
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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650 Chs

chapter 349


Hyuga Hiashi has the determination to kill Uchiha Tsuki, and there is a sense of being killed by Uchiha Tsuki!

Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki, as a ninja, has long been unaware of the aftermath. [French] It is like the former generation of Uchiha Tsuki, the former generation of the Mist Ninja village, Terumi Mei, which has brought a lot of trouble to Uchiha Tsuki. Right now, Hyuga Hiashi is the toughest enemy Uchiha Tsuki has to solve, and he naturally can't let Hyuga Hiashi develop at Hidden Leaf Village. After all, Hyuga Hiashi is the Current Clan Leader of Hyuga Clan, and if he really let him go, Uchiha Tsuki will face more danger.

But who thought, just as Uchiha Tsuki was about to kill Hyuga Hiashi in front of him, suddenly the silhouette of Hyuga Hizashi flashed in front of Uchiha Tsuki!

Previously, Uchiha Tsuki had never thought that Hyuga Hizashi, who had a serious injury, had such a speed.

So, when Uchiha Tsuki fell, even if he stopped in time, but his hand in Katana blowing snow, still on the shoulders of Hyuga Hizashi!

"Mr. Hizashi, what are you doing?"

Look-at Hyuga Hizashi Injury to Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Tsuki slightly frowned and slowly lifted Katana to blow the snow.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Tsuki's timely closing, Katana in his hand would blow the snow and it would be possible to cut off Hyuga Hizashi's arm directly.

However, Hyuga Hizashi, who was injured in the arm, did not even complain about Uchiha Tsuki. Even after the arm injury, Hyuga Hizashi sighed in front of Uchiha Tsuki and said, "Sorry, Raito, I really can't look-at you kill my big brother! My big brother is there again. More faults, but he is still my pro big brother! So, Raito, if you are really angry, kill me! I am willing to take all the faults for my big brother !"

As a result, Hyuga Hizashi slowly raised her head and turned her eyes to Hyuga Hiashi. Then she said, "big brother, as a younger brother, I shouldn't have rebelled against your Willpower. But I really can't see it. Going down, my big brother turned into a devil for his own benefit. Big brother, hope that my death can redeem your sins and let you be a man again!"

"Raito, you do it!"

Hyuga Hizashi in front of the looks-at slowly closed her eyes and waited for herself to drop Katana to blow the snow. Uchiha Tsuki could only take a deep breath, and fiercely stunned Hyuga Hiashi and put away her own Katana blowing snow. However, just in the eyes of Hyuga Hiashi, a touch of happiness, when Uchiha Tsuki used the clear sight of the sable, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly took Katana and blows the snow, saying in an icy tone: "Hyuga Hiashi, you have a good Younger brother ! Today, I will give Mr. Hizashi a face and spare you a dog!"

"But your death penalty is exempt, and you can't escape the crime!"

"Today, my Uchiha Tsuki has abolished your Gentle Fist, and you will not be able to remember for a long time!"

Uchiha Tsuki bell barely fell, he straightened the Hyuga Hizashi in front of him and waved the Katana in his hand.

Then, under the horrified eyes of Hyuga Hizashi, Uchiha Tsuki held Katana in the snow, and directly cut off the index finger and middle finger of Hyuga Hiashi's hands!

You know, Hygar Clan's ninja to use Gentle Fist, you must use both hands and middle finger tenketsu!

Now, Uchiha Tsuki cuts off the index finger and middle finger of Hyuga Hiashi's hands, which is equivalent to abolishing Hyuga Hiashi's Gentle Fist!

Moreover, not only Hyuga Hizashi was shocked, but even Hyuga Hiashi did not respond, Uchiha Tsuki actually shot so decisively. At this moment, Hyuga Hiashi did not feel the pain between his hands. He just gaze at his bloody hands and smashed the gods . It wasn't until a long time later that Hyuga Hiashi bit her lip painfully and stared at Uchiha Tsuki in front of her face with anger.

However, at this time Uchiha Tsuki ignored the meaning of Hyuga Hiashi and left it directly with Hyuga Hizashi.

"Mr. Hizashi, do you hate me too?"

Helping Hyuga Hizashi leave the room, Uchiha Tsuki glimpsed Hyuga Hizashi and kept silent there, and asked.

However, when Uchiha Tsuki is barely fell, who wants Hyuga Hizashi to be a slight shake one's head, said: "Raito, I don't hate you, just hate my big brother. I don't know if I noticed Elder. If you are dead, you may have to be buried in the hands of my big brother. I really didn't expect that my big brother could do this for the sake of right. Now, you can spare his life, II am very grateful to you. As for the matter of breaking my big brother's fingers, I should give him some lessons."

Say, Hyuga Hizashi squeezed a smile, filled with a bitter smile, and slowly continued: "Raito, I wish my big brother what I said earlier, it is true. If he really wants me to be like this, then I can at least feel better at least. Unfortunately, my big brother is just for the sake of rights. Is it really important for him to be right?"

"Maybe! Right, sometimes it really makes people crazy!"

When I heard Hyuga Hizashi, Uchiha Tsuki also sighed in her heart, holding Hyuga Hizashi slowly.

However, when both Uchiha Tsuki and Hyuga Hizashi were silent there, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly recalled that if Hyuga Hiashi really wanted to kill Hyuga Hizashi, Hyuga Hiashi could completely use the Caged bird's Secret Jutsu to limit Hyuga Hizashi. action. Therefore, Uchiha Tsuki silently guessed that Hyuga Hiashi's fundamental purpose was to kill himself, and to shoot Hyuga Hizashi very ruthless, just want to restrain Hyuga Hizashi.

However, Uchiha Tsuki is going to hide in his heart. After all, Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hiashi are both good for Uchiha Tsuki.

Then, Uchiha Tsuki helped Hyuga Hizashi and finally found the room where Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina and the others were located. However, because Uchiha Tsuki and Hyuga Hizashi reached an agreement to keep Hyuga Hiashi secret, the two concealed some facts, and the unified caliber said that there was an enemy ninja coming to sneak attack, so they became the present. Sub-pattern.

Followed by…

Hyuga Clan went to Uchiha Tsuki and the others in advance.

However, as long as Hyga Clan's ninja is around, Uchiha Tsuki feels a little uncomfortable. Later, Uchiha Tsuki took Namikaze Minato and the others and was ready to go to find their own Master Tsunade Ji with the medical-nin. Only Tsunade Ji is around, Uchiha Tsuki is not afraid of the very ruthless method of Hyuga Clan, and the conspiracy of Shimura Danzo hidden in the dark.

However, just as Uchiha Tsuki took Namikaze Minato and the others, just arrived at the Medical-nin force of Commander-in-Chief of Tsunade Ji…

A familiar silhouette appeared in front of Uchiha Tsuki, and Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but wrinkle his eyebrows!

"He, how are you here?"