
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 613

At this time, Uchiha Tsuki was the first to know that arrogant and pampered were the hidden attributes of Terumi Mei. ·The first hair

In the original work plot, Terumi Mei is a beautiful and sexy female ninja. Terumi Mei, who is the Fifth-Kage Mizukage, looks like a gentle character, but has a strong inner side. However, the strength is not that Uchiha Tsuki has seen arrogant and pampered now, so when Terumi Mei showed arrogant and pampered side, even Uchiha Tsuki was a little sluggish for a second.

However, since Terumi Mei is the ninja of the village of Mist Ninja, and the future may become the Fifth-Kage Mizukage, Uchiha Tsuki feels that it is impossible for him to have too much intersection with Terumi Mei. First of all, among the objects that Uchiha Tsuki wants to revenge, the name of Mist Ninja village is among the best. Although Mist Ninja is not the real culprit in killing Uchiha Tsuki mother whirlpool Minako, the death of Uchiha Tsuki mother whirlpool Minako is inseparable from Mist Ninja village. This is also the way Uchiha Tsuki has been annihilating Mist Ninja village. s reason.

Secondly, Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei are different ninjas of Ninja Village, one belongs to Hidden Leaf Village and one belongs to Mist Ninja village, unless it is after the fourth ninja war in the future, otherwise the two can only be hostile The relationship exists, and there is no such thing as a friendly relationship. Now, from the fourth ninja war in the future, there will be at least ten years, so this is the third reason why Uchiha Tsuki feels that he can't have too much overlap with Terumi Mei.

The last reason why Uchiha Tsuki feels that he can't have too much overlap with Terumi Mei is that Uchiha Tsuki has his own goals in mind, and the children's private feelings must be placed on the other side. What's more, even now, Uchiha Tsuki feels that his age is a little small, and Terumi Mei is the same as Lolita in his eyes. Uchiha Tsuki doesn't feel like Lolita control, so this is the last reason why he and Terumi Mei can't make too many intersections, that is because of age.

Then, after Uchiha Tsuki thought of it, he slowly shifted his gaze and landed in an open space in front of him.

The eyes are hollow and staring at the open space in front of us. At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki is obviously thinking about some important things in her mind.

And those important things can be roughly divided into three points.

One is that Uchiha Tsuki wants to treat his injuries.

Second, Uchiha Tsuki thought about how he returned to Land-of-Fire and returned to Hidden Leaf Village.

As for the last thing, Uchiha Tsuki is thinking about Uchiha Madara. He silently analyzes in his mind what Uchiha Madara has to do after he has done the secrets.

It is a pity that the situation that Uchiha Tsuki can grasp today is still too little.

So, when Uchiha Tsuki stayed there for a long time, Uchiha Tsuki still inevitably sighed, thought:

"As expected, the information I have in my hands is still too small. I can only infer some of Uchiha Madara's ideas with this information."

"Now, Uchiha Madara has sent people to assassinate Third-Kazakage, and the one who took away Sasori of the Red Sand and the Who-Kazakage corpse, is sure to be Uchiha Madara."

"But Uchiha Madara took away the corpse of Third-Kazakage and sent someone to assassinate Third-Kazakage, only to show that Uchiha Madara had a plot for Hidden Sand Village, or that Uchiha Madara had to provoke a third ninja Fight, pick the successor."

"That is to say, I still have no way to block Uchiha Madara's plan now. After all, in the case of Third-Kazakage, there is still the third ninja war. I and Uchiha Madara's purpose. Are the same."

"So, if this happens then, I am afraid I can only wait for Uchiha Madara to move, and then see the move!"

"In this case, the first return to Hidden Leaf Village is what I need to do first."

"Of course, before returning to Hidden Leaf Village, I still need to completely treat my injuries!"

Silent thoughts come here, Uchiha Tsuki started purple, and checked his own injuries. Then, after Uchiha Tsuki used the sable to examine the injury on one side, Uchiha Tsuki's mouth finally raised a smile, and Uchiha Tsuki continued to think in his heart:

"After the poisoning, I have successfully suppressed all the toxins."

"It only takes another two days, I can restore the use of Chakra, completely treat the injury of the within-the-body, and excrete all the toxins that have re-emerged."

"Unfortunately, now I am in the Land-of-Wind, impossible to buy some medicinal ingredient."

"If not, after the in–the-body's blood is added to the original level, my strength will be able to restore the Peak period."

"However, even without the strength of the Peak period, I can now resume Chakra's use and leave Hidden Sand Village as far as I'm concerned."

"Now, I will use Medical-Ninjutsu to treat the injury with the in-the-body, so that I don't have to deal with the in-the-body toxin outbreak again!"

Secretly thought Here, Uchiha Tsuki is secretly nodded, and then he is ready to use Medical-Ninjutsu to start healing himself.

However, Uchiha Tsuki absolutely didn't think that when he was going to heal himself with Medical-Ninjutsu, suddenly he used the light to see Terumi Mei still standing in front of him, not at all as she said. Leave.

At the same time, Terumi Mei apparently saw the lingering light from Uchiha Tsuki, and when it was seen with Uchiha Tsuki, Terumi Mei's cheeks became lightly red. Then, Terumi Mei felt that her cheeks began to get hot, and quickly avoided the eyes that Uchiha Tsuki projected. The mouth was hard whispered: "Uuha Tsuki! I don't want to go because you, but because you don't have Untie my within-the-body seal, I can't use Chakra! Now. Now let me uncover the seal, I am leaving!"

"Well, then I will unlock the seal for you now!"

Upon hearing Terumi Mei, Uchiha Tsuki directly confronted Terumi Mei nodded in front of him, and immediately untied the seal of within-the-body for Terumi Mei to resume her Chakra operation. However, before the release of the seal for Terumi Mei, Uchiha Tsuki faintly noticed that Turumi Mei's pupils had flashed a disappointment. Then, when Uchiha Tsuki finally untied Tenketsu for Terumi Mei, seeing the disappointment in Terumi Mei pupils getting more and more, Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but frown slightly, start to talk: "Terumi Mei, now Hidden The Sand Village's Third-Kazakage is missing, and the traces of your Mist Ninja village ninja, as well as what I did in Land-of-Wind, were also defined by Hidden Sand Village. I think the entire Land-of-Wind is now heavily guarded. If you don't mind, how about leaving Land-of-Wind with me?"

"Just. Just be a companion!"