
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 625

"The first goal…"

"You are the one!"

At this moment, when Uchiha Tsuki decided to make the final final struggle in his limited life, split second Uchiha Tsuki seemed to put down all the heavy burdens on his body, making him feel like he was in this minute, this second is very incomparable . Easy. [On the upper than ^^奇^^中^^文^^Net] And, after Uchiha Tsuki made the final decision, Uchiha Tsuki no longer used his own Chakra to suppress the injury of within-the-body.

Then, when Uchiha Tsuki tried to suppress Chakra, with the in-the-body horrific injury, once again in his own hands, Uchiha Tsuki first sprayed a mouthful of blood, and immediately felt his own within-the-body. Once filled with infinite power. Moreover, at this time, Uchiha Tsuki, who has taken control of the huge Chakra Reserves, is also extremely terrifying.

In the next second, you can see the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki. The kunai that was originally inserted into the abdomen of Uchiha Tsuki, after Uchiha Tsuki took back Chakra, which suppressed the with-the-body horror injury, The imposing-manner erupted by Uchiha Tsuki ejected. Moreover, because of the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki, it was not thought that Uchiha Tsuki had the power to counterattack, and the kunai that was ejected by Uchiha Tsuki from the amazing injection-manner actually penetrated into it. Hidden Sand Village Jonin within-the-body in front of Uchiha Tsuki!


Undoubtedly, the strength of the kunai that was ejected by Uchiha Tsuki was amazing.

So, after the kunai was ejected, the kunai not only penetrated the Hidden Sand Village Jonin within-the-body in front of Uchiha Tsuki, but also split second pierced the body of the Hidden Sand Village Jonin. Until the kunai collided with the barrier barrier, the kunai, which was ejected by Uchiha Tsuki's amazing injection-manner, fell to the ground with a few crisp sounds.

The Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki heard the sound of Kunai falling on the ground and immediately returned to sobered up.

Just, let the Hidden Sand Village Jonin absolutely not think that at the moment he just recovered, what he looked at was a pair of red pupils!

The red-red pupils are the Mangekyo Sharingan of Uchiha Tsuki!


In the moment of Uchiha Tsuki's double Mangekyo Sharingan, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki heard Uchiha Tsuki's voice as Shinigami called. Then, in just one second, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin only felt that his eyes suddenly turned into a Darkness. Among the Darkness, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin didn't even feel any sound, any sense of touch, any taste.

It was completely in the darkness, making the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki, confused at one time.

And this confusion is also the confusion behind Kurama Clan's horrible control of the five senses ability.

Because, in the moment of Uchiha Tsuki's pair of Mangekyo Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki has used Kurama Clan's ability to control the senses of the senses, and deprived the Hidden Sand Village Jonin's five senses. At this time, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki, whether it is visual, sense of hearing, sense of smell, taste, or sense of touch, was all deprived by Uchiha Tsuki.

This also caused a fundamental change in the position of the original knife and fish.

Originally, Uchiha Tsuki was a fish, and the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki was a knife.

Now, after Uchiha Tsuki broke out his final decision, he changed the position of the knife and the fish in a short split second!

At this moment, the person who is a knife is no longer the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki, but Uchiha Tsuki!

As for the fish, it is naturally the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki!

After losing the five senses, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of Uchiha Tsuki definitely has to reduce a lot of strength. Especially when Uchiha Tsuki was close, the Hidden Sand Village Jonin lost the five senses, and he never stopped Uchiha Tsuki from harvesting his life. However, when Uchiha Tsuki was holding Katana blowing snow and slamming the throat of the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of him, the blood of Hidden Sand Village Jonin was sprayed on himself, Uchiha Tsuki did not use with-the -body Chakra suppresses the injury of within-the-body and finally makes the injury of the within-the-body one step further worse.

So, after killing the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of him, Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but squirt a mouthful of blood again.

Moreover, at this time, Uchiha Tsuki's blood spewed with black blood, which proved that Uchiha Tsuki's injury became more and more uncontrollable.

However, Uchiha Tsuki, who made up her mind, did not care much about the meaning of own-in-body injury after seeing that she had spit out the black blood.

Then, Uchiha Tsuki turned his gaze to the seven Hidden Sand Village Jonin outside the barrier barrier.

Obviously, what Uchiha Tsuki means is that even if he ignores the injury of within-the-body, he died because of the injury of within-the-body…

However, he Uchiha Tsuki is still looking for a few backs and going to hell with himself!

And the few people on the back are undoubtedly in front of Uchiha Tsuki, the seven Hidden Sand Village Jonin outside the barrier barrier!

"Scoundrel, he actually killed Inoshita, let's kill him!"


At the same time, after Uchiha Tsuki killed the Hidden Sand Village Jonin named Inoshita, the rest of Hidden Sand Village Jonin outside the barrier barrier broke out with amazing power after seeing his companion die. Undoubtedly, the amazing power of the seven Hidden Sand Village Jonin will be all over Uchiha Tsuki. Because Uchiha Tsuki is the murderer who killed their companions. In order to avenge their companions, they naturally need to take out 2% strength to kill Uchiha Tsuki.


What the group of Hidden Sand Village Jonin had never imagined was that the silhouette of Uchiha Tsuki disappeared into the barrier barrier just as they were preparing to shoot Uchiha Tsuki!

Then, when Uchiha Tsuki appeared again, he came to Hidden Sand Village Jonin again!

As for why Uchiha Tsuki can easily break through the barrier, it is natural that Uchiha Tsuki used the Sky Ninja technique and the moon was flowing!

Previously, most of Chakra was used to suppress the injury of within-the-body, and Uchiha Tsuki had no way to use the instantaneous step at that time, and escaped from the group of Hidden Sand Village Jonin. After all, if Uchiha Tsuki does not suppress the injury of within-the-body, his injury within-the-body continues to deteriorate and he may have his life. Therefore, in order to prevent the injury of within-the-body from breaking out again, Uchiha Tsuki can only endure the disadvantages in the barrier barrier silently, and then find a way to escape from the barrier barrier.

However, Uchiha Tsuki has not had any concerns at the moment. Even if the injury of the in-the-body is worse, there is no way to stop Uchiha Tsuki's determination!

And it is obvious that Uchiha Tsuki after make a firm resolution, the strength shown is extremely scary.

As for the horrible strength that Uchiha Tsuki is showing today, whoever is going to act on it, there is no need for too much speech.

Uchiha Tsuki that horrible strength, natural…

It's going to be on the Hidden Sand Village Jonin in front of him!

"Eight Jonin is backing, I am Uchiha Tsuki even dead…"

"It's worth it!"