
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 461

In Ninja World, it may be difficult to become a "shadow" of Ninja Village, but to become a leader of Ninja Village, there is not much difficulty. Please add a new group of classic book friends 9494->

Just like the Small Ninja Village like Hidden Star Village, it is an expert who is respected by Ninja Village. It can be the leader of Hidden Star Village. It only needs to be the strongest ninja of Hidden Star Village. So, when Hidden Star Village's so-called star shadow appeared in front of Uchiha Tsuki, all Hidden Star Village ninja felt Uchiha Tsuki was a dead man. After all, the strongest presence in today's Hidden Star Village is the appearance of "Star Shadow" in front of Uchiha Tsuki !

At the same time, when Uchiha Tsuki learned about the identity of "Star Shadow", Uchiha Tsuki's eyes also became more and more dignified.

In particular, when Uchiha Tsuki used the clear sight around the cicada, he found that the surrounding Hidden Star Village ninja was all surrounded by a few places for him and Hidden Star Village's "star shadow" step aside. In this respect, Uchiha Tsuki knows the Hidden Star Village ninja and their confidence in the village's so-called "Star Shadow". However, even if Uchiha Tsuki's current Chakra, the spiritual energy is slightly insufficient, Uchiha Tsuki is still unable to fight in front of the ridiculous "Star Shadow".

Just, let Uchiha Tsuki be a little surprised…

Just as Uchiha Tsuki is about to fight against the "Star Shadow" in front of him, who wants to stare at Uchiha Tsuki in front of him, he slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "Unexpected expert, why are you coming to our Hidden Star Village to mess up and steal us? The sacred object of village? The sacred objects of our village are extremely important to the development of our Ninja Village. Unexpected expert, if you are willing to surrender the sacred objects of our village, I am willing to let you live as a star."

"And, if you don't believe what I said, I am willing to swear by the name of my Third-Kage star, how do you see it?"

"Third-Kage Star Shadow?"

After hearing the words of Third-Kage, Uchiha Tsuki faintly cold smile, full of sarcasm: "Oh, trifling a leader of Small Ninja Village, actually dare to call yourself a Third-Kage star, really great disappointment! Third -Kage Star Shadow, your goal should be to make Hidden Star Village a Ninja Village like Hidden Leaf Village, Hidden Sand Village? It's a pity that if you want to fulfill your wishes, it may take some effort. After all, you guys Ninja Village is now keeping its sacred objects in a bad state. What about Ninja Village like Hidden Leaf Village and Hidden Sand Village?"

Saying, Uchiha Tsuki gathered the smile in front of him and turned to stare at the Third-Kage star in front of him with a cold eyes. Then he said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, ridiculous Third-Kage star shadow. Since When you show up in front of me, you should be confident to take away what you said in your mouth, the holy things of your Hidden Star Village? Now, I will give you a chance to challenge me, as long as you can beat me, then your village Relics, I will offer them with my hands! How do you see them?"


Uchiha Tsuki belly thinly, Third-Kage Star Shadow is a heroic reply, and immediately ready to fight Uchiha Tsuki.

However, just as Third-Kage Star Shadow had just returned to Uchiha Tsuki, Uchiha Tsuki used the three-tomoe form of Sharingan, and suddenly observed that Third-Kage star shadow and the surrounding Hidden Star Village ninja, secretly hit a hand seal. Obviously, Third-Kage has no intention of fighting Uchiha Tsuki. He is just preparing to delay a period of time and then gather all the power of Hidden Star Village ninja to deal with Uchiha Tsuki.

Uchiha Tsuki, after seeing the hidden hand seal of Third-Kage, has already known the fear of Third-Kage.

Followed by…

When Thid-Kage was ready to fight, Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the ground and struck the front of Third-Kage!


With the Wind Attribute Chakra, Uchiha Tsuki's movement speed when he stepped on the basic steps was really amazing. Almost in the blink of an eye, Uchiha Tsuki's silhouette came to the front of the Third-Kage star, holding the Katana blown snow in the form of the exiled dragon, without hesitation, fell to the front of the Third-Kage star. However, just as Uchiha Tsuki thought that his offense would work, who wanted a layer of light purple Chakra, actually blocked Uchiha Tsuki's blade!

It turned out that when Uchiha Tsuki was close to the front of Third-Kage, the hands of Third-Kage had already completed the hand seal. Moreover, after the Third-Kage star seal, the light purple Chakra that appeared on him was many times as many as the ordinary Hidden Star Village Jonin, and it is no wonder that he was able to get the position of the Hidden Star Village leader. And, to make Uchiha Tsuki feel a little surprised, the peacock method used by Third-Kage is actually able to parry the Katana blowing snow in the form of exile!

You know, even if it is the peacock method used by the ordinary Hidden Star Village Jonin, Uchiha Tsuki's Katana blowing snow in the form of exile can be easily broken. However, now Uchiha Tsuki is holding the Katana blown snow in the form of exile, which is just a little crack in the peacock's magical barrier used by Third-Kage. From here, you can see the strength of the Third-Kage star shadow.

At this moment, Third-Kage Star Shadow not only shows Chakra Reserves, which is several times stronger than Hidden Star Village Jonin, but also shows its strong peacock trick.

Even because of the strength of the Third-Kage star shadow, Uchiha Tsuki's pupils are inevitably flashed with a worrying color.

At the same time, Uchiha Tsuki also felt the difference between the real Elite Jonin and the ordinary Jonin!

"Looking at the moon!"


Seeing that he couldn't break the peacock trick of Third-Kage, Uchiha Tsuki would have no problem with the use of instant steps.

Because Uchiha Tsuki and Hidden Star Village ninja fight the capital, it is he can easily break through the Hidden Star Village Jonin's peacock trick after understanding the blast. As long as he has the capital to crack the peacock trick, Uchiha Tsuki is not afraid of the ninja of Hidden Star Village and can fight the ninja of Hidden Star Village. However, when Uchiha Tsuki and Third-Kage hand to hand combat, it is impossible to crack the peacock method of Third-Kage. If this happens then , Uchiha Tsuki and Third-Kage hand to hand combat, there is no advantage. At that time, if Third-Kage Stars really uses Umbrella to trap Uchiha Tsuki, Uchiha Tsuki's troubles will be great.

Followed by…

After Uchiha Tsuki used the sneak evasion, he immediately responded to the counterattack of Third-Kage.

But who thought of…

Just as Uchiha Tsuki was able to avoid the counterattack of Third-Kage, the rest of Hidden Star Village ninja shot at the same time!

For a time, Purple's Chakra almost enveloped the entire sky, forming a cage to limit Uchiha Tsuki's actions!

And Uchiha Tsuki looks-at the light purple Chakra, and looked at the Third-Kage star shadow in front of the peacock trick, can not help but bite the lower lip thought:

"It seems that something is in trouble!"