
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 470

In the territory of Land-of-Bears, there is no other Ninja Village except Hidden Star Village. [Riding search free download novel]

At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki has wiped out the entire Hidden Star Village, which means that he is in the Land-of-Bears, there is no need to hide his own trace. After all, Hidden Star Village has been wiped out by Uchiha Tsuki, and Uchiha Tsuki has no other enemies in the entire Land-of-Bears territory. However, in order to be careful, Uchiha Tsuki still found a hidden canyon in Land-of-Bears, he is ready to complete his own planning within the canyon.

When Uchiha Tsuki used the scorpion clear sight of her own injuries, Uchiha Tsuki found that her injuries were not very serious, and it took only a few months to recover as usual, and there was no possibility of leaving sequelae. Then, after Uchiha Tsuki used Medical-Ninjutsu to heal all the injuries, Uchiha Tsuki silently thought about what to do next in the cave of the canyon.

"Now, I just wiped out Hidden Star Village and it's not a good time to be in the middle of Ninja World."

"If someone finds out that I am destroying Hidden Star Village, then the other Ninja Village's pursuit of me will probably become more serious."

"So, now I am hiding in Land-of-Bears, it is the best choice."

"When you get bounty from the underground exchange, just wait a minute!"

"As long as I can hide this strength of the Jonin Level in this period of time hidden by Land-of-Bears."

"When I go to Ninja World, I don't need to worry about that many!"

Conceiving this, Uchiha Tsuki put down the scroll in his hand, preparing to retreat in the period of time in the Land-of-Bears, and then go to the underground exchange to complete the mission.

As for the scroll that Uchiha Tsuki put down, the element of the seal is the first level of Hidden Star Village ninja wanted by the underground exchange. When killing those Hidden Star Village ninja, Uchiha Tsuki did not forget to complete the underground exchange's mission. Before getting these bounty, Uchiha Tsuki may be just a C-Rank member of the underground exchange. However, after Uchiha Tsuki has fully realized these completed bounty, Uchiha Tsuki's member rank will be smoothly upgraded from C-Rank to B-Rank!

You know, even in the entire underground exchange, the ninja that can become a B-Rank member is very few.

After all, Ninja World is so many people wanted to improve their member rank smoothly, only waiting for the opportunity to complete the bounty of the underground exchange.

Like Uchiha Tsuki, it's too little to sneak into Ninja Village on the other side and take away the ninjas that were taken away by bounty ninja.

Among the entire Ninja World, who can have the timidity of Uchiha Tsuki, and with the strength of Elite Jonin, dare to face a small Ninja Village alone?

So, in Uchiha Tsuki's opinion, if you are going to complete the bounty of the underground exchange now and raise your membership rank from C-Rank to B-Rank, I am afraid that even the rest of the members of the underground exchange will have to It was trouble to find Uchiha Tsuki. The reason is that Uchiha Tsuki's speed to raise the member rank is too fast, and it is inevitable that it will cause some unnecessary trouble. Now Uchiha Tsuki is going to hide in the Land-of-Bears a period of time, which also means hiding a period of time.

It can be seen that Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy the truth, Uchiha Tsuki is still very clear.

Then, when Uchiha Tsuki decided to hide a period of time in Land-of-Bears, he was ready to use this hidden time to retreat and improve his strength.

Although Uchiha Tsuki succeeded in raising his strength to the level of Jonin Level, Uchiha Tsuki knew very well that even Jonin Level's ninja could also be killed in Ninja World. Only by becoming a proud Ninja World Peak, Uchiha Tsuki can keep his life safe and keep his family safe. Then, in Uchiha Tsuki's thoughts, he made a preliminary plan for himself.

That is, Uchiha Tsuki is ready to complete three training projects during this period of time of retreat!

The first training project, then needless to say, is naturally the training that devours the monster's power.

At this stage, Uchiha Tsuki's spiritual energy has returned to purity and can begin to engulf the training of the monster's power. As long as Uchiha Tsuki can swallow a part of the power of the monster Ido, Uchiha Tsuki can at least get a force to control the five senses. Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki's spiritual energy became more terrifying when Uchiha Tsuki successfully swallowed the power of the monster Ido. At that time, even the purple eyes of Uchiha Tsuki will have to become stronger.

And, when Uchiha Tsuki swallowed the power of the monster Ido, he wanted to confirm one thing.

That is, whether the change of purpura is related to the growth of spiritual energy.

The last time, Uchiha Tsuki swallowed the power of the monster Idu, and there was a light purple ripple in his purple eyes. Moreover, when the ripples of the light purple appeared, Uchiha Tsuki had an inexplicable memory in his mind, which recorded something about the spiritual space. So, Uchiha Tsuki is going to figure out that the inexplicable memory of the spiritual space, and the ripples of the purple, are all related to the surge in spiritual energy.

If Uchiha Tsuki can really prove this, then Uchiha Tsuki's purple will have unlimited room for improvement.

Even, at that time, in the eyes of Uchiha Tsuki, the role of sable is to completely surpass the Sharingan he has!

As for the other two training projects that Uchiha Tsuki is going to complete, one is Sharingan's training, and the other is training with "Star".

Needless to say, Sharingan's training, Uchiha Tsuki naturally wants to sort out the eyes-power of his own Sharingan, and hopes to have Mangekyo Sharingan as soon as possible.

The training of "Star" is also very important for Uchiha Tsuki.

As long as Uchiha Tsuki can use the "star" to greatly enhance its Chakra Reserves, Uchiha Tsuki has the confidence to become an invincible presence in the Jinin of the Jonin Level. However, the training of "Star" is Uchiha Tsuki's last training. After all, Uchiha Tsuki still doesn't know what side effects are there when using "Star" training. So, when Uchiha Tsuki retired within the Land-of-Bears, Uchiha Tsuki first started the training of Sharingan, and then the training that devours the monster's power.

At the end, it is natural to use the "star" training.


Uchiha Tsuki in the Land-of-Bears retreat retreat, may absolutely not think of…

In the days when he was retreating, Hidden Leaf Village had a very important thing!

At least, this matter is extremely important for Uchiha Tsuki!