
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 513

"Get it!"

Using his own power to completely control the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, Uchiha Madara, with the mouth of the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, finally ordered Guardian to shoot in the Mist Ninja village ninja around the town of Salmon, ready to test the strength of Uchiha Tsuki It is. The novel was updated the fastest. When Uchiha Tsuki made a fuss about the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, the Mist Ninja village ninja was filled with anger and wanted to go back and kill Uchiha Tsuki.

Now, seeing that Fourth-Kage Mizukage has lost the position, how can the Mist Ninja village ninja who is sharpening the knives sneak.

After returning to the Mist Ninja village ninja next to the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, Uchiha Tsuki saw several Mist Ninja villages ninja, which had already invaded themselves!

However, glimpsing the Mist Ninja village ninja is about to attack himself, Uchiha Tsuki is surprisingly no action.

Because Uchiha Tsuki, who stayed there at this time, thought of another very important thing!

"The second round of hand to hand combat is that I want to crack Genjutsu on the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, Uchiha Madara wants to save Genjutsu on the Fourth-Kage Mizukage."

"I am very likely to be the grass to scare the snake, let Uchiha Madara know, I know his existence."

"But even then, through the second round of hand to hand combat, I still to probe some important information."

"At least, I know that Uchiha Madara, hidden in the village of Mist Ninja, should be hidden around here!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tsuki slightly narrowed his eyes, holding Katana blowing snow to avoid the attack of the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of him.

Then, Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the ground and avoided the attack of the Ninja village ninja while continuing to think in his heart:

"If it wasn't for Uchiha Madara's last shot, which completely occupied the body of Fourth-Kage Mizukage, the person who won the final must be me."

"However, since Uchiha Madara can occupy the body of Fourth-Kage Mizukage, it proves that Uchiha Madara's main body is nearby."

"After all, if Uchiha Madara is in the village of Mist Ninja, it is impossible to encroach on the body of Fourth-Kage Mizukage in a short period of time."

"And, the second round of hand to hand combat, said Uchiha Madara won, but I did not fall into the losing end."

"The real confrontation is actually just getting started!"

"Uchiha Madara's test, if I can pass it completely, then save my mother, there should be no big problem!"

With a certain confidence, the stone pressed by Uchiha Tsuki's chest finally fell to the bottom of the valley, making Uchiha Tsuki feel the burden on her body for a while, and she was seemingly lighter. Immediately, when Uchiha Tsuki's attention was finally placed on the front of the Mist Ninja village ninja, a smile was slightly raised from the corner of Uchiha Tsuki's mouth.

Because, at this moment, Uchiha Tsuki actually found that the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of him was only twenty Chunin in the Mist Ninja village. Obviously, whether it is Uchiha Madara or Fourth-Kage Mizukage, it is impossible to think that trifling Twenty Mist Ninja village Chunin can kill Uchiha Tsuki. Therefore, the 20 Mun Ninja villages, Chunin, which attacked Uchiha Tsuki, are only the test content that Uchiha Madara set for Uchiha Tsuki.

Only a little bit of Uchiha Madara's test, Uchiha Tsuki was able to get Uchiha Madara's approval.

Moreover, it seems that Uchiha Madara is not prepared to let Uchiha Tsuki do the unfinished test, otherwise he can completely attack the entire two Mist Ninja village elite troops.

At that time, even if Uchiha Tsuki's strength is stronger, he will also die in the chaos.

Followed by…

Uchiha Tsuki is extremely patient, with a clear view of the attacking path of the 20 Mist Ninja villages in front of the scene. Uchiha Tsuki is extremely patient, just like a random step, seemingly avoiding the attack of the Mist Ninja village Chunin. However, when Uchiha Tsuki noticed that Fourth-Kage Mizukage was going to be ordered, and sent some Mist Ninja village ninja to add some pressure to himself, Uchiha Tsuki holding Katana blowing snow, finally ready to shoot!

"The moon falls splitting voiid 斩!"


Locking the location of Chunin in a village of Mist Ninja, Uchiha Tsuki did not hesitate to condense the moon, and used the moonting flow to split voiid.

Split second , Uchiha Tsuki's silhouette is like a meteor, and instantly hit the front of the Mist Ninja village Chunin.

Then, after killing the village of Chunin in Mist Ninja, Uchiha Tsuki took Katana back to blow the snow, and then used the purple to lock a Mist Ninja village Chunin!

"The moon falls splitting voiid 斩 two paragraphs!"


In the same way, when Uchiha Tsuki used the splitting voiid 斩 second stage, it was also a silhouette flash, killing another Chunin of Mist Ninja village. However, if you look closely, you will find that Uchiha Tsuki is using the moon-flowing split voiid, and several Mist Ninja villages Chunin want to attack Uchiha Tsuki. If the few Mist Ninja villages Chunin succeeded, then Uchiha Tsuki is likely to be injured in the hands of Chunin in the village of Mist Ninja. So, at the time, Uchiha Tsuki used the splitting voiid 斩2, which was not only as simple as killing a Mist Ninja village, Chunin, but also avoiding the attack of several Mist Ninja villages Chunin.

Then, after Uchiha Tsuki used a flexible position, and a strong moon flow Blade Technique, after killing two Mist Ninja villages Chunin…

Uchiha Tsuki's real slaughter method is finally displayed in front of those Mist Ninja village ninja!

"Looking at the moon before the flow!"




Whole body With the Wind Attribute Chakra, Uchiha Tsuki, who is stepping on the ground, has been upgraded to the extreme.

Then, in just a few seconds, Uchiha Tsuki flashed in front of the remaining 18 Mist Ninja villages in front of Chunin, using the moon to sneak forward and harvest the lives of those of Mist Ninja village. If someone is calculating the time next to it, you can see the time Uchiha Tsuki killed in the Mist Ninja village Chunin. It happened that the Fourth-Kage Mizukage lost the position and the other Mist Ninja village ninja, let them go to stop Uchiha Tsuki. time.

At the first shot, Uchiha Tsuki lost his position at Fourth-Kage Mizukage, or in front of Uchiha Madara, showing his incomparable offensive ability.

Then, when Uchiha Madara, who controlled Fourth-Kage Mizukage, missed the plan when Uchiha Tsuki took the shot, Uchiha Madara controlled the Fourth-Kage Mizukage, and suddenly with a smile: "Asura, to have real skill!" Hope, the next one will not let me down!"

"of course!"

When Uchiha Madara controlled Fourth-Kage Mizukage, the smile of Uchiha Tsuki's mouth suddenly became more intense.

Then, Uchiha Tsuki laughed at the gaze at Farth-Kage Mizukage, which was controlled by Uchiha Madara in the distance, and then said:

"Mizukage, my Katana is called Blowing Snow, and recently it's not quite sharp enough."

"I hope you will send more Mist Ninja village ninja, let me polish my blowing snow and make it reproduce sharp!"

"Remember, the strength of the sharpening stone, don't be too weak!"