
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 634

If this is the story on TV, the heart of Uchiha Tsuki is definitely not on the left, so the place where Uchiha Tsuki is injured will not be the key position of the left heart.

Unfortunately, this is not a story on TV. The heart of Uchiha Tsuki is on the left.

However, because Hidden Sand Village Jonin of Kunai was thrown, when the kunai was thrown, it was almost exhausted, so the strength of the hunai that was thrown by Hidden Sand Village Jonin was not enough. Penetrating Uchiha Tsuki's chest and piercing deeply into the heart of Uchiha Tsuki. Even so, the kunai inserted into the chest on the left side of Uchiha Tsuki is still piercing the heart of Uchiha Tsuki.

If Uchiha is in its heyday, Uchiha Tsuki will certainly be able to heal his injuries with his own Medical-Ninjutsu.

However, at this time Uchiha Tsuki's state is extremely bad. Now let's not let Uchiha Tsuki use Medical-Ninjutsu to treat her own injuries. Uchiha Tsuki even can't even do the simple things for his chest wound to stop bleeding. .

Finally, when Uchiha Tsuki's voice was introduced into Terumi Mei's ear, the looks-at Hidden Sand Village Jonin, who finally returned to the sky, turned his attention to Uchiha Tsuki, who was blood-stained on his chest. He always thought that he was very Strong Terumi Mei, the eyes finally became red. Moreover, when the tears in the eyes of Terumi Mei couldn't help but burst into the air, Terumi Mei suddenly pressed Uchiha Tsuki's chest fiercely by hand, and stopped Uchiha Tsuki in this way, facing Uchiha in front of him. Tsuki roar Road:

"Uchiha Tsuki, who wants you to return your life to me!"

"You owe me life, you owe me, I will not allow you to return before I let you back!"

"Now, right now, give me a cure for the injury!"

"Are you not a Tsunade Ji's discipline? Is your Medical-Ninjutsu not very strong? Give me a cure!"

As the sound of Terumi Mei's screams was introduced into Uchiha Tsuki's ears, Terumi Mei tried her best to hold down the wound on Uchiha Tsuki's chest and wanted to stop bleeding for Uchiha Tsuki's severe injury. It is a pity that Terumi Mei of Medical-Ninjutsu can only see the blood on the chest of the looks-at Uchiha Tsuki, oozing from his finger joints, and the kunai method.

Gradually, seeing Uchiha Tsuki's blood flowing on his chest, Terumi Mei, a new generation of Mist Ninja village, finally knows what is desperate at this moment.

Despair is that even if you try your best to stay, you can't do anything about it.

No matter how Terumi Mei is facing Uchiha Tsuki roar in front of her, there are more tears in her eyes, but Uchiha Tsuki in front of her, she has weak eyes and can't open her eyes.

"Uchiha Tsuki, wake me up!"

When I saw Uchiha Tsuki's eyes closed, Terumi Mei pressed Uchiha Tsuki's chest in one hand and directly grabbed Uchiha Tsuki's collar, as if to want to wake up Uchiha Tsuki in this way. However, even if Terumi Mei exhausted the last glimmer of effort and wanted to wake up Uchiha Tsuki, Uchiha Tsuki, who was pale in the face of Terumi Mei, was still closed like a white paper, and he still closed his eyes tightly and never opened.

However, just as Terumi Mei is already desperate…

Suddenly, Uchiha Tsuki's weak voice made Terumi Mei live in the endless Darkness!

It was also the weak voice of Uchiha Tsuki, which made Terumi Mei once again ignited hope!

"Photo. Terumi Mei, help. Help me hand seal!"


Suddenly hearing the weak voice of Uchiha Tsuki, Terumi Mei suddenly opened his eyes and immediately attached Uchiha Tsuki to the side, listening to the weak voice of Uchiha Tsuki, holding Uchiha Tsuki's hands and helping Uchiha Tsuki hand seal. Although Terumi Mei didn't know what Uchiha Tsuki wanted to do with the hand seal at this moment, Terumi Mei believed that Uchiha Tsuki would have a way to save his life because he is Uchiha Tsuki, the youngest expert of Ninja World today.

Followed by…

After Terumi Mei helped Uchiha Tsuki to finish the hand seal, Uchiha Tsuki tried his best to get the most out of it and finally used Ninjutsu at the last moment.

That Ninjutsu is, the Moon Recession Creation Rebirth!


Split second, also after Uchiha Tsuki finally hand seal completed, cast the Moon Jutsu Creation Rebirth, can see the severe damage of Uchiha Tsuki's chest, and began to recover at the speed visible by the naked eye. Undoubtedly, Uchiha Tsuki can use the Secret Jutsu Creation Rebirth to save his life after stepping into the gate of hell. The first is thanks to the call of Terumi Mei, and the second is because of Uchiha Tsuki's desire for life. For the obsession of life.

However, after using the last Secret Jutsu Creation Rebirth, Uchiha Tsuki's chest and heart wounds have begun to heal at the speed visible by naked eyes, but Uchiha Tsuki made a loud cry after using Creation Rebirth. Then I was unconscious. Because Uchiha Tsuki was able to use the Creation Rebirth to heal the fatal wound on the chest at the last minute of Uchiha Tsuki, but Uchiha Tsuki could not avoid using Chakra, and the injury of within-the-body deteriorated again.

In other words, Uchiha Tsuki's fatal injury was finally healed, but Uchiha Tsuki within-the-body began to deteriorate, and once again seriously threatened his life.

Moreover, because of the in-the-body injury one step further deterioration, Uchiha Tsuki has used the Innovation Rebirth's an instant, with-the-body Chakra Pathway, and the Uchiha Tsuki has been damaged by Chakra Pathway. Pain, and coma in the past. However, when Terumi Mei in front of Uchiha Tsuki saw the terrible injury on Uchiha Tsuki, and she was treated after she helped Uchiha Tsuki hand seal, Terumi Mei to probe Uchiha Tsuki's breath and found Uchiha Tsuki Extremely weak, but life is not threatened, and finally calmed down his original nervous mood.

However, Terumi Mei is also very clear that the most deadly wound on Uchiha Tsuki, although treated by Uchiha Tsuki himself, the injury on Uchiha Tsuki is still not optimistic. So, after Uchiha Tsuki's coma, a steady ray of light emerged from Terumi Mei's eyes. Immediately, Terumi Mei carried Uichiha Tsuki, who was seriously injured, behind her, holding Uchiha Tsuki behind her, and picked up Uchiha Tsuki, who fell on the ground, blowing snow, so she carried Uchiha Tsuki, step by step. Strolling past the seemingly endless desert.

At the moment, where Terumi Mei is going to take Uchiha Tsuki, it is obviously the towns that are located in the Land-of-Wind.

She is going to take Uchiha Tsuki to the town of Land-of-Wind and ask the best doctors in the town to treat Uchiha Tsuki for the injury and let Uchiha Tsuki recover!

"Uchiha Tsuki, anyway, I must cure your injuries!"

"I want to tell you personally, you owe me another life!"