
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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650 Chs

chapter 642

"Well, Terumi Mei, since you agree with my plan, let's deal with the corpse of these two Hidden Sand Village Anbu!"

After receiving a positive reply from Terumi Mei, Uchiha Tsuki bowed to Terumi Mei in front of him and said, "When we have handled the corpse of these two Hidden Sand Village Anbu, we are on the corpse of these two Hidden Sand Anbu. Search for a search to see if there is any material we need. Later, I will tell you, my overall plan, now we will deal with the two corpse of Hidden Sand Village Anbu!"


When I heard Uchiha Tsuki say this, Terumi Mei naturally didn't have any objections, and immediately began to accompany Uchiha Tsuki to handle the corpse of the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu.

However, Terumi Mei is still a bit curious at this time, why Uchiha Tsuki suddenly thought of a plan to break out of Land-of-Wind after obtaining the secret plan of Hidden Sand Village.

At the same time, Terumi Mei also felt that Uchiha Tsuki could come up with such an adventurous plan, definitely related to the confidential information that the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu had.

However, since Uchiha Tsuki said that she would tell her the whole plan later, Terumi Mei also felt that she did not need to be in a hurry.

Then, Terumi Mei and Uchiha Tsuki concentrated on the two corpse of Hidden Sand Village Anbu, lest other Hidden Sand Village ninja discover the killing of the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu. Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei need to work hard to find out some supplies from the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu. Obviously, Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei, which are not available for replenishment in the deserts of Land-of-Wind, are in urgent need of supplementing some living creatures.

If not, let alone break out from Land-of-Wind. The normal life of Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei may be difficult to replenish due to the inability to replenish the materials.

Fortunately, the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu killed by Uchiha Tsuki should have come out to perform some Confidential Mission, so the living creatures of the body are still enough for Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei. Especially because of the age of Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei, the materials of the two adult Hidden Sand Village Anbu are enough for Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei to strengthen the period of time in Land-of-Wind.

Subsequently, after seizing the supplies of the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu, the two corpse of Hidden Sand Village Anbu were eliminated by Terumi Mei with Fire-Style Ninjutsu.

Followed by…

After collecting the supplies of the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu and disposing of the corpse of the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu, Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei were in the same place, and Uchiha Tsuki told the two of Terumi Mei. Hidden Sand Village Anbu, the confidential information carried, said: "Terumi Mei, according to the confidential information carried by the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu, the contradictions within Hidden Sand Village have risen to a very high degree. Especially Hidden In the absence of live living creatures in Sand Village, the commoner at the grassroots level of Hidden Sand Village, and the ninja at the grassroots level, have already contradicted the high level of Hidden Sand Village."

"If you go on like this, there may be civil strife inside Hidden Sand Village."

"The secret information carried by the two Hidden Sand Village Anbu is about some decisions made at Hidden Sand Village high level."

"Now, Hidden Sand Village high level has decided to harvest some of the medicinal ingredients necessary for wartime, as well as war supplies to sell out, in exchange for some living creatures to calm the contradictions within Hidden Sand Village."

"As for the Hidden Sand Village high level, there is a place to medicinal ingredient, and there is war supplies…"

"It's recorded on the secret scroll in the hands of these two Hidden Sand Village Anbu!"

Saying, Uchiha Tsuki spread out the secret scrolls that the two hands had, and then told the former Terumi Mei: "The two Hidden Sand Village Anbu, carrying Hidden Sand Village on the Land-of- A map of the medicine field built in Wind, and another person carrying a map of the war materials storage of Hidden Sand Village in Land-of-Wind. Their purpose is to go to the medical field of Hidden Sand Village, and In the war material storage area, pick up some medicinal ingredients and war materials to sell them, or exchange some living creatures."

"And my plan is to go to the medical field built by Hidden Sand Village, or the storage of war supplies, to destroy one of the lifebloods in Hidden Sand Village!"

"As long as we can destroy the medical field of Hidden Sand Village or the storage of war supplies, then we have a chance to break through the Land-of-Wind territory, isn't it?"

Listening to Uchiha Tsuki for his detailed description of his adventure plan, the more Terumi Mei listened to Uchiha Tsuki, the more frowning the brows. Finally, at the end of Uchiha Tsuki's remarks, Terumi Mei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked: "Uchiha Tsuki, how can your plan help us break through? We went to the medical field built by Hidden Sand Village, or It's the place where the war supplies are stored. It's the same as entering the dragon's pool and tiger's den. By that time, let's not let us destroy the medical field of Hidden Sand Village, or their war supplies storage, even if we destroy it. What is the use of their medicine field, their war material storage? We can only let ourselves fall into the dragon's pool and tiger's den, there is no hope of breaking through!"

"You are wrong, Terumi Mei."

Terumi Meilow barely fell, Uchiha Tsuki smirked and said: "We don't really want to destroy the medical field of Hidden Sand Village, nor do we really want to destroy their war supplies, just to create an illusion. As long as we make the illusion, let Hidden Sand Village think that there are a large number of foreign ninjas ready to destroy their medicine field, war supplies storage, so Hidden Sand Village will send a large number of Hidden Sand Village ninja to protect themselves Ninja Village's two lifebloods. Now the ninja of Hidden Sand Village is mostly concentrated on the Land-of-Wind border, which is like the iron bucket of the Land-of-Wind border Guardian."

"When Hidden Sand Village feels that the lifeblood of Ninja Village is likely to be threatened, what is the use of the Guardian ninja forces in the Land-of-Wind border? They must return a large number of Hidden Sand Village ninja Isn't the lifeblood of guarding Ninja Village? At that time, the Hidden Sand Village ninja of the Land-of-Wind border is reduced. Do we have a chance to break out from the Land-of-Wind?"

"My plan for this time was mainly to slam the West and weaken the power of the Hidden Sand Village ninja forces of the Land-of-Wind border."

"As for whether it is really necessary to destroy the medical field of Hidden Sand Village, or the war material storage site of Hidden Sand Village, it is actually secondary."

"Our real purpose is to break through!"

Saying, Uchiha Tsuki paused a little, and when he saw Terumi Mei start thinking, Uchiha Tsuki took a deep breath and continued: "However, we adopt such a plan, although there is a great possibility The Guardian, which weakened the Land-of-Wind border, broke out smoothly from the Land-of-Wind border. But when we headed to the Hidden Sand Village medicine field, or when we went to their war supplies storage, they must take the plunge. Big danger."

"Well, now my plan has told you all, you can think about it again."

"Do you want to accompany you to the end, Terumi Mei, this is also up to you to decide!"