
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 644

Undoubtedly, Uchiha Tsuki saw the tension that Terumi Mei was hiding deep inside, so he prepared to use a stimulating way to ease the tension in Terumi Mei's heart before he drew a pie for Terumi Mei. Tell her that after completing this crazy plan, strength is promoted to the level of Jonin Level ninja. After all, everyone's strength improvement needs to be seen. Even a ninja like Terumi Mei can't be a leap in strength after performing a crazy plan.

However, Uchiha Tsuki's incentives were obviously very effective. Sure enough, when Uchiha Tsuki was barely fell, Terumi Mei's energy was attracted by the pie that Uchiha Tsuki painted, and he did not consider assassinating those Hidden Sand Village. The hardship of ninja, just thinking about his own strength improvement in the future. In particular, every time when Terumi Mei looked towards Uchiha Tsuki, Uchiha Tsuki noticed the flames burning in the Terumi Mei pupils.

Obviously, the flames in the eyes of Terumi Mei at this moment are not ignited for the future strength, but for the future to surpass Uchiha Tsuki. After Uchiha Tsuki drew a pie for Terumi Mei, Terumi Mei first looked forward to his subsequent strength advancement and raised the strength to the Jonin Level level. Later, Terumi Mei had the expectation that after the improvement of strength, he successfully surpassed Uchiha Tsuki in front of him, proving that Uchiha Tsuki was behind the trail. So firstly, Terumi Mei slowly forgot the tension and slowly forgot the opponent she and Uchiha Tsuki had to fight, but an elite ninja unit of Hidden Sand Village.

Unlike the previous tensions of Terumi Mei, the excitement of the present, Uchiha Tsuki's mood before the war has always been calm.

In the sinister war, Uchiha Tsuki has not known how much he has experienced, and he has already trained the big heart.

So, Uchiha Tsuki feels nothing even if it is now running nine deaths and still alive. Even in the spare time, Uchiha Tsuki is still doing the training of the moon and the knives, but the training of the moon and the knives is obviously unsatisfactory. Even if it is training until now, Uchiha Tsuki has not been able to grasp the moon flow and the knives, let alone advance on the road of new sentiment.

Uchiha Tsuki's mood is undoubtedly very bad, because the long-term training did not get the expected growth.

Moreover, because of the Hidden Sand Village elite hand to hand combat of Hidden Sand Village medicine field, Uchiha Tsuki even had an anxious mood while training the moon and the knife. Finally, after another painstaking result, Uchiha Tsuki was holding her hand in Katana to blow the snow, and she felt the emotion of throwing off Katana and blowing the train.

Fortunately, Uchiha Tsuki's calmness once again calmed him down.

However, after another unsuccessful training, Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but think in his heart:

"What went wrong?"

"Don't the amazing sword that time, is it just a flash of light?"

"Whether it is the speed of the knife, the strength of the knife, I have exactly the same with the last time I took out the knife."

"But why, why did the effect of the moon flow and the instantaneous knife not appear?"

"The instant that stops the time, what did I do?"

"Don't I use Chakra without consciousness when I was out of the knife, did I touch the power of time Ninjutsu?"

In my heart, I thought of it here, Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but ask for a deep breath, and then he repeated the monotonous training process with a firm eye. You know, the training of the moon and the knives is extremely boring. Uchiha Tsuki needs to hold the Katana blows the snow and slashed down again and again, slowly summing up the experience from each swing and slowly mastering the moon flow. · The real use of the instant knife.

However, no matter how boring and boring the Uchiha Tsuki is, the wonderful feeling of the moon and the knives never appears in Uchiha Tsuki's mind. This makes Uchiha Tsuki's sword training every time, as if it is doing nothing. In addition to repeating the tedious movements every day, Uchiha Tsuki did not find that he had such a knife and could have any training effect.

Therefore, it is understandable that Uchiha Tsuki's previous anxiety was in his heart.

Then, when Uchiha Tsuki calmed down the anxiety in his heart and once again began to boring the slashing knife, suddenly an aura appeared in the mind of Uchiha Tsuki, and Uchiha Tsuki appeared on the training of the moon and the knives. New insights!

"and many more!"

"Lifting the Moon and the Knife, it is time to use Ninjutsu without using Chakra and using the Blade Technique."

"This kind of effect is like a falling moon and a broken step!"

"Now, even if I don't use Chakra, I can also use the effect of Ninjutsu when I use the moon flow and the broken step."

"Just use the moon and the steps to take the time to Ninjutsu without using Chakra. The time Ninjutsu can play is too little!"


"If I can master the use of Chakra without the use of Chakra, then the effect is not the same as the feeling of the moon and the knife?"

"To put it bluntly, the moon flow and the broken step are actually a combination of footwork and time Ninjutsu. Compared with the moon flow and the instantaneous knife, it is only the time when the moon is flowing and the knife is not used. Ninjutsu formidable power is a little stronger!"

"So what you said…"

Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but slightly narrow his eyes in his mind. Thought:

"So, in fact, I have already discovered the time Ninjutsu merge to the new road in Taijutsu, but I have never found it before."

"Lifting the moon and breaking the steps, I deepened my understanding with the footwork and time of Ninjutsu, slowly developing from the rhythm of the footwork, combined with the time Ninjutsu."

"And the moon and the stream, the step is the ancestor of the night god clan, with the deepening of the footwork on the one hand, slowly combined with the rhythm of the footwork when the synthesis of mystery of Sky Ninja, developed."

"Either the moon is falling, the steps are broken, or the moon is flowing, and there is a common point, that is, the rhythm!"

"Then, the main training method of the moon, the knives, should you master its unique rhythm?"

"If this is the case, then my previous training is really ridiculous!"

"Because, I didn't realize the essence of the moon, the knives, and I started training indiscriminately!"

I secretly thought of it here. Uchiha Tsuki thought more and more. Then I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It was a little too anxious. I did useless training for such a long time. Later, when Uchiha Tsuki figured this out, Uchiha Tsuki did not slash the sword for the moonfall and the knife, but instead lay down to prepare for a good night's sleep.

After waking up, Uchiha Tsuki's idea did not continue with the meaning of the moon flow and the instantaneous knife training.

Because Uchiha Tsuki wants to test whether his previous theory is correct in actual combat.

And Uchiha Tsuki's actual combat to be tested is also the beginning of Uchiha Tsuki's assassination journey!