing out of the wound without any means.

Subsequently, Uchiha's gaze shifted to Uchiha Tsuki, hoping Uchiha Tsuki could use Medical-Ninjutsu to help Uchiha clear water. After all, Uchiha Tsuki is a variant of Tsunade Ji, and it is no secret in the entire Hidden Leaf Village. Moreover, Uchiha Liu also knows that Uchiha Tsuki had worked at the ninja hospital for a period of time, so he hopes Uchiha Tsuki can use Medical-Ninjutsu to help Uchiha clear water.


Just as Uchiha was looking for help, Uchiha Tsuki just looked at Uchiha Tsuki with a light gaze, and said in an indifferent tone: "Don't stop, continue!"