
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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650 Chs

chapter 464



Out of the encirclement of the group of Hidden Star Village ninja, Uchiha Tsuki quickly found a great place to fight, which was among the poisonous fog outside Hidden Star Village.

Uchiha Tsuki stayed in the poisonous mist for a long time before Uchiha Tsuki sneaked into Hidden Star Village. Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki was equipped with many antidote of poisonous mist, so Uchiha Tsuki had a great advantage in fighting with Hidden Star Village ninja in the smog . In contrast The ninja of Hidden Star Village, even if they can rely on Hidden Star Village's secret medicine to survive in the poisonous fog, how much is the secret medicine in Hidden Star Village?

Originally, Hidden Star Village restricted the ninja of Hidden Star Village into the poisonous fog, apparently the group of ninjas of Hidden Star Village, fearing that too many Hidden Star Village ninja would enter the poisonous fog and collect the training needed for them. material. Therefore, Hidden Star Village rarely distributes secret medicine against toxic fog, and rarely makes secret medicine. Now, the eyes-ks-at Uchiha Tsuki rushes into the mist, and many of the ninjas at Hidden Star Village can only blink outside the smog and dare not step into the poisonous fog.

After all, the poisonous fog outside Hidden Star Village is terrifying, and even some ninjas in Hidden Star Village are afraid to step into the twenty meters in front of the poison fog.

Then, when Third-Kage star shadow came to the front of the poison fog, Third-Kage star-looks-at Uchiha Tsuki stepped into the poisonous fog for a long time, finally sent his own trusted aide, and distributed the secret against the poisonous fog. Medicine. However, even though Third-Kage has made the right decision, the secret medicine retained in Hidden Star Village is really too little. In the end, only the trinling 20 Hidden Star Village's Jonin, followed the Third-Kage star into the poisonous fog.

The rest of the Hidden Star Village ninja, because there is no secret medicine, can only protect the law outside.

However, some did not step into the smog, tracking Uchiha Tsuki's Hidden Star Village ninja, using the peacock trick to the outside of the poison fog, which is the periphery of Hidden Star Village. There, the Hidden Star Village ninja arranged the defensive line, waiting for Uchiha Tsuki to go out of the poisonous mist, and then ambushed Uchiha Tsuki there. Unfortunately, those Hidden Star Village ninja who are guarded outside may not be able to think of it. Uchiha Tsuki's current goal is not to escape Hidden Star Village.

Instead, kill the ninja of Hidden Star Village as much as possible!

Therefore, in the poisonous fog hidden by Uchiha Tsuki, there must be a fierce battle!

"Chakra Reserves, there are still some shortcomings!"

Within the poisonous fog, Uchiha Tsuki was alone in it, closing the Sharingan to prevent Chakra consumption and turning to the situation around the clear sight of the sable. Moreover, when Uchiha Tsuki sense himself within-the-body Chakra, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly found that his Chakra had been consumed. Subsequently, Uchiha Tsuki took the secret medicine obtained in the country of medicine and prepared to restore Chakra.

However, when using secret medicine to restore his Chakra, Uchiha Tsuki could not help but sigh, and his Chakra Reserves are still somewhat inadequate.

If Uchiha Tsuki's Chakra is enough, then Uchiha Tsuki will have to deal with the Hidden Star Village ninja outside, and it doesn't need to be as laborious as it is now. In particular, today's Uchiha Tsuki has the strength of Jonin Level ninja, even if it is to deal with the same rank of ninja, it is no longer so hard. Therefore, as long as there is sufficient Chakra, Uchiha Tsuki is equivalent to a human-type slaughter machine, which can slaughter the enemy ninja in front of you.

However, after Uchiha Tsuki sighed a little, his own with-the-body Chakra Reserves was slightly inadequate, and Uchiha Tsuki's eyes shifted to his Ninja Tool Pouch. At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki looked towards his Ninja Tool Pouch because his Ninja Tool Pouch contained a seal with a seal of "star". As long as Uchiha Tsuki can safely leave with "Star", Uchiha Tsuki is confident to use "Star" to upgrade his Chakra Reserves and make himself the most ninja of Chakra Reserves under Tailed Beast.

However, Uchiha Tsuki is very clear that to get the Chakra Reserves of comparable with Tailed Beast, you need to escape from the hands of Hidden Star Village ninja in front of you.

Among them, especially Hidden Star Village's so-called Third-Kage star, Uchiha Tsuki is better to give him a lesson.

Who made Hidden Star Village the so-called Third-Kage star, which made Uchiha Tsuki lose a chance-stronger?

Followed by…

At Uchiha Tsuki's own Chakra Reserves, Uchiha Tsuki, who used the clear sight of the purple scorpion, slowly found twenty Hidden Star Village Jonin, along with the Third-Kage star into the poisonous fog. A glimpse of the silhouette of the Hidden Star Village Jonin, a slight smile from the corner of Uchiha Tsuki's mouth. Immediately, Uchiha Tsuki did not wait until his Chakra recovered and then shot. At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki only recovered a little Chakra, and accompanied by Wind Attribute Chakra, he walked to the Hidden Star Village ninja.

However, when Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the basics and walked to the Hidden Star Village Jonin, a surprising scene appeared!

Uchiha Tsuki, who is stepping on the ground, is actually wandering around the Hidden Star Village Jonin.

However, there is no Hidden Star Village Jonin at this time, and I can detect the existence of Uchiha Tsuki!

Uchiha Tsuki, beside those of Hidden Star Village ninja, is just like a ghost, like a transparent existence!

But in fact, Uchiha Tsuki is not a ghost, but he hides his figure well under the cover of thick fog.

Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki at the moment has merged the silent killing of Mist Ninja village and the basic steps to form a new killing technique!

The moon is flowing Shizune to kill!

Using thick fog to cover up his figure, Uchiha Tsuki is using the surrounding poisonous mist while he is wrapped around with spicy energy, slowly approaching the Hidden Star Village ninja and using the silent killing of Mist Ninja village. Surgery. However, the silent killing of Mist Ninja village has a weak spot, but Uchiha Tsuki uses the basic steps of the night god clan to reduce the weak spot of Mist Ninja village's silent killing to a minimum.

So, when Uchiha Tsuki was killed by the Shizune, it was a strange scene!

Then, Uchiha Tsuki saw his own moon stream Shizune killing, and within the thick fog outside Hidden Star Village, after getting good results, Uchiha Tsuki's real slaughter is about to begin!

"Poor Hidden Star Village ninja!"

"You poor guys, under the leadership of your great Third-Kage star shadow, step by step to destruction!"