
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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650 Chs

chapter 506

In the dimly lit room, the candlelight sways in the breeze. Fastest update

At this moment, only two people sit in the room throughout the room.

Putting it in front of the two is just a coffee table. There are two cups of hot tea on it, and they are hot, but neither of them tastes the tea that exudes aroma.

If there are other people here, that person must be surprised to be sitting as two people, because the two people sitting at the front of the coffee table are the two most powerful people in Hidden Leaf Village. One is the Third-Hokage, which has just arrived from Hokage's Office, and the Third-Hokage, which has the highest rights in Hidden Leaf Village. The other, Elder's Group member, who has been playing for Hidden Leaf Village in the shadows, is also a friend of Third-Hokage , Shimura Danzo.

Silence for a long time, and finally Third-Hokage first picked up the tea cup in front of him, sniffing the aroma that floated out of the cup, and there was no next move for a long time.

After Shimura Danzo saw the action of Third-Hokage, he couldn't help but pick up his eyebrows and said, "Hiruzen, if you are fine, you will not come to me."

"Let's say, what the hell is, let dignified Third-Hokage come in person."

"Is it for the Mist Ninja village?"

When I heard Shimura Danzo, Third-Hokage suddenly flashed a sharp ray of light, but the sharp rays of light quickly disappeared into the eyes of Third-Hokage.

Immediately after the Third-Hokage deep took a deep breath, he slowly put down the teacup in his hand and said: "Danzo, we are already old friends for decades, and anything can be said directly. That's right, the purpose of my visit is for the Mist Ninja village. Danzo, don't you feel that you are doing too much? First, I took a deal with Mist Ninja village and sent the whirlpool Minako to Mist Ninja. Village. Later, you designed Uchiha Tsuki to let Uchiha Tsuki go to Mist Ninja village to do such things. In your eyes, is there my old friend and my Third-Hokage?"

"Oh? Really because of this?"

In the face of Third-Hokage's question, Shimura Danzo was still so calm. Then he gently picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank one of the hot teas. He said, "Hiruzen, there are some things I don't want to glare at you. But you You know, if I don't look at you, you can never agree to do this. Sometimes, for the Hidden Leaf Village we want to guard, we have to give up some people."

"Just I didn't expect Hiruzen."

"That many years have passed, you are still so naive!"

Said, Shimura Danzo looked up and looked straight at the Third-Hokage in front of him and said, "Hiruzen, our Hidden Leaf Village has really developed very well these years. But, you know how many Ninja Villages are in glare like a tiger. Watching his prey staring at our Hidden Leaf Village, wanting to scrape our Hidden Leaf Village's influence? These years, if I have been helping you, do you think your Hokage's Position can sit so steady? Old friend, you should believe me! You guard the Hidden Leaf Village on the bright side, I also guard our village on the dark side!"

"As long as we can protect our village, complete the teacher's last wish."

"What if you really give up a few people?"


When Shimura Danzo just said it, Third-Hokage slammed the coffee table in front of him, and let the strong coffee table be crushed directly on the spot. Shimura Danzo in front of Third-Hokage is just a silent move-at Third-Hokage, and his face is still calm and without waves. Immediately, after Third-Hokage took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, Third-Hokage said to Shimura Danzo in front of him: "Danzo, even if it is for the safety of our Hidden Leaf Village, But do we really need to give up the whirlpool Minako?"

"The thing about the whirlpool Minako, in fact, I have been understood."

"Speaking of it, Uchiha Naraku is also a poor person, otherwise he would like to whirlpool Minako, I can't help them secretly together. Over the years, Uchiha Naraku has suffered enough, he has a clear heart to Uchiha Clan, In fact, he is our person, you know it too! But when the whirlpool Minako is in trouble, what we immediately did is not to help the whirlpool Minako, but to push the whirlpool Minako to the village of Mist Ninja. If you are Uchiha Naraku ,how do you think?"

"And Uchiha Tsuki, don't think I don't know the deal between you and Uchiha Tsuki!"

"If you don't have Uchiha Tsuki, can you work with Uchiha Fugaku again?"

"Now, even Uchiha Tsuki's mother, Uchiha Naraku's wife is not well protected. Later, Hidden Leaf Village will be willing to contribute to the village. Who else is willing to maintain the big family of Hidden Leaf Village?"

"Danzo, you are not only cold, Uchiha Naraku, Uchiha Tsuki's heart, but also the heart of countless Hidden Leaf Village ninja!"

Having said that, Third-Hokage sees Shimura Danzo as the expressionless, and the anger in her heart has become more intense.

Followed by…

Just as Shimura Danzo just wanted to start to talk, Third-Hokage suddenly coldly snorted, throwing the information scroll in his hand directly into front of Shimura Danzo and snapping: "Danzo, see what we have to pay for Hidden Leaf Village. The price! I don't know how long, Uchiha Naraku didn't contact us. Now, we have one less person to trust, are you satisfied?"

"And Uchiha Narki's son, Uchiha Tsuki, is a child with innate talent!"

"As long as we can make Uchiha Tsuki the heart of Hidden Leaf Village, our Hidden Leaf Village is equal to the future!"

"But you show me what I wrote on the information, and now the future of our Hidden Leaf Village looks like!"

"Don't say Uchiha Tsuki out of the village to kill Tsunade's Anbu, and said that Uchiha Tsuki's work in Land-of-Water gave us a painful lesson! Trifling 8 years old is young, can Destroy the ninja troops sent to the Land-of-Water border by Mist Ninja village! In time, Uchiha Tsuki's achievements must surpass Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya, three of them! Even Minato does not necessarily have the achievements of Uchiha Tsuki! But it is such a pillar material that you are forced to leave Hidden Leaf Village and leave the place he wants to guard!"

"Danzo, can you tell me now, why are you doing this?"

"Don't you be able to satisfy these lessons in front of you? Do you want to continue?"

Listening to Third-Hokage silently, Shimura Danzo finally looked directly at Third-Hokage when she was thinly-Hokage, and asked: "Hiruzen, isn't I doing this for the village? Do you need to teach me this way?" "

"For the village?"

For the first time, after hearing the words of Shimura Danzo, Third-Hokage had doubts in his heart.

Then, the words that Third-Hokage said, finally let Shimura Danzo in front of him, moved!

"Danzo, who are you doing this, you know it!"

"It's for the village, and for yourself, you already have an answer in your heart!"