
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

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chapter 492

In the entire Ninja World, with the exception of a few who have the pride of Ninja World Peak strength, few people can seem calm when faced with the ninja of Mist Ninja village. [.Super good looking novel] free novel portal

Just like the current Uchiha Tsuki, even if there is a number of Jonin in the village of Mist Ninja in front of him, there are a total of twenty-five.

However, Uchiha Tsuki is still able to maintain a calm mind, even in the heart of the silent plot against how to completely eliminate the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of them.

Of course, Uchiha Tsuki is already a dead person in the eyes of those ninja villages in Mist Ninja.

Even though Uchiha Tsuki had killed nearly ten Mist Ninja villages in Jonin and twelve Mist Ninja villages, Chunin, but in the eyes of the numerous Mist Ninja village ninja, Uchiha Tsuki still looks a bit weak.

Because, at the moment in the village of Mist Ninja in front of Uchiha Tsuki, there are twenty-nine Jonins and the number of Chunin is close to sixty.

The number of such ninjas can already be called a ninja elite.

At this time, even Hidden Leaf Village Sannin, such as Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade Ji, may have to worry about facing such an elite ninja unit.

Therefore, those Mist Ninja village ninja looked very confident when they looked at Uchiha Tsuki.


Those Mist Ninja villages ninja absolutely did not think that Uchiha Tsuki's tolerance, not the ordinary person can match.

In the face of the wartime that is almost impossible to complete, Uchiha Tsuki's eyes only burned a rich fighting intent, and the only thing in his mind was the enemy in front of the whole scorpion, without the meaning of timidity.

Followed by…

At the moment when the Mist Ninja village ninja started attacking, the challenge Uchiha Tsuki had to face had already begun!



Once upon a time in Land-of-Wind, Uchiha Tsuki was surrounded by an elite ninja unit of Hidden Sand Village. However, at that time, Uchiha Tsuki had to face Hidden Sand Village ninja, far less than the number of Ninja in the village of Mist Ninja. However, at that time, Uchiha Tsuki did not have the strength of today. Uchiha Tsuki, whose strength has soared now, has Mangekyo Sharingan, even when faced with a large number of Mist Ninja village ninjas.

In particular, Uchiha Tsuki's left eye has the ability to make Uchiha Tsuki's ability to control Chakra even better.

If this happens then , Uchiha Tsuki has become a lot easier when using instant steps.

Using instant steps without any burden, the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of them wants to hurt Uchiha Tsuki, which is actually a little difficult.

In contrast Uchiha Tsuki, his offensive ability is really too much.

Therefore, Uchiha Tsuki is still on the offensive end even in the case of continuous use of instantaneous steps and basic steps.

"The moon falls splitting voiid 斩!"


Because of the sheer number of Chunin in the village of Mist Ninja, the target of Uchiha Tsuki immediately to kill is Chunin in the village of Mist Ninja. [. A lot of good-looking novels] When Uchiha Tsuki did not have Jonin Level ninja strength, Uchiha Tsuki was able to deal with countless Chunin Level ninja alone. Now, Uchiha Tsuki's strength has broken through to the level of Jonin Level, plus Zi Yan, assisted by Mangekyo Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki has to deal with ordinary Chunin, it is too easy.

Just like now, even if there are a lot of ninjas in front of Uchiha Tsuki, there are twenty-five ninjas in the Jonin Level, but Uchiha Tsuki can still kill the Min Ninja village Chunin in front of him. Split second , Uchiha Tsuki used the falling moon splitting voiid 斩 to kill Chunin in a village of Mist Ninja. Then, Uchiha Tsuki continued to use the splitting voiid 斩2, and there was another Mist Ninja village, Chunin, who died under the snow of Katana.


At the same time as Slaughter, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly realized a problem.

That is, there are too many ninjas in the village of Mist Ninja in front of Uchiha Tsuki. If Uchiha Tsuki kills the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of each and everyone, it is likely to affect the sneak plan behind him!

That's right…

Uchiha Tsuki was so confident that he had begun to think about the plans in the future when he failed to annihilate all the Mist Ninja villages in front of him.

Obviously, in Uchiha Tsuki's view, it is not too difficult to annihilate the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of them. The only thing that makes Uchiha Tsuki worry is how to annihilate the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of him. If it is each and everyone's elimination of the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of it, then Uchiha Tsuki will pay the price of a serious injury, even consume all the spiritual energy and Chakra, and even the eyes of the Mangekyo Sharingan will be subject to influences. So, at this moment, Uchiha Tsuki thinks in his mind how to destroy the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of him.

"Is it."

"Try the one recorded in the Secret Jutsu scroll?"

Soon, Uchiha Tsuki thought of a way to instantly annihilate the front ninja of the Mist Ninja village.

However, before implementing this method, Uchiha Tsuki had a concern in mind, that is, whether he could complete the Ninjutsu that he thought in his heart.

However, in the end, Uchiha Tsuki is still ready to fight. After all, as long as he can complete the surgery he wants, the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of him is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Followed by…

Uchiha Tsuki began to consciously avoid the offenses of the Mist Ninja village ninja, and the underfoot stepped on the basic steps, avoiding the attacks in front of those Mist Ninja villages ninja, using the clear sight of the Mist Ninja village ninja. Under the clear sight of Zi Yan and Mangekyo Sharingan, with the increase of Wind Attribute Chakra, the basic steps of the night god clan, and the Secret Art step by step, the ninja of Mist Ninja village wants to attack Uchiha Tsuki. It is too difficult. Even if there were occasional attacks by Mist Ninja village ninja, it almost fell on Uchiha Tsuki, but Uchiha Tsuki was still able to flash avocate attacks that would fall on him.

Then, as Uchiha Tsuki evaded the attack of the Ninja village ninja, Uchiha Tsuki gradually brought the Mist Ninja village ninja in front of him to his front.

Look-at Those Mist Ninja villages ninja have not been guarded, and since Uchiha Tsuki's mouth, suddenly a touch of faint smile.

Next second…

You can see Uchiha Tsuki starting his hands with a hand seal, apparently preparing some kind of Ninjutsu.

At the moment when Uchiha Tsuki hand seal was completed, from the surrounding of Uchiha Tsuki, a group of scarlet red lights shined!

"The moon falls like a demon fire!"




A group of Fireballs surrounds Uchiha Tsuki, the Uchiha Tsuki self created The Secret Jutsu, the demon fire.

However, when Uchiha Tsuki controlled the surrounding enchanting fox fire and aimed at the front of the Mist Ninja village ninja attack, who wanted Uchiha Tsuki to start a hand seal under the cover of the enchanting foxfire. Undoubtedly, Uchiha Tsuki now uses the enchanting fox fire just to cover the eyes and ears of the Mist Ninja village ninja. As for this time, Uchiha Tsuki hand seal is the ultimate method that he really annihilates those Mist Ninja village ninja!

"get ready."

"See the horror of Mangekyo Sharingan!"