
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 515

"The Moon Flowing Squid Art!"

"The wind is sorrowful!"


Using the sable to lock the six Jonin, Mist Ninja village floating in the midair, Uchiha Tsuki directly launched his own long-awaited killing, and that was the wind. Fastest update

First, use the Moon Art, which is the strong wind scattering the last clouds, to let the six Mist Ninja villages Jonin lose their chance of action, and then use the purple to lock the position of the six Mist Ninja villages Jonin. At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki launched his own real killing, which is the squalor. In the eyes of Uchiha Tsuki, the six Mist Ninja villages Jonin have almost no chance of survival.

They must die under the snow of Katana and become the soul of Katana under the snow blade!

Then, at the moment when Uchiha Tsuki started the wind, he could see the silhouette of Uchiha Tsuki, which flashed directly to the six Mist Ninja villages in front of Jonin. You know, because Uchiha Tsuki used the sneak peek Secret Art, the six Mist Ninja villages Jonin were all swept in a tornado, swept by a tornado vortex in it to move to a single step. Even the surrounding Mist Ninja village Chunin didn't dare to go forward and rescue the six Mist Ninja villages Jonin. The reason is that the Mist Ninja village Chunin is entangled in the strong tornado as long as it enters the tornado. .

However, Uchiha Tsuki immediately flicked into the strong tornado after using the squally suffocation, and has not been swept into the whirlpool by the tornado. From here, you can see how strong Chachi controls Uchiha Tsuki is. It turned out that Uchiha Tsuki controlled his ability with Chakra and controlled the Wind Attribute Chakra, which formed a tornado, and could not hurt his body.

Followed by…

After the silhouette of Uchiha Tsuki flashed to the side of the six Mist Ninja villages, Jonin, Uchiha Tsuki just flashed to the side of the six Mist Ninja villages, Jonin. However, the Fourth-Kage Mizukage controlled by Uchiha Madara lost its position and was able to use its strength to clearly see. When Uchiha Tsuki flashed to every Mist Ninja village, Jonin, he used his hand attached to the sharp Wind Attribute Chakra. Blowing snow, falling three knives on the body of Jonin in every village of Mist Ninja.

The three knives, in turn, fell in the throat, heart, and eyebrows of each of the Mist Ninja villages.

Even if Uchiha Tsuki's Katana blows snow, there is no sharp Wind Attribute Chakra attached to it, but the Jonins of Mist Ninja village, who are hit by three key points, are estimated to have died in Uchiha Tsuki's hands.

Moreover, the moon-flowing Secret Art used by Uchiha Tsuki is the most terrifying place, and it is not the key position of Uchiha Tsuki's three-knife. Uchiha Tsuki uses the Secret Art screaming wind, the most terrifying is that Uchiha Tsuki moves to the side of each Mist Ninja village, Jonin, attacking the three key points of each Mist Ninja village Jonin. The total time is only three seconds!

Three seconds, it only took three seconds!

In just three seconds, Uchiha Tsuki actually killed a full six Mist Ninja village Jonin!

Such a record has been described as horrible, it is simply surpass all others of its kind before and since !

Therefore, even the Fourth-Kage Mizukage controlled by Uchiha Madara lost its position and saw Uchiha Tsuki's stagnation of the Secret Art screaming winds. In contrast Uchiha Tsuki, who used the squalor of the wind, killed six Jos Ninja villages in succession, and there was no point of fatigue. Immediately, Uchiha Tsuki quickly killed six imposing-manners of Jonin village in Mist Ninja village and went straight to the other 12 Mist Ninja villages, Chunin, using the moon to flow forward and harvesting the twelve. The life of Chunin in Mist Ninja village.

However, is Uchiha Tsuki's performance really so faint on his face?

The answer is naturally no!

Uchiha Tsuki wants to use the wind to stop, in fact, there is a prerequisite, that is to lock each position of the attacker. It seems that Uchiha Tsuki used strong wind scattering the last clouds to limit the actions of the six Mist Ninja villages, Jonin, before Uchiha Tsuki was stunned. Uchiha Tsuki was afraid that his squally winds would fall. Moreover, even if Uchiha Tsuki used strong wind scattering the last clouds to limit the actions of the six Mist Ninja villages Jonin, Uchiha Tsuki had to use the sable again, and then put an insurance layer to lock the position of Jonin in Mist Ninja village.

Then, after fully locking in the target of the attacker, Uchiha Tsuki was able to use the squally winds to harvest their lives in just a few seconds.

As for the principle of the wind stagnation, it is actually the use of Wind Attribute Chakra.

Uchiha Tsuki's own understanding of Wind Attribute Chakra, coupled with his own efforts of this period of time, has already realized the true meaning of the wind.

Under the circumstance of the hurricane, Uchiha Tsuki used Body Flicker Jutsu, which was used by Wind Attribute Chakra, to be able to mention terms with Namikaze Minato's Body Flicker Jutsu. And don't forget that Uchiha Tsuki's instant step is one of the days of Sky Ninja. Combined with the use of the instantaneous step, Uchiha Tsuki is able to continuously change a few positions in a few seconds and kill the enemy. Therefore, the hurricane used by Uchiha Tsuki was able to kill the entire six Mist Ninja villages Jonin in just three seconds. In fact, thanks to the moon-breaking Secret Jutsu used by Uchiha Tsuki, it is because of the squalor!

Later, Uchiha Tsuki spent another 40 seconds killing the remaining twelve Mist Ninja villages, Chunin.

With the moon flowing, Uchiha Tsuki kills an average of one of the Mist Ninja villages, only two seconds.

Of course, there is no way to compare this with the speed of Uchiha Tsuki slaughter, the Mist Ninja village Jonin.

After all, Uchiha Tsuki uses the squally winds to smash the average slaughter speed of each Mist Ninja village Jonin, but it is 0.5 seconds!

Then, six more Mist Ninja villages, Jonin, and 12 Uchiha Tsuki of Chunin in Mist Ninja village, were used to speed up their ghost-like speed and parked in front of the town of Salmon, which is Fourth. -Kage Mizukage in front of the lost position. Staring at the Fourth-Kage Mizukage in front of him, Uchiha Tsuki slowly wiped the blood stains on Katana's blowing snow, suddenly with a smile: "Mizukage, send someone to sharpen me!"

"hmph ..."

When I heard Uchiha Tsuki, the Four-Kage Mizukage controlled by Uchiha Madara lost coldly snorted, and immediately sent Mist Ninja village ninja to test Uchiha Tsuki.

However, Uchiha Madara, who controlled the failure of Fourth-Kage Mizukage, did not expect that, when he was preparing to send Mist Ninja village ninja to play…

Standing in the village of Mist Ninja near the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, I couldn't help but take a step back.

Obviously, all the Mist Ninja village ninjas present at this time have been shocked by the strength of Uchiha Tsuki!

As for the method used by Uchiha Tsuki to shock the Ninja village of Niki, it is his crazy slaughter, and the earth that has been dyed in blood red!

By the blood of Mist Ninja village ninja, reddish earth!