
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 629

"Thank you. · First, send"

After Terumi Mei said the words, Uchiha Tsuki had a lot to say, but in the end he couldn't say anything, so that all the words were summed up as a thank you. But undoubtedly, Terumi Mei returned to rescue Uchiha Tsuki, and I hope that I am not thankful. So, when Uchiha Tsuki was barely fell, Terumi Mei was only coldly-snorted, and he ignored Uchiha Tsuki behind him.

However, the dangerous situation faced by Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei has not been lifted.

Now, even if Terumi Mei helps Uchiha Tsuki to withstand the attack of two Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front, Uchiha Tsuki still has no way to fight. As for Terumi Mei, there is only the strength of Elite Chunin. With the strength of Elite Chunin Level, facing two Jinin Level ninjas, Terumi Mei wants to win the final victory, which is undoubtedly very difficult.

Of course, Terumi Mei, as a new generation of Mist Ninja village, is naturally not so easy to be defeated. But don't forget that Terumi Mei needs to protect Uchiha Tsuki behind him while fighting. If this happens then , Terumi Mei The pressure to face two Hidden Sand Village Jonin naturally has to multiply, especially if Uchiha Tsuki has no battle strength, the situation that Terumi Mei is facing is still not very optimistic.

However, there is Uchiha Tsuki behind Terumi Mei, which also has a bit of advantage.

That is, Uchiha Tsuki was able to inform Terumi Mei of all the information about the two remaining Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of him.

Then, after Terumi Mei ignored Uchiha Tsuki, Uchiha Tsuki felt that the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin were likely to take the fast break tactic and kill himself and Terumi Mei. Then, before the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin were ready to take the fast break, Uchiha Tsuki first deeped a deep breath, and said to Terumi Mei in front: "Terumi Mei, I just thank you, thank you for coming back to save me. Now I will tell you the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin's information, you must be careful when you and their hand to hand combat, because they are all Ninjutsu-type expert!"

"The first Hidden Sand Village Jonin, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin on our left, is used to attacking with Wind-Style Ninjutsu. However, his Wind-Style Ninjutsu attainments has no other Hidden Sand Village Jonin. So you have to beware of his detailed attack and prevent him from distracting your attention. Another Hidden Sand Village Jonin, although also an expert of Ninjutsu-type, has a very good melee ability, and the comprehensive strength is better than the just-named Hidden Sand. Village Jonin is high."

"Now, I have told you all about their information, and the next battle is up to you!"

"Don't worry anymore, I know!"

After listening to Uchiha Tsuki, Terumi Mei knew that Uchiha Tsuki was kind, but because of her nervousness, she still couldn't control her temper and snorted directly at Uchiha Tsuki.

Moreover, just after Terumi Mei snorted at the back of Uchiha Tsuki, the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Terumi Mei suddenly attacked at the same time, which made Terumi Mei's mood heavy.

However, when Terumi Mei just saw the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of the attack, what surprised Terumi Mei was that the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin immediately attacked the target, not Uchiha Tsuki, but instead she . According to common sense, the primary kill target in combat is naturally the most weakling in the enemy camp. The current Uchiha Tsuki is undoubtedly very weak, so in Terumi Mei's view, the target of the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin immediately should be Uchiha Tsuki, not himself.

However, what Terumi Mei simply doesn't know is what Uchiha Tsuki has left for those Hidden Sand Village ninja.

To say that Uchiha Tsuki left the impression of Hidden Sand Village ninja, it can only be described by the word horror!

Even if Hidden Sand Village ninja thought that Uchiha Tsuki was going to die, Uchiha Tsuki didn't look weak, but instead slaughtered that many of Hidden Sand Village ninja. So now the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin know that Uchiha Tsuki is very weak, but the first thing they need to eradicate is still Terumi Mei. Perhaps in their view, Terumi Mei in the heyday did not have the horror of Uchiha Tsuki.

Followed by…

When the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin attacked Terumi Mei, it was as Uchiha Tsuki expected, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin with a slightly less strength to do the detailed attack, and another strong stronger Hidden Sand Village Jonin, left the trump card behind, waiting to kill Terumi Mei. If it wasn't for Uchiha Tsuki's reminder, Terumi Mei might also have the illusion that the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin's strengths were wrong.

When Uchiha Tsuki reminded me, Terumi Mei had already developed a plan for dealing with the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin.

The next second, just another Hidden Sand Village Jonin with a strong strength, is about to take a trump card to attack Terumi Mei…

Suddenly, Terumi Mei had a hand seal and applied a Ninjutsu that Uchiha Tsuki had never imagined!

"Vapour-Style Skilled Mist Jutsu !"

"hu ..."

At this moment, even Uchiha Tsuki did not expect that Ninjutsu used by Terumi Mei immediately turned out to be Kekkei Genkai, which is owned by her, which is Vapour-Style Ninjutsu. When Terumi Mei successfully used Vapour-Style Ninjutsu, he could see the boiling mist ejected from Terumi Mei's mouth and wrapped around Terumi Mei and Uchiha Tsuki. In other words, if Hidden Sand Village Jonin wants to attack Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei, it is best to use Vapour-Style Ninjutsu cast by Terumi Mei.

Is Turaumi Mei's Vapour-Style Ninjutsu so easy to pass?

The answer is naturally no!

Unfortunately, Terumi Mei's Vapour-Style Ninjutsu is extremely clever, but the two ninjas in front of Terumi Mei are the ninja of Hidden Sand Village Jonin Level!

Immediately after Terumi Mei had just had a problem with the two Hidden Sand Village Jonin, one of Hidden Sand Village Jonin had already thought of a solution.

After the Hidden Sand Village Jonin cast Vapour-Style Ninjutsu at Terumi Mei, myself cast a Wind-Style Ninjutsu in a second, and immediately blown the Vapour-Style Ninjutsu cast by Terumi Mei!


The Hidden Sand Village Jonin blows away the fog of Vapour-Style, exactly where Terumi Mei and Uchiha Tsuki are!

That is to say, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin actually used the Vapour-Style used by Terumi Mei, instead letting Terumi Mei and Uchiha Tsuki face it.

If Terumi Mei doesn't make any counterattacks at this moment, then what she has to face will be the Ninjutsu she casts!

At the same time, when Uchiha Tsuki saw the Hidden Sand Village Jonin's counterattack method, even if Uchiha Tsuki could not use the sable and Mangekyo Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki still saw the gap between Jonin Level ninja and Terumi Mei. So, when Terumi Mei was in trouble, Uchiha Tsuki, who was watching the battle and had no strength, couldn't help but think in his heart that Terumi Mei would face two Jinin Level ninja fights, which is really true for Terumi Mei. A tough battle.

Jonin Level's ninja and Terumi Mei, the two are not a layer of opponent at all!