
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 582


Seeing that Uchiha Tsuki had killed eight of his Hidden Sand Village Shadow Guard members, Third-Kazakage stood in front of Uchiha Tsuki, gazing across the corpse of the eight Hidden Sand Village Shadow Guard members, and Kakuzu couldn't stand it. Live in convulsions. You know, every Shadow Guard member is personally selected by Third-Kazakage. It is said that the eight Hidden Sand Village Shadow Guard members killed by Uchiha Tsuki have consumed the countless efforts of Third-Kazakage.

Now, in a few minutes, Uchiha Tsuki has killed Third-Kazakage for years, and how can Third-Kazakage not be angry?

So, when Third-Kazakage glanced over the dead Hidden Sand Village Shadow Guard member, Third-Kazakage was filled with angry flames and fell straight on Uchiha Tsuki's body, saying in a cold tone: "truly worthy Of Asura, who was shaking Ninja World, was killing my Shadow Guard member. It seems that I still have some underestimate you before I come!"

"Kazekage, are you underestimate me, is myself still a little early?"

When I heard Third-Kazakage, Uchiha Tsuki wiped the blood stains on Katana's snow and looked at Third-Kazakage. He said very calmly: "Kazekage, when you are not saying this, wait until I succeed in defeating you. You said this again, but it's actually too late. I just ate the appetizer you just sent. Now let me have a good meal!"

"The first level of Third-Kazakage, I have long wanted to collect it!"

"many thanks you, gave me this opportunity to collect your first level, Kazekage!"

Uchiha Tsuki belly barely, Uchiha Tsuki, who holds Katana blowing snow, uses his extraordinary speed to suppress Third-Kazakage and take the opportunity to attack the Third-Kazakage. However, just as Uchiha Tsuki was holding Katana blowing snow and just preparing to attack Third-Kazakage, who wanted to have a special Chakra wave around Third-Kazakage, surrounded by Third-Kazakage, let Uchiha Tsuki be there for a while. I don't know if I want to take this opportunity to attack the Third-Kazakage.

In the end, Uchiha Tsuki is still preparing to use his clear sight Divine Artifact Purple, clear sighting the strange Chakra fluctuations around Third-Kazakage, what is it, and then attack. However, just as Uchiha Tsuki is ready to give up the attack, first explore the virtual real-time of Third-Kazakage strength, who wants to be in front of Uchiha Tsuki's Third-Kazakage, first started the first round of contest with Uchiha Tsuki!

At this moment, Third-Kazakage did not use Ninjutsu, nor did it use Taijutsu, or Genjutsu, but began to crush Uchiha Tsuki with its own imposing-manner!

As the Land-of-Wind Hidden Sand Village's Third-Kazakage, Third-Kazakage originally had a majesty of superiority. In particular, Third-Kazakage is the strongest Kazekage ever and has the strength of the Ninja World Peak. So, when Third-Kazakage fully showed the expert's imposing-manner, even Uchiha Tsuki was hidden behind the face of Asura's mask, and his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly.

Then, as the imposing-manner of the Third-Kazakage show strengthened, the sand around the Third-Kazakage was seen and swept by his amazing imposing-manner. For a time, the vicinity of Third-Kazakage was like a sandstorm, and Uchiha Tsuki, who was about a distance from Third-Kazakage 100 meters, had to step back two steps to prevent the violent sandstorm from sweeping into it.

However, when Third-Kazakage saw Uchiha Tsuki start to retreat, a confident smile suddenly appeared on the face of Third-Kazakage. Obviously, after showing off his amazing imposing-manner, Third-Kazakage decided that he could beat Uchiha Tsuki. Because in the view of Third-Kazakage, even if Uchiha Tsuki has the Asura name, even if he has a strong strength, it can be seen that his figure is completely little demon head, and it is impossible to have such an amazing injection-manner.

Moreover, Third-Kazakage feels that he only wants to suppress Uchiha Tsuki with imposing-manner. In the latter battle, he can naturally defeat Uchiha Tsuki in a spurt of energy.


What makes Third-Kazakage absolutely unthinkable is that when Uchiha Tsuki took a few steps back under the amazing imposing-manner of Third-Kazakage…

Suddenly, Uchiha Tsuki stopped his steps and launched a counterattack!

"rumble ..."

When Uchiha Tsuki was ready to counter the Third-Kazakage with his own imposing-manner, even with the naked eye, the underfoot of Uchiha Tsuki emerged as a chakra of blood color. The thick blood color Chakra, just like human blood, gradually spread from Uchiha Tsuki's underfoot to Uchiha Tsuki's whole body. Moreover, just in the wind color of Chakra, when Uchiha Tsuki was completely wrapped in it, you can see the land of Uchiha Tsuki underfoot, and all began to produce cracking.

Obviously, the cracking of the land is caused by the imposing-manner crushing of Uchiha Tsuki!

And when Uchiha Tsuki showed his amazing imposing-manner and crushed the surrounding land, the smile on the face of Third-Kazakage finally disappeared!

At this time, Third-Kazakage finally knew that Uchiha Tsuki had just not counterattacked, not because he did not have a counterattack. It is really because the imposing-manner that I showed up is too pediatric. In Uchiha Tsuki's view, there is no room for counterattack, so Uchiha Tsuki has just stepped back two steps and is ready to ridicule in this way.

So, when Third-Kazakage realized that the competition imposing-manner himself was better than Uchiha Tsuki, Third-Kazakage had already folded his own imposing-manner at the losing end to the within-the-body. But who thought that when Third-Kazakage had just gathered up its own imposing-manner, the amazing imposing-manner that Uchiha Tsuki broke out actually became a bit stronger. Even the blood color Chakra that emerged from Uchiha Tsuki underfoot has become several times more than just now!

Moreover, when Chakra of the blood color gradually spread, it formed a weakness behind Uchiha Tsuki!

That weak look is the six-armed Asura!

"It's a terrifying guy!"

I saw that the imposing-manner of Uchiha Tsuki has turned into a substance and turned into a six-armed Asura. In the front of Uchiha Tsuki, the Third-Kazakage has a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. Moreover, at the same time, Third-Kazakage secretly exclaimed in the heart: "killing-intent mixed with impering-manner, can actually impering-manner materialization! Asura this guy, how many people killed in order to condense Such an imposing-manner comes?"

"I didn't expect it, I dignified Kazekage, when I competed with impering-manner, I actually lost to a little demon who didn't go out for a long time!"


"If I continue to be suppressed like this, I may lose my fighting intent before I have hand to hand combat!"

"Now, you must hurry to stop Asura!"

In my heart, I thought of it here. Third-Kazakage didn't hesitate, and her hands began to seal.

And when Uchiha Tsuki used the clear sight of the purple scorpion, Third-Kazakage had already started the hand seal…

A smile, also appeared in the face of Uchiha Tsuki!


"The first round is that I won!"