
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 488

The words of Hatake Kakashi silenced the confident Namikaze Minato. [,]

Obviously, with the reminder of Hatake Kakashi, Namikaze Minato clearly wants Uchiha Tsuki to return to Hidden Leaf Village, which is more difficult than he imagined.

However, even if Hatake Kakashi is very worried about Uchiha Tsuki, he may not want to return to Hidden Leaf Village. Namikaze Minato or Hatake Kakashi and the others are very clear. They must bring Uchiha Tsuki back to Hidden Leaf Village. . At any cost, even if interrupting Uchiha Tsuki's hands and feet, he would be forced to take him back to Hidden Leaf Village.

When Namikaze Minato and Hatake Kakashi and the others set up a special team to start pursuing Uchiha Tsuki, the special team formed by Namikaze Minato and the others had almost no rest and went directly to the Land-of-Water border. However, what surprised Namikaze Minato and Hatake Kakashi and the others was that even though they rushed to Land-of-Water's border without sleep, they still did not find Uchiha Tsuki.

This result will undoubtedly make Namikaze Minato and Hatake Kakashi and the others even more worried.

They were afraid that Uchiha Tsuki would not even care about his body because of his loss of calmness, and rushed to Land-of-Water's border.

If that's the case, I'm afraid Uchiha Tsuki has just arrived at the Land-of-Water border and is being captured by the ninja in Mist Ninja village!

However, in the guesswork of the special team member of Namikaze Minato, only one point is correct. That is, Uchiha Tsuki is really crazy to rush to the border of Land-of-Water, and he has not left for a break. under. Even in order to save time while on the road, Uchiha Tsuki rarely replenishes in the towns of Land-of-Fire and survives by hunting alone.

Surviving by hunting outside, you must leave a lot of traces when you are on the road, convenient for the ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village to track.

However, Uchiha Tsuki's hidden method is very powerful, especially since he knows that Hidden Leaf Village must have someone to send a special team to track himself back. Therefore, every time Uchiha Tsuki has hunt, he must eliminate the traces of hunting in the immediate. In this way, in just four days, Uchiha Tsuki actually crossed the entire Land-of-Fire and came to the Land-of-Water border.

Although Uchiha Tsuki, who had just arrived at the Land-of-Water border, was very weak, he still insisted on his beliefs.

In Uchiha Tsuki's opinion, as long as you can save your own mother, even if you pay more, it doesn't matter!

However, even Uchiha Tsuki in the berserk state still maintains the rationality that ninja should have.

Immediately, you can see Uchiha Tsuki hidden in the periphery of the Land-of-Water border, a silent thought in the heart:

"Now, my body is extremely weak."

"The lack of sleep does not say that within-the-body is lack of water and lacks the nutrients that humans depend on for survival."

"So, at least I have to take a day off before I can go to the Land-of-Water border and break into the territory of Land-of-Water."

"If I venture into Land-of-Water in this state, I can't just save Mother, I am afraid I will trap myself."

"The result is not what I want to see!"

Thoughts Here, Uchiha Tsuki took a deep breath and pressed to burn the heat on his chest, ready to rest on the outside of the Land-of-Water border.

When Uchiha Tsuki began to eat and replenish his body, Uchiha Tsuki still did not forget to use the purple whistle, clear sight Land-of-Water border. The dark whistle of Land-of-Water border is all the elite ninja from Mist Ninja village. As a member of the blood mist, the quality of the Ninja village of Mist Ninja was originally much better than the ordinary Ninja Village. Now, Uchiha Tsuki is another person ready to break through, and the difficulty is naturally to double.

However, after Uchiha Tsuki used the clear sight of the sable, Uchiha Tsuki found that the Land-of-Water border was not a piece of iron. There are very few whistle in some places, and only a few Jonin guards in the village of Mist Ninja are there. If it is a ninja team who wants to break into the Land-of-Water from there, I am afraid it is a bit difficult. However, if Uchiha Tsuki is going to break into the Land-of-Water from there, it will be a lot easier.

With this attention in mind, the route was selected to break into the territory of Land-of-Water.

Uchiha Tsuki took a good sleep outside the Land-of-Water border and took a full six hours of rest!

A long time ago, Uchiha Tsuki was able to rest in deep sleep. Therefore, even in an extremely exhausted state, Uchiha Tsuki only needs to rest for a few hours in the case of deep sleep, and can supplement his physical strength and fully adjust his state. When Uchiha Tsuki took a rest for five hours, Uchiha Tsuki knew that the real challenge was coming.

Of course, what Uchiha Tsuki is facing now is only the first challenge he has to face.

That is, it broke into the territory of Land-of-Water!


Uchiha Tsuki, who covered the whole body with physical energy and covered the traces, stepped into the Land-of-Water border.

If there is a whistle in the village of Mist Ninja in front of it, Uchiha Tsuki can directly sneak into the territory of Land-of-Water by virtue of its own hiding ability. Unfortunately, Uchiha Tsuki can hide his own traces, but he does not use Stealth Jutsu after all. So, as soon as you step into the dark whistle observations in the village of Mist Ninja, the trail of Uchiha Tsuki will be discovered by the group of ninja in Mist Ninja village.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Tsuki is unlikely to give the Mist Ninja village ninja a chance to hide in the case of hidden traces.

Followed by…

Uchiha Tsuki, who stepped into the dark spot of Mist Ninja village, rushed to the front of a Mist Ninja village, Jonin.

Then, you can see the Pupils of Uchiha Tsuki, and instantly change to scarlet red, which has three black tomoe, which are constantly rotating.

The three black tomoes spin very fast, and soon the three black tomoes are connected together in rotation, forming a black dart-type tomoe.

When Uchiha Tsuki Awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, Uchiha Tsuki naturally did not hesitate to look at the Mist Ninja village Jonin in front of him, and directly cast a Genjutsu!


Just as Uchiha Tsuki used Mangekyo Sharingan and cast Genjutsu at the same time, in the mind of Uchiha Tsuki, a clear comprehension suddenly appeared.

Moreover, when the inexplicable clear comprehension appeared, from the pair of Mangekyo Sharingan of Uchiha Tsuki, it also flashed a touch of light!

"so that's how it is ."

"Every kind of Mangekyo Sharingan has its own ability!"

"Now, as my control over the Mangekyo Sharingan improves, the availability of the Mangekyo Sharingan that I have is gradually Awakening!"

"Just, I didn't expect that my first Awakening's ability was actually the ability of my right eye!"

"Genjutsu increase?"
